require "net/ssh" require "thor" module Dogids class Cli < Thor no_commands do def deploy_worker print_heading("Deploying dogids-backgrounder") Net::SSH.start("", "dogids") do |ssh| print_command("Pulling latest from master") ssh.exec!(worker_git_pull_command) do |_channel, _stream, data| print_command(data) end print_heading("Building application") ssh.exec!(worker_build_command) do |_channel, _stream, data| print_command(data) end print_heading("Restarting") %w(clock web worker).each do |process| # First stop each process command = "sudo stop dogids-#{process}" ssh.exec!(command) do |_channel, _stream, data| print_command(data) end # Then start each process (restart doesn't work if not running) command = "sudo start dogids-#{process}" ssh.exec!(command) do |_channel, _stream, data| print_command(data) end end print_heading("Cleaning up") ssh.exec!(clean_up_command) do |_channel, _stream, data| print_command(data) end end print_heading("Done.") end end private def clean_up_command commands = [] # Delete any SQL backups that failed to be deleted after uploading to S3 commands << "sudo find /var/lib/docker/ -type f -name '*.sql' -delete" # Delete any old docker containers to free up space commands << "sudo docker ps -a -f status=exited -q | xargs -r sudo docker rm -v" commands.join(" && ") end def worker_build_command commands = [] commands << "cd /home/dogids/apps/dogids-backgrounder" commands << "git archive master | docker run -v /tmp/dogids-backgrounder-cache:/tmp/cache:rw -i -a stdin -a stderr -a stdout flynn/slugbuilder - > slug.tgz" commands.join("&& ") end def worker_git_pull_command commands = [] commands << "cd /home/dogids/apps/dogids-backgrounder" commands << "git pull origin master" commands.join("&& ") end end end