module PgHaMigrations::SafeStatements def safe_added_columns_without_default_value @safe_added_columns_without_default_value ||= [] end def safe_create_table(table, options={}, &block) if options[:force] raise":force is NOT SAFE! Explicitly call unsafe_drop_table first if you want to recreate an existing table") end unsafe_create_table(table, options, &block) end def safe_create_enum_type(name, values=nil) case values when nil raise ArgumentError, "safe_create_enum_type expects a set of values; if you want an enum with no values please pass an empty array" when [] unsafe_execute("CREATE TYPE #{PG::Connection.quote_ident(name.to_s)} AS ENUM ()") else escaped_values = do |value| "'#{PG::Connection.escape_string(value.to_s)}'" end unsafe_execute("CREATE TYPE #{PG::Connection.quote_ident(name.to_s)} AS ENUM (#{escaped_values.join(',')})") end end def safe_add_enum_value(name, value) unsafe_execute("ALTER TYPE #{PG::Connection.quote_ident(name.to_s)} ADD VALUE '#{PG::Connection.escape_string(value)}'") end def unsafe_rename_enum_value(name, old_value, new_value) if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.postgresql_version < 10_00_00 raise PgHaMigrations::InvalidMigrationError, "Renaming an enum value is not supported on Postgres databases before version 10" end unsafe_execute("ALTER TYPE #{PG::Connection.quote_ident(name.to_s)} RENAME VALUE '#{PG::Connection.escape_string(old_value)}' TO '#{PG::Connection.escape_string(new_value)}'") end def safe_add_column(table, column, type, options = {}) # Note: we don't believe we need to consider the odd case where # `:default => nil` or `:default => -> { null }` (or similar) is # passed because: # - It's OK to exclude that case with an "unnecessary" `raise` # below as it doesn't make semantic sense anyway. # - If `:null => false` is also passed we are assuming Postgres's # seq scan of the table (to verify the NOT NULL constraint) will # short-circuit (though we have not confirmed that). if options.has_key?(:default) if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.postgresql_version < 11_00_00 raise":default is NOT SAFE! Use safe_change_column_default afterwards then backfill the data to prevent locking the table") elsif options[:default].is_a?(Proc) || (options[:default].is_a?(String) && !([:string, :text, :binary].include?(type.to_sym) || _type_is_enum(type))) raise":default is not safe if the default value is volatile. Use safe_change_column_default afterwards then backfill the data to prevent locking the table") end elsif options[:null] == false raise":null => false is NOT SAFE if the table has data! If you _really_ want to do this, use unsafe_make_column_not_nullable") end unless options.has_key?(:default) self.safe_added_columns_without_default_value << [table.to_s, column.to_s] end unsafe_add_column(table, column, type, options) end def unsafe_add_column(table, column, type, options = {}) safely_acquire_lock_for_table(table) do super(table, column, type, options) end end def safe_change_column_default(table_name, column_name, default_value) if PgHaMigrations.config.prefer_single_step_column_addition_with_default && ActiveRecord::Base.connection.postgresql_version >= 11_00_00 && self.safe_added_columns_without_default_value.include?([table_name.to_s, column_name.to_s]) raise PgHaMigrations::BestPracticeError, "On Postgres 11+ it's safe to set a constant default value when adding a new column; please set the default value as part of the column addition" end column = connection.send(:column_for, table_name, column_name) # In 5.2 we have an edge whereby passing in a string literal with an expression # results in confusing behavior because instead of being executed in the database # that expression is turned into a Ruby nil before being sent to the database layer; # this seems to be an expected side effect of a change that was targeted at a use # case unrelated to migrations: # # On the other hand, the behavior in 5.1 is also confusing because it quotes the # expression (instead of maintaining the string as-is), which results in Postgres # evaluating the expression once when executing the DDL and setting the default to # the constant result of that evaluation rather than setting the default to the # expression itself. # # Therefore we want to disallow passing in an expression directly as a string and # require the use of a Proc instead with specific quoting rules to determine exact # behavior. It's fairly difficult (without relying on something like the PgQuery gem # which requires native extensions built with the Postgres dev packages installed) # to determine if a string literal represent an expression or just a constant. So # instead of