3.0 export_time_series_loads_csv 9fcf6116-c2eb-43d6-93f0-e1bdd822f768 61d25864-a1a9-4082-974c-d04057271848 20210427T174739Z 9BF1E6AC ExportTimeSeriesLoadsCSV ExportTimeSeriesLoadsCSV This measure will add the required output variables and create a CSV file with plant loop level mass flow rates and temperatures for use in a Modelica simulation. Note that this measure has certain requirements for naming of hydronic loops (discussed in the modeler description section). This measure is currently configured to report the temperatures and mass flow rates at the demand outlet and inlet nodes of hot water and chilled water loops, after adding the required output variables to the model. These values can be used to calculate the sum of the demand-side loads, and could thus represent the load on a connection to a district thermal energy system, or on building-level primary equipment. This measure assumes that the model includes hydronic HVAC loops, and that the hot water and chilled water loop names can each be uniquely identified by a user-provided string. This measure also assumes that there is a single heating hot water loop and a single chilled-water loop per building. hhw_loop_name Name or Partial Name of Heating Hot Water Loop, non-case-sensitive String true false hot chw_loop_name Name or Partial Name of Chilled Water Loop, non-case-sensitive String true false chilled dec_places_mass_flow Number of Decimal Places to Round Mass Flow Rate Number of decimal places to which mass flow rate will be rounded Integer true false 3 dec_places_temp Number of Decimal Places to Round Temperature Number of decimal places to which temperature will be rounded Integer true false 1 Reporting.QAQC Measure Type ReportingMeasure string Intended Software Tool OpenStudio Application string Intended Software Tool Parametric Analysis Tool string README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 .gitkeep gitkeep doc 00000000 USA_CO_Golden-NREL.724666_TMY3.epw epw test BDF687C1 report.html.in in resource 3F69E3FB example_model.osm osm test 15AD3659 README.md md readme 08F470AC LICENSE.md md license BBD19F47 os_lib_helper_methods.rb rb resource 94DD761F export_time_series_modelica_test.rb rb test 6B6CFF0B building_loads.csv csv test 393EEB17 OpenStudio 3.0.1 3.0.1 measure.rb rb script 0FC4AA70