class Friendship < ActiveRecord::Base @@daily_request_limit = 12 cattr_accessor :daily_request_limit belongs_to :user belongs_to :friend, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "friend_id" has_enumerated :friendship_status, :class_name => 'FriendshipStatus', :foreign_key => 'friendship_status_id' validates_presence_of :friendship_status validates_presence_of :user validates_presence_of :friend validates_uniqueness_of :friend_id, :scope => :user_id validate :cannot_request_if_daily_limit_reached validates_each :user_id do |record, attr, value| record.errors.add attr, 'can not be same as friend' if record.user_id.eql?(record.friend_id) end # named scopes scope :accepted, lambda { #hack: prevents FriendshipStatus[:accepted] from getting called before the friendship_status records are in the db (only matters in testing ENV) where("friendship_status_id = ?", FriendshipStatus[:accepted].id) } def cannot_request_if_daily_limit_reached if new_record? && initiator && user.has_reached_daily_friend_request_limit? errors.add(:base, "Sorry, you'll have to wait a little while before requesting any more friendships.") end end before_validation(:on => :create){:set_pending} after_save :notify_requester, :if =>{|fr| fr.accepted? && fr.initiator } def reverse Friendship.where('user_id = ? and friend_id = ?', self.friend_id, self.user_id).first end def denied? friendship_status.eql?(FriendshipStatus[:denied]) end def pending? friendship_status.eql?(FriendshipStatus[:pending]) end def accepted? friendship_status.eql?(FriendshipStatus[:accepted]) end def self.friends?(user, friend) where("user_id = ? AND friend_id = ? AND friendship_status_id = ?",,, FriendshipStatus[:accepted].id).first end def notify_requester UserNotifier.friendship_accepted(self).deliver end private def set_pending friendship_status_id = FriendshipStatus[:pending].id end end