module Hirb # Base Table class from which other table classes inherit. # By default, a table is constrained to a default width but this can be adjusted # via the max_width option or Hirb::View.width. # Rows can be an array of arrays or an array of hashes. # # An array of arrays ie [[1,2], [2,3]], would render: # +---+---+ # | 0 | 1 | # +---+---+ # | 1 | 2 | # | 2 | 3 | # +---+---+ # # By default, the fields/columns are the numerical indices of the array. # # An array of hashes ie [{:age=>10, :weight=>100}, {:age=>80, :weight=>500}], would render: # +-----+--------+ # | age | weight | # +-----+--------+ # | 10 | 100 | # | 80 | 500 | # +-----+--------+ # # By default, the fields/columns are the keys of the first hash. # # === Custom Callbacks # Callback methods can be defined to add your own options that modify rows right before they are rendered. # Here's an example that allows for searching with a :query option: # module Query # # Searches fields given a query hash # def query_callback(rows, options) # return rows unless options[:query] # options[:query].map {|field,query| # {|e| e[field].to_s =~ /#{query}/i } # }.flatten.uniq # end # end # Hirb::Helpers::Table.send :include, Query # # >> puts Hirb::Helpers::Table.render [{:name=>'batman'}, {:name=>'robin'}], :query=>{:name=>'rob'} # +-------+ # | name | # +-------+ # | robin | # +-------+ # 1 row in set # # Callback methods: # * must be defined in Helpers::Table and end in '_callback'. # * should expect rows and a hash of render options. Rows will be an array of hashes. # * are expected to return an array of hashes. # * are invoked in alphabetical order. # For a thorough example, see {Boson::Pipe}[]. #-- # derived from class Helpers::Table BORDER_LENGTH = 3 # " | " and "-+-" are the borders class TooManyFieldsForWidthError < StandardError; end class << self # Main method which returns a formatted table. # ==== Options: # [:fields] An array which overrides the default fields and can be used to indicate field order. # [:headers] A hash of fields and their header names. Fields that aren't specified here default to their name. # This option can also be an array but only for array rows. # [:field_lengths] A hash of fields and their maximum allowed lengths. If a field exceeds it's maximum # length than it's truncated and has a ... appended to it. Fields that aren't specified here have no maximum allowed # length. # [:max_width] The maximum allowed width of all fields put together. This option is enforced except when the field_lengths option is set. # This doesn't count field borders as part of the total. # [:number] When set to true, numbers rows by adding a :hirb_number column as the first column. Default is false. # [:change_fields] A hash to change old field names to new field names. This can also be an array of new names but only for array rows. # This is useful when wanting to change auto-generated keys to more user-friendly names i.e. for array rows. # [:filters] A hash of fields and the filters that each row in the field must run through. The filter converts the cell's value by applying # a given proc or an array containing a method and optional arguments to it. # [:vertical] When set to true, renders a vertical table using Hirb::Helpers::VerticalTable. Default is false. # [:all_fields] When set to true, renders fields in all rows. Valid only in rows that are hashes. Default is false. # [:description] When set to true, renders row count description at bottom. Default is true. # [:no_newlines] When set to true, stringifies newlines so they don't disrupt tables. Default is false for vertical tables # and true for anything else. # Examples: # Hirb::Helpers::Table.render [[1,2], [2,3]] # Hirb::Helpers::Table.render [[1,2], [2,3]], :field_lengths=>{0=>10} # Hirb::Helpers::Table.render [['a',1], ['b',2]], :change_fields=>%w{letters numbers} # Hirb::Helpers::Table.render [{:age=>10, :weight=>100}, {:age=>80, :weight=>500}] # Hirb::Helpers::Table.render [{:age=>10, :weight=>100}, {:age=>80, :weight=>500}], :headers=>{:weight=>"Weight(lbs)"} # Hirb::Helpers::Table.render [{:age=>10, :weight=>100}, {:age=>80, :weight=>500}], :filters=>{:age=>[:to_f]} def render(rows, options={}) options[:vertical] ? Helpers::VerticalTable.render(rows, options) : new(rows, options).render rescue TooManyFieldsForWidthError $stderr.puts "", "** Error: Too many fields for the current width. Configure your width " + "and/or fields to avoid this error. Defaulting to a vertical table. **" Helpers::VerticalTable.render(rows, options) end end #:stopdoc: def initialize(rows, options={}) @options = {:description=>true, :filters=>{}, :change_fields=>{}, :no_newlines=>true}.merge(options) @options[:change_fields] = array_to_indices_hash(@options[:change_fields]) if @options[:change_fields].is_a?(Array) @fields = set_fields(rows) @rows = setup_rows(rows) @headers = @fields.inject({}) {|h,e| h[e] = e.to_s; h} if @options.has_key?(:headers) @headers = @options[:headers].is_a?(Hash) ? @headers.merge(@options[:headers]) : (@options[:headers].is_a?(Array) ? array_to_indices_hash(@options[:headers]) : @options[:headers]) end if @options[:number] @headers[:hirb_number] = "number" @fields.unshift :hirb_number end end def set_fields(rows) fields = if @options[:fields] @options[:fields].dup else if rows[0].is_a?