trying to parse the expression, we employ a set of heuristics: # - If the column is text-like or binary, then we can allow anything in the default # value since a Ruby string there will always coerce directly to the equivalent # text/binary value rather than being interpreted as a DDL-time expression. # - Custom enum types are a special case: they also are treated like strings by # Rails, so we want to allow those as-is. # - Otherwise, disallow any Ruby string values and instead require the Ruby object # type that maps to the column type. # # These heuristics eliminate (virtually?) all ambiguity. In theory there's a # possiblity that some custom object could be coerced-Ruby side into a SQL string # that does something weird here, but that seems an odd enough case that we can # safely ignore it. if default_value.present? && !default_value.is_a?(Proc) && ( connection.quote_default_expression(default_value, column) == "NULL" || ( ![:string, :text, :binary, :enum].include?(column.sql_type_metadata.type) && default_value.is_a?(String) ) ) raise PgHaMigrations::InvalidMigrationError, <<~ERROR Setting a default value to an expression using a string literal is ambiguous. If you want the default to be: * ...a constant scalar value, use the matching Ruby object type instead of a string if possible (e.g., ``). * expression evaluated at runtime for each row, then pass a Proc that returns the expression string (e.g., `-> { "NOW()" }`). * expression evaluated at migration time, then pass a Proc that returns a quoted expression string (e.g., `-> { "'NOW()'" }`). ERROR end safely_acquire_lock_for_table(table_name) do unsafe_change_column_default(table_name, column_name, default_value) end end def safe_make_column_nullable(table, column) safely_acquire_lock_for_table(table) do unsafe_execute "ALTER TABLE #{table} ALTER COLUMN #{column} DROP NOT NULL" end end def unsafe_make_column_not_nullable(table, column, options={}) # options arg is only present for backwards compatiblity safely_acquire_lock_for_table(table) do unsafe_execute "ALTER TABLE #{table} ALTER COLUMN #{column} SET NOT NULL" end end def safe_add_concurrent_index(table, columns, options={}) unsafe_add_index(table, columns, options.merge(:algorithm => :concurrently)) end def safe_remove_concurrent_index(table, options={}) unless options.is_a?(Hash) && options.key?(:name) raise ArgumentError, "Expected safe_remove_concurrent_index to be called with arguments (table_name, :name => ...)" end unless ActiveRecord::Base.connection.postgresql_version >= 9_06_00 raise PgHaMigrations::InvalidMigrationError, "Removing an index concurrently is not supported on Postgres 9.1 databases" end index_size = select_value("SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('#{options[:name]}'))") say "Preparing to drop index #{options[:name]} which is #{index_size} on disk..." unsafe_remove_index(table, options.merge(:algorithm => :concurrently)) end def safe_set_maintenance_work_mem_gb(gigabytes) unsafe_execute("SET maintenance_work_mem = '#{PG::Connection.escape_string(gigabytes.to_s)} GB'") end def safe_add_unvalidated_check_constraint(table, expression, name:) unsafe_add_check_constraint(table, expression, name: name, validate: false) end def unsafe_add_check_constraint(table, expression, name:, validate: true) raise ArgumentError, "Expected <name> to be present" unless name.present? quoted_table_name = connection.quote_table_name(table) quoted_constraint_name = connection.quote_table_name(name) sql = "ALTER TABLE #{quoted_table_name} ADD CONSTRAINT #{quoted_constraint_name} CHECK (#{expression}) #{validate ? "" : "NOT VALID"}" safely_acquire_lock_for_table(table) do say_with_time "add_check_constraint(#{table.inspect}, #{expression.inspect}, name: #{name.inspect}, validate: #{validate.inspect})" do connection.execute(sql) end end end def safe_validate_check_constraint(table, name:) raise ArgumentError, "Expected <name> to be present" unless name.present? quoted_table_name = connection.quote_table_name(table) quoted_constraint_name = connection.quote_table_name(name) sql = "ALTER TABLE #{quoted_table_name} VALIDATE CONSTRAINT #{quoted_constraint_name}" say_with_time "validate_check_constraint(#{table.inspect}, name: #{name.inspect})" do connection.execute(sql) end end def safe_rename_constraint(table, from:, to:) raise ArgumentError, "Expected <from> to be present" unless from.present? raise ArgumentError, "Expected <to> to be present" unless to.present? quoted_table_name = connection.quote_table_name(table) quoted_constraint_from_name = connection.quote_table_name(from) quoted_constraint_to_name = connection.quote_table_name(to) sql = "ALTER TABLE #{quoted_table_name} RENAME