##Setup Assumptions for this demo: chefDK, Vagrant, VirtualBox and chef-zero * [chefDK](http://www.getchef.com/downloads/chef-dk/) * [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html) * [VirtualBox](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) If you have chefDK installed, you can use the embedded chef-zero at /opt/chefdk/embedded/bin/chef-zero or install it: sudo gem install chef-zero Copy `test-repo` into a working directory, either downloading it from github or copying it from the installed knife-topo gem. You can use: gem env to get the path to your gems and then ``` cp -R /gems/knife-topo/test-repo ~ cd ~/test-repo ``` ## Demo This demo will create and bootstrap two nodes in a topology called test1: * an application server with a specific version of nodejs (0.10.28), running a test application * a database server with a specific version of mongodb (2.6.1) Each node in the topology will be tagged with 'testsys' and will have an 'owner' and 'node_type' normal attribute. The test1 topology will also contain a third node called buildserver01, which is created but not bootstrapped. This node: * Is in a different chef environment ('dev') * Requires a different version of mongodb In this demo ### Running the demo From the test-repo, do the following. Note: you may be prompted to select the network to bridge to vagrant up This will start the virtual machines on a private network using vagrant. Once the virtual machines are created, start chef-zero listening on the same private network: chef-zero -H In another terminal, in test-repo: ``` berks install berks upload ``` To create and bootstrap the test1 topology: ``` knife topo import topology.json knife topo create test1 --bootstrap -x vagrant -P vagrant --sudo ``` To check the bootstrap has succeeded, browse to: [http://localhost:3031](http://localhost:3031). You should see a "Welcome" message. You can see the results on the Chef server using standard knife commands, for example: ``` knife node list knife node show appserver01 knife node show appserver01 -a normal knife data bag show topologies test1 ``` You can try your own modifications to the topologies.json file. To update the topology with the modified configuration: ``` knife topo import your_topology.json knife topo update test1 ``` ####Troubleshooting If you are having trouble with berks (`read server certificate B: certificate verify failed (Faraday::SSLError)` try following the instructions [here](https://gist.github.com/fnichol/867550#the-manual-way-boring) to add CA certificates for OpenSSL If the bootstrap fails with 'ERROR: 412 "Precondition Failed"', make sure you have run `berks upload` since you started chef-zero. I encountered some problems getting chef-zero to run on a private network on Windows 8.1 (it responded really really slowly). If you have similar problems, you can use hosted Chef (sign up for a free account [here](https://manage.opscode.com/signup)) or your own Chef server. Copy your knife settings and certificates (e.g., the contents of chef-repo/.chef in the "Getting Started" download) into test-repo/.chef, and replace the Vagrantfile in test-repo with Vagrantfile_bridged (which will allow the VMs to connect to addresses outside of the host). If you modify the cookbook_attributes for mongodb and this causes a downgrade, the Chef run may fail to converge. There is an [issue](https://github.com/edelight/chef-mongodb/pull/305) in the current cookbook which has been fixed but not released (as of 19 July 2014). Run the following to remove the installed mongodb and then retry the knife topo bootstrap: vagrant ssh dbserver -c 'sudo apt-get remove mongodb' If you have changed the nodejs version, you need to also change the SHA256 checksum. This can be found at http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.xx.xx/SHASUMS256.txt. The one you want is for 'node-v0.xx.xx-linux-x64.tar.gz'