# == Schema Information # # Table name: alchemy_contents # # id :integer not null, primary key # name :string(255) # essence_type :string(255) # essence_id :integer # element_id :integer # position :integer # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # creator_id :integer # updater_id :integer # module Alchemy class Content < ActiveRecord::Base include Alchemy::Logger include Alchemy::Touching include Alchemy::Hints # Concerns include Alchemy::Content::Factory belongs_to :essence, required: true, polymorphic: true, dependent: :destroy belongs_to :element, required: true, touch: true has_one :page, through: :element stampable stamper_class_name: Alchemy.user_class_name acts_as_list # ActsAsList scope def scope_condition # Fixes a bug with postgresql having a wrong element_id value, if element_id is nil. "element_id = #{element_id || 'null'} AND essence_type = '#{essence_type}'" end # Essence scopes scope :essence_booleans, -> { where(essence_type: "Alchemy::EssenceBoolean") } scope :essence_dates, -> { where(essence_type: "Alchemy::EssenceDate") } scope :essence_files, -> { where(essence_type: "Alchemy::EssenceFile") } scope :essence_htmls, -> { where(essence_type: "Alchemy::EssenceHtml") } scope :essence_links, -> { where(essence_type: "Alchemy::EssenceLink") } scope :essence_pictures, -> { where(essence_type: "Alchemy::EssencePicture") } scope :gallery_pictures, -> { essence_pictures.where("#{table_name}.name LIKE 'essence_picture_%'") } scope :essence_richtexts, -> { where(essence_type: "Alchemy::EssenceRichtext") } scope :essence_selects, -> { where(essence_type: "Alchemy::EssenceSelect") } scope :essence_texts, -> { where(essence_type: "Alchemy::EssenceText") } scope :named, ->(name) { where(name: name) } scope :available, -> { published.not_trashed } scope :published, -> { joins(:element).merge(Element.published) } scope :not_trashed, -> { joins(:element).merge(Element.not_trashed) } scope :not_restricted, -> { joins(:element).merge(Element.not_restricted) } delegate :restricted?, to: :page, allow_nil: true delegate :trashed?, to: :element, allow_nil: true delegate :public?, to: :element, allow_nil: true class << self # Returns the translated label for a content name. # # Translate it in your locale yml file: # # alchemy: # content_names: # foo: Bar # # Optionally you can scope your content name to an element: # # alchemy: # content_names: # article: # foo: Baz # def translated_label_for(content_name, element_name = nil) Alchemy.t( content_name, scope: "content_names.#{element_name}", default: Alchemy.t("content_names.#{content_name}", default: content_name.humanize) ) end end # The content's view partial is dependent from its name # # == Define contents # # Contents are defined in the +config/alchemy/elements.yml+ file # # - name: article # contents: # - name: headline # type: EssenceText # # == Override the view # # Content partials live in +app/views/alchemy/essences+ # def to_partial_path "alchemy/essences/#{essence_partial_name}_view" end # Settings from the elements.yml definition def settings return {} if definition.blank? @settings ||= definition.fetch('settings', {}).symbolize_keys end # Fetches value from settings # # @param key [Symbol] - The hash key you want to fetch the value from # @param options [Hash] - An optional Hash that can override the settings. # Normally passed as options hash into the content # editor view. def settings_value(key, options = {}) settings.update(options || {}).symbolize_keys[key.to_sym] end def siblings return [] if !element element.contents end # Gets the ingredient from essence def ingredient return nil if essence.nil? essence.ingredient end # Serialized object representation for json api # def serialize { name: name, value: serialized_ingredient, link: essence.try(:link) }.delete_if { |_k, v| v.blank? } end # Ingredient value from essence for json api # # If the essence responds to +serialized_ingredient+ method it takes this # otherwise it uses the ingredient column. # def serialized_ingredient essence.try(:serialized_ingredient) || ingredient end # Sets the ingredient from essence def ingredient=(value) raise EssenceMissingError if essence.nil? essence.ingredient = value end # Updates the essence. # # Called from +Alchemy::Element#update_contents+ # # Adds errors to self.base if essence validation fails. # def update_essence(params = {}) raise EssenceMissingError if essence.nil? if essence.update(params) return true else errors.add(:essence, :validation_failed) return false end end def essence_validation_failed? essence.errors.any? end def has_validations? definition['validate'].present? end # Returns a string to be passed to Rails form field tags to ensure we have same params layout everywhere. # # === Example: # # <%= text_field_tag content.form_field_name, content.ingredient %> # # === Options: # # You can pass an Essence column_name. Default is 'ingredient' # # ==== Example: # # <%= text_field_tag content.form_field_name(:link), content.ingredient %> # def form_field_name(essence_column = 'ingredient') "contents[#{id}][#{essence_column}]" end def form_field_id(essence_column = 'ingredient') "contents_#{id}_#{essence_column}" end # Returns a string used as dom id on html elements. def dom_id return '' if essence.nil? "#{essence_partial_name}_#{id}" end # Returns the translated name for displaying in labels, etc. def name_for_label self.class.translated_label_for(name, element.name) end def linked? essence && !essence.link.blank? end # Returns true if this content should be taken for element preview. def preview_content? if definition['take_me_for_preview'] ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("Content definition's `take_me_for_preview` key is deprecated. Please use `as_element_title` instead.") end !!definition['take_me_for_preview'] || !!definition['as_element_title'] end # Proxy method that returns the preview text from essence. # def preview_text(maxlength = 30) essence.preview_text(maxlength) end def essence_partial_name return '' if essence.nil? essence.partial_name end def normalized_essence_type self.class.normalize_essence_type(essence_type) end # Returns true if there is a tinymce setting defined on the content definiton # or if the +essence.has_tinymce?+ returns true. def has_tinymce? settings[:tinymce].present? || (essence.present? && essence.has_tinymce?) end # Returns true if there is a tinymce setting defined that contains settings. def has_custom_tinymce_config? settings[:tinymce].is_a?(Hash) end # Returns css class names for the content textarea. def tinymce_class_name "has_tinymce" + (has_custom_tinymce_config? ? " #{element.name}_#{name}" : "") end # Returns the default value from content definition # # If the value is a symbol it gets passed through i18n # inside the +alchemy.default_content_texts+ scope def default_text(default) case default when Symbol Alchemy.t(default, scope: :default_content_texts) else default end end end end