CONSTRAINT #{quoted_constraint_from_name} TO #{quoted_constraint_to_name}" safely_acquire_lock_for_table(table) do say_with_time "rename_constraint(#{table.inspect}, from: #{from.inspect}, to: #{to.inspect})" do connection.execute(sql) end end end def unsafe_remove_constraint(table, name:) raise ArgumentError, "Expected <name> to be present" unless name.present? quoted_table_name = connection.quote_table_name(table) quoted_constraint_name = connection.quote_table_name(name) sql = "ALTER TABLE #{quoted_table_name} DROP CONSTRAINT #{quoted_constraint_name}" safely_acquire_lock_for_table(table) do say_with_time "remove_constraint(#{table.inspect}, name: #{name.inspect})" do connection.execute(sql) end end end def _per_migration_caller @_per_migration_caller ||= Kernel.caller end def _check_postgres_adapter! expected_adapter = "PostgreSQL" actual_adapter = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name raise PgHaMigrations::UnsupportedAdapter, "This gem only works with the #{expected_adapter} adapter, found #{actual_adapter} instead" unless actual_adapter == expected_adapter end def _type_is_enum(type) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_values("SELECT typname FROM pg_type JOIN pg_enum ON pg_type.oid = pg_enum.enumtypid").include?(type.to_s) end def migrate(direction) if respond_to?(:change) raise PgHaMigrations::UnsupportedMigrationError, "Tracking changes for automated rollback is not supported; use explicit #up instead." end super(direction) end def exec_migration(conn, direction) _check_postgres_adapter! super(conn, direction) end def safely_acquire_lock_for_table(table, &block) _check_postgres_adapter! table = table.to_s quoted_table_name = connection.quote_table_name(table) successfully_acquired_lock = false until successfully_acquired_lock while ( blocking_transactions = PgHaMigrations::BlockingDatabaseTransactions.find_blocking_transactions("#{PgHaMigrations::LOCK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS} seconds") blocking_transactions.any? { |query| query.tables_with_locks.include?(table) } ) say "Waiting on blocking transactions:" blocking_transactions.each do |blocking_transaction| say blocking_transaction.description end sleep(PgHaMigrations::LOCK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS) end connection.transaction do adjust_timeout_method = connection.postgresql_version >= 9_03_00 ? :adjust_lock_timeout : :adjust_statement_timeout begin method(adjust_timeout_method).call(PgHaMigrations::LOCK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS) do connection.execute("LOCK #{quoted_table_name};") end successfully_acquired_lock = true rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid => e if e.message =~ /PG::LockNotAvailable.+ lock timeout/ || e.message =~ /PG::QueryCanceled.+ statement timeout/ sleep_seconds = PgHaMigrations::LOCK_FAILURE_RETRY_DELAY_MULTLIPLIER * PgHaMigrations::LOCK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS say "Timed out trying to acquire an exclusive lock on the #{quoted_table_name} table." say "Sleeping for #{sleep_seconds}s to allow potentially queued up queries to finish before continuing." sleep(sleep_seconds) raise ActiveRecord::Rollback else raise e end end if successfully_acquired_lock end end end end def adjust_lock_timeout(timeout_seconds = PgHaMigrations::LOCK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, &block) _check_postgres_adapter! original_timeout = ActiveRecord::Base.value_from_sql("SHOW lock_timeout").sub(/s\Z/, '').to_i * 1000 begin connection.execute("SET lock_timeout = #{PG::Connection.escape_string((timeout_seconds * 1000).to_s)};") ensure begin connection.execute("SET lock_timeout = #{original_timeout};") rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid => e if e.message =~ /PG::InFailedSqlTransaction/ # If we're in a failed transaction the `SET lock_timeout` will be rolled back, # so we don't need to worry about cleaning up, and we can't execute SQL anyway. else raise e end end end end def adjust_statement_timeout(timeout_seconds, &block) _check_postgres_adapter! original_timeout = ActiveRecord::Base.value_from_sql("SHOW statement_timeout").sub(/s\Z/, '').to_i * 1000 begin connection.execute("SET statement_timeout = #{PG::Connection.escape_string((timeout_seconds * 1000).to_s)};") ensure begin connection.execute("SET statement_timeout = #{original_timeout};") rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid => e if e.message =~ /PG::InFailedSqlTransaction/ # If we're in a failed transaction the `SET lock_timeout` will be rolled back, # so we don't need to worry about cleaning up, and we can't execute SQL anyway. else raise e end end end end end