/* Mid-level instruction functions. Copyright (C) 2010 Gregory Cohen This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "../global_headers/headers.h" static inline void unable_to_allocate_memory_if_null(MidLevelInstruction** instructions) { if (unlikely(!instructions)) { output_nullt_string("Memory error: unable to allocate memory for intermediary compiler instructions.\n"); exit_program(); } } void mid_level_instructions_init(MidLevelInstructions* cr mli) { assert_comparison(mli, !=, NULL, MidLevelInstructions*, void*); ARROW_ASSIGN(mli, mid_level_instructions) = (MidLevelInstruction**)m_alloc(sizeof(MidLevelInstruction*) * 50); unable_to_allocate_memory_if_null(ARROW(mli, mid_level_instructions)); mli->used_length = 0; mli->allocated_length = 10; } static void create_data_for_instruction_if_necessary(MidLevelInstruction* cr instruction, DataAndCode* cr dac) { assert_comparison(instruction, !=, NULL, MidLevelInstruction* cr, void*); assert_comparison(dac, !=, NULL, DataAndCode* cr, void*); switch (ARROW(instruction, opcode)) { case MLI_OPCODE_MOV_FVAR_FVAL: case MLI_OPCODE_MUL_FVAR_FVAL: case MLI_OPCODE_DIV_FVAR_FVAL: case MLI_OPCODE_ADD_FVAR_FVAL: case MLI_OPCODE_SUB_FVAR_FVAL: case MLI_OPCODE_CMP_LE_FVAR_FVAL: case MLI_OPCODE_CMP_LT_FVAR_FVAL: case MLI_OPCODE_CMP_EQ_FVAR_FVAL: case MLI_OPCODE_CMP_NE_FVAR_FVAL: case MLI_OPCODE_CMP_GT_FVAR_FVAL: case MLI_OPCODE_CMP_GE_FVAR_FVAL: { OperandNode* operand_node = (OperandNode*)ARROW(instruction, argument2); f value; assert_comparison(operand_node, !=, NULL, OperandNode*, void*); value = ARROW(operand_node, value).fvalue; if (value != 0.0 && value != 1.0) { void** new_value; if (!ARROW(dac, start_of_float_data)) { assert_comparison(ARROW(dac, float_data_real_length), ==, 0, u, u); assert_comparison(ARROW(dac, float_data_allocated_length), ==, 0, u, u); ARROW_ASSIGN(dac, start_of_float_data) = (char*)m_alloc(480); if (!ARROW(dac, start_of_float_data)) { output_nullt_string("Unable to allocate memory for the floating point data section.\n"); exit_program(); } ARROW_ASSIGN(dac, float_data_allocated_length) = 480; } if (hash_table_insert_with_f_key(&dac->float_literals, value, NULL, false /* replace? */, &new_value)) { assert_comparison(ARROW(dac, float_data_allocated_length), !=, 0, u, u); if (ARROW(dac, float_data_real_length) + sizeof(f) > ARROW(dac, float_data_allocated_length)) { char* new_start_of_float_data; ARROW_ASSIGN(dac, float_data_allocated_length) *= 2; new_start_of_float_data = (char*)m_realloc(ARROW(dac, start_of_float_data), ARROW(dac, float_data_allocated_length)); if (unlikely(!ARROW(dac, start_of_float_data))) { m_free(ARROW(dac, start_of_float_data)); output_nullt_string("Memory error: unable to allocate memory for the floating point data section.\n"); exit_program(); } ARROW_ASSIGN(dac, start_of_float_data) = new_start_of_float_data; } DEREF_ASSIGN((f*)(dac->start_of_float_data + dac->float_data_real_length)) = value; ARROW_ASSIGN(operand_node, address_in_memory) = new_value; DEREF_ASSIGN(ARROW(operand_node, address_in_memory)) = ARROW(dac, start_of_float_data) + ARROW(dac, float_data_real_length); ARROW_ASSIGN(dac, float_data_real_length) += sizeof(f); } else { ARROW_ASSIGN(operand_node, address_in_memory) = new_value; } } } default: { } } } void mid_level_instructions_append( MidLevelInstructions* cr mli, MidLevelInstruction* cr instruction, DataAndCode* cr dac ) { assert_comparison(mli, !=, NULL, MidLevelInstructions*, void*); assert_comparison(instruction, !=, NULL, MidLevelInstruction*, void*); assert_comparison(dac, !=, NULL, DataAndCode*, void*); if (ARROW(mli, used_length) == ARROW(mli, allocated_length)) { ARROW_ASSIGN(mli, mid_level_instructions) = (MidLevelInstruction**)m_realloc(ARROW(mli, mid_level_instructions), sizeof(MidLevelInstruction*) * (ARROW_ASSIGN(mli, allocated_length) *= 2)); unable_to_allocate_memory_if_null(ARROW(mli, mid_level_instructions)); } ARRAY_INDEX_ASSIGN(ARROW(mli, mid_level_instructions), mli->used_length++) = instruction; create_data_for_instruction_if_necessary(instruction, dac); } MidLevelInstruction* mid_level_instructions_get_last_instruction(MidLevelInstructions* cr mli) { assert_comparison(mli, !=, NULL, MidLevelInstructions*, void*); assert_comparison(ARROW(mli, used_length), !=, 0, u, u); return ARRAY_INDEX(ARROW(mli, mid_level_instructions), ARROW(mli, used_length) - 1); } void mid_level_instructions_del(MidLevelInstructions* cr mli) { u i; assert_comparison(mli, !=, NULL, MidLevelInstructions*, void*); i = ARROW(mli, used_length); while (i--) { m_free(ARRAY_INDEX(ARROW(mli, mid_level_instructions), i)); } m_free(ARROW(mli, mid_level_instructions)); }