'use strict'; const _ = require('lodash'); const declarationValueIndex = require('../utils/declarationValueIndex'); const isStandardSyntaxFunction = require('../utils/isStandardSyntaxFunction'); const report = require('../utils/report'); const valueParser = require('postcss-value-parser'); module.exports = function (opts) { opts.root.walkDecls((decl) => { const declValue = _.get(decl, 'raws.value.raw', decl.value); let hasFixed; const parsedValue = valueParser(declValue); parsedValue.walk((valueNode) => { if (valueNode.type !== 'function') { return; } if (!isStandardSyntaxFunction(valueNode)) { return; } // Ignore `url()` arguments, which may contain data URIs or other funky stuff if (valueNode.value.toLowerCase() === 'url') { return; } const argumentStrings = valueNode.nodes.map((node) => valueParser.stringify(node)); const functionArguments = (() => { // Remove function name and parens let result = valueNode.before + argumentStrings.join('') + valueNode.after; // 1. Remove comments including preceding whitespace (when only succeeded by whitespace) // 2. Remove all other comments, but leave adjacent whitespace intact result = result.replace(/( *\/(\*.*\*\/(?!\S)|\/.*)|(\/(\*.*\*\/|\/.*)))/, ''); return result; })(); /** * Gets the index of the comma for checking. * @param {Node} commaNode The comma node * @param {number} nodeIndex The index of the comma node * @returns {number} The index of the comma for checking */ function getCommaCheckIndex(commaNode, nodeIndex) { let commaBefore = valueNode.before + argumentStrings.slice(0, nodeIndex).join('') + commaNode.before; // 1. Remove comments including preceding whitespace (when only succeeded by whitespace) // 2. Remove all other comments, but leave adjacent whitespace intact commaBefore = commaBefore.replace(/( *\/(\*.*\*\/(?!\S)|\/.*)|(\/(\*.*\*\/|\/.*)))/, ''); return commaBefore.length; } const commaDataList = []; valueNode.nodes.forEach((node, nodeIndex) => { if (node.type !== 'div' || node.value !== ',') { return; } const checkIndex = getCommaCheckIndex(node, nodeIndex); commaDataList.push({ commaNode: node, checkIndex, nodeIndex, }); }); for (const { commaNode, checkIndex, nodeIndex } of commaDataList) { opts.locationChecker({ source: functionArguments, index: checkIndex, err: (message) => { const index = declarationValueIndex(decl) + commaNode.sourceIndex + commaNode.before.length; if (opts.fix && opts.fix(commaNode, nodeIndex, valueNode.nodes)) { hasFixed = true; return; } report({ index, message, node: decl, result: opts.result, ruleName: opts.checkedRuleName, }); }, }); } }); if (hasFixed) { if (!decl.raws.value) { decl.value = parsedValue.toString(); } else { decl.raws.value.raw = parsedValue.toString(); } } }); };