(Hash) keys = @options[:all_fields] ? {|e| e.keys}.flatten.uniq : rows[0].keys keys.sort {|a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s} else rows[0].is_a?(Array) ? (0..rows[0].length - 1).to_a : [] end end @options[:change_fields].each do |oldf, newf| (index = fields.index(oldf)) ? fields[index] = newf : fields << newf end fields end def setup_rows(rows) rows = Array(rows) if rows[0].is_a?(Array) rows = rows.inject([]) {|new_rows, row| new_rows << array_to_indices_hash(row) } end @options[:change_fields].each do |oldf, newf| rows.each {|e| e[newf] = e.delete(oldf) if e.key?(oldf) } end rows = filter_values(rows) rows.each_with_index {|e,i| e[:hirb_number] = (i + 1).to_s} if @options[:number] methods.grep(/_callback$/).sort.each do |meth| rows = send(meth, rows, @options.dup) end validate_values(rows) rows end def render body = [] unless @rows.length == 0 setup_field_lengths body += render_header body += render_rows body += render_footer end body << render_table_description if @options[:description] body.join("\n") end def render_header @headers ? render_table_header : [render_border] end def render_footer [render_border] end def render_table_header title_row = '| ' + {|f| format_cell(@headers[f], @field_lengths[f]) }.join(' | ') + ' |' [render_border, title_row, render_border] end def render_border '+-' + {|f| '-' * @field_lengths[f] }.join('-+-') + '-+' end def format_cell(value, cell_width) text = String.size(value) > cell_width ? ( (cell_width < 5) ? String.slice(value, 0, cell_width) : String.slice(value, 0, cell_width - 3) + '...' ) : value String.ljust(text, cell_width) end def render_rows do |row| row = '| ' + {|f| format_cell(row[f], @field_lengths[f]) }.join(' | ') + ' |' end end def render_table_description (@rows.length == 0) ? "0 rows in set" : "#{@rows.length} #{@rows.length == 1 ? 'row' : 'rows'} in set" end def setup_field_lengths @field_lengths = default_field_lengths if @options[:field_lengths] @field_lengths.merge!(@options[:field_lengths]) else table_max_width = @options.has_key?(:max_width) ? @options[:max_width] : View.width restrict_field_lengths(@field_lengths, table_max_width) if table_max_width end end def restrict_field_lengths(field_lengths, max_width) max_width -= @fields.size * BORDER_LENGTH + 1 original_field_lengths = field_lengths.dup @min_field_length = BORDER_LENGTH adjust_long_fields(field_lengths, max_width) rescue TooManyFieldsForWidthError raise rescue default_restrict_field_lengths(field_lengths, original_field_lengths, max_width) end # Simple algorithm which given a max width, allows smaller fields to be displayed while # restricting longer fields at an average_long_field_length. def adjust_long_fields(field_lengths, max_width) total_length = field_lengths.values.inject {|t,n| t += n} while total_length > max_width raise TooManyFieldsForWidthError if @fields.size > max_width.to_f / @min_field_length average_field_length = total_length / @fields.size.to_f long_lengths = {|e| e > average_field_length} if long_lengths.empty? raise "Algorithm didn't work, resort to default" else total_long_field_length = (long_lengths.inject {|t,n| t += n}) * max_width/total_length average_long_field_length = total_long_field_length / long_lengths.size field_lengths.each {|f,length| field_lengths[f] = average_long_field_length if length > average_long_field_length } end total_length = field_lengths.values.inject {|t,n| t += n} end end # Produces a field_lengths which meets the max_width requirement def default_restrict_field_lengths(field_lengths, original_field_lengths, max_width) original_total_length = original_field_lengths.values.inject {|t,n| t += n} relative_lengths = {|v| (v / original_total_length.to_f * max_width).to_i } # set fields by their relative weight to original length if relative_lengths.all? {|e| e > @min_field_length} && (relative_lengths.inject {|a,e| a += e} <= max_width) original_field_lengths.each {|k,v| field_lengths[k] = (v / original_total_length.to_f * max_width).to_i } else # set all fields the same if nothing else works field_lengths.each {|k,v| field_lengths[k] = max_width / @fields.size} end end # find max length for each field; start with the headers def default_field_lengths field_lengths = @headers ? @headers.inject({}) {|h,(k,v)| h[k] = String.size(v); h} : {} @rows.each do |row| @fields.each do |field| len = String.size(row[field]) field_lengths[field] = len if len > field_lengths[field].to_i end end field_lengths end def set_filter_defaults(rows) if @options[:_original_class] == Hash && @fields[1] && rows.any? {|e| e[@fields[1]].is_a?(Hash) } (@options[:filters] ||= {})[@fields[1]] ||= :inspect end end def filter_values(rows) set_filter_defaults(rows) {|row| new_row = {} @fields.each {|f| if @options[:filters][f] new_row[f] = @options[:filters][f].is_a?(Proc) ? @options[:filters][f].call(row[f]) : row[f].send(*@options[:filters][f]) else new_row[f] = row[f] end } new_row } end def validate_values(rows) rows.each {|row| @fields.each {|f| row[f] = row[f].to_s || '' row[f].gsub!("\n", '\n') if @options[:no_newlines] } } end # Converts an array to a hash mapping a numerical index to its array value. def array_to_indices_hash(array) array.inject({}) {|hash,e| hash[hash.size] = e; hash } end #:startdoc: end end