Feature: Count repositories by language As a GitHub user I want to quickly list another user's repositories In order to see what languages they use to write code Scenario: List repository counts sorted by language Given the GitHub service returns repository data for the user "mdippery" When I run `reponaut count mdippery` Then it should pass with: """ C 1 Clojure 3 Erlang 1 Java 2 JavaScript 1 Objective-C 5 Perl 1 Python 4 Ruby 3 VimL 3 """ Scenario: List repository counts sorted by language count Given the GitHub service returns repository data for the user "mdippery" When I run `reponaut count -n mdippery` Then it should pass with: """ Objective-C 5 Python 4 Clojure 3 Ruby 3 VimL 3 Java 2 C 1 Erlang 1 JavaScript 1 Perl 1 """ Scenario: List repository counts for source repositories ordered by language Given the GitHub service returns repository data for the user "mdippery" When I run `reponaut count -f mdippery` Then it should pass with: """ C 1 Clojure 3 Erlang 1 Java 2 JavaScript 1 Objective-C 5 Perl 1 Python 2 Ruby 3 VimL 1 """ Scenario: List repository counts for source repositories ordered by language using long option Given the GitHub service returns repository data for the user "mdippery" When I run `reponaut count --ignore-forks mdippery` Then it should pass with: """ C 1 Clojure 3 Erlang 1 Java 2 JavaScript 1 Objective-C 5 Perl 1 Python 2 Ruby 3 VimL 1 """ Scenario: List repository counts for source repositories ordered by count Given the GitHub service returns repository data for the user "mdippery" When I run `reponaut count -f -n mdippery` Then it should pass with: """ Objective-C 5 Clojure 3 Ruby 3 Java 2 Python 2 C 1 Erlang 1 JavaScript 1 Perl 1 VimL 1 """ Scenario: List repository counts for users with over 10 repositories Given the GitHub service returns repository data for the user "testuser1" When I run `reponaut count testuser1` Then it should pass with: """ HTML 1 Objective-C 8 Python 1 Ruby 1 Shell 1 Swift 12 """ Scenario: List repository counts for a non-existent user Given the GitHub service returns 404 for the user "nosuchuser" When I run `reponaut count nosuchuser` Then the exit status should not be 0 And the stderr should contain: """ No such user: nosuchuser """ Scenario: List repository counts for a user with no repositories Given the GitHub service returns repository data for the user "emptyuser" When I run `reponaut count emptyuser` Then the exit status should not be 0 And the stderr should contain: """ emptyuser has no repositories """ Scenario: List repository counts when GitHub has limited the requests Given the GitHub service is rate limiting requests for the user "mdippery" When I run `reponaut count mdippery` Then the exit status should not be 0 And stderr should contain: """ GitHub rate limit exceeded. Try your request again later. """