module Workarea module Admin class DirectUploadsController < Admin::ApplicationController def product_images DirectUpload.ensure_cors! if Configuration::S3.configured? end def new direct_upload =[:type], params[:filename]) if direct_upload.valid? render json: { upload_url: direct_upload.upload_url }, status: :ok else errors = direct_upload.errors.full_messages.to_sentence render json: { error: errors }, status: :unprocessable_entity end end def create ProcessDirectUpload.perform_async(params[:type], params[:filename]) request.xhr? ? head(:ok) : redirect_back(fallback_location: root_path) end # This is only used when no S3 config present (like local development) # # When this is used, Fog will be in mock mode (Fog.mock!) so it simulates # the use of a direct-to-S3 upload. def upload upload =[:type], "#{params[:filename]}.#{params[:format]}") Workarea.s3.put_bucket(Configuration::S3.bucket) rescue nil Workarea.s3.put_object(Configuration::S3.bucket, upload.key, request.body) end end end end