require 'puppet-strings/yard/handlers/helpers' require 'puppet-strings/yard/handlers/ruby/base' require 'puppet-strings/yard/code_objects' require 'puppet-strings/yard/util' # Implements the handler for Puppet Data Types written in Ruby. class PuppetStrings::Yard::Handlers::Ruby::DataTypeHandler < PuppetStrings::Yard::Handlers::Ruby::Base namespace_only handles method_call(:create_type) process do return unless statement.count > 1 ruby_module_name = statement[0].source return unless ruby_module_name == 'Puppet::DataTypes' || ruby_module_name == 'DataTypes' # rubocop:disable Style/MultipleComparison This reads better object = get_datatype_yard_object(get_name(statement, 'Puppet::DataTypes.create_type')) actual_params = extract_params_for_data_type # Mark the data type as public if it doesn't already have an api tag object.add_tag, 'public') unless object.has_tag? :api validate_tags!(object, actual_params) # Set the default values for all parameters actual_params.each { |name, data| object.set_parameter_default(name, data[:default]) } # Default any typeless param tag to 'Any' object.tags(:param).each do |tag| tag.types = ['Any'] unless tag.types && !tag.types.empty? end # Warn if a summary longer than 140 characters was provided PuppetStrings::Yard::Handlers::Helpers.validate_summary_tag(object) if object.has_tag? :summary end private def get_datatype_yard_object(name) # Have to guess the path - if we create the object to get the true path from the code, # it also shows up in the .at call - self registering? guess_path = "puppet_data_types::#{name}" object = return object unless object.nil? # Didn't find, create instead object = register object object end def extract_params_for_data_type params = {} # Traverse the block looking for interface block = statement.block return unless block && block.count >= 2 block[1].children.each do |node| next unless node.is_a?(YARD::Parser::Ruby::MethodCallNode) && node.method_name method_name = node.method_name.source parameters = node.parameters(false) if method_name == 'interface' next unless parameters.count >= 1 interface_string = node_as_string(parameters[0]) next unless interface_string # Ref - parsed_interface = nil begin parsed_interface ="{ #{interface_string} }").body rescue Puppet::Error => e log.warn "Invalid datatype definition at #{statement.file}:#{statement.line}: #{e.basic_message}" next end next unless parsed_interface # Now that we parsed the Puppet code (as a string) into a LiteralHash PCore type (Puppet AST), # # We need to convert the LiteralHash into a conventional ruby hash of strings. The # LazyLiteralEvaluator does this by traversing the AST tree can converting objects to strings # where possible and ignoring object types which cannot (thus the 'Lazy' name) # # Once we have it as a standard ruby hash we can then look at the keys and populate the YARD # Code object with the correct attributes etc. literal_eval = populate_data_type_params_from_literal_hash!(literal_eval.literal(parsed_interface), params) end end params end # Lazily evaluates a Pops object, ignoring any objects that cannot # be converted to a literal value. Based on the Puppet Literal Evaluator # Ref - # # Literal values for: # String (not containing interpolation) # Numbers # Booleans # Undef (produces nil) # Array # Hash # QualifiedName # Default (produced :default) # Regular Expression (produces ruby regular expression) # QualifiedReference e.g. File, FooBar # AccessExpression # # Anything else is ignored class LazyLiteralEvaluator def initialize @literal_visitor ||=, "literal", 0, 0) end def literal(ast) @literal_visitor.visit_this_0(self, ast) end # ----- The following methods are different/additions from the original Literal_evaluator def literal_Object(o) # rubocop:disable Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName # Ignore any other object types end def literal_AccessExpression(o) # rubocop:disable Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName # Extract the raw text of the Access Expression ::Puppet::Pops::Adapters::SourcePosAdapter.adapt(o).extract_text end def literal_QualifiedReference(o) # rubocop:disable Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName # Extract the raw text of the Qualified Reference ::Puppet::Pops::Adapters::SourcePosAdapter.adapt(o).extract_text end # ----- The following methods are the same as the original Literal_evaluator def literal_Factory(o) # rubocop:disable Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName literal(o.model) end def literal_Program(o) # rubocop:disable Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName literal(o.body) end def literal_LiteralString(o) # rubocop:disable Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName o.value end def literal_QualifiedName(o) # rubocop:disable Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName o.value end def literal_LiteralNumber(o) # rubocop:disable Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName o.value end def literal_UnaryMinusExpression(o) # rubocop:disable Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName -1 * literal(o.expr) end def literal_LiteralBoolean(o) # rubocop:disable Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName o.value end def literal_LiteralUndef(o) # rubocop:disable Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName nil end def literal_LiteralDefault(o) # rubocop:disable Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName :default end def literal_LiteralRegularExpression(o) # rubocop:disable Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName o.value end def literal_ConcatenatedString(o) # rubocop:disable Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName # use double quoted string value if there is no interpolation throw :not_literal unless o.segments.size == 1 && o.segments[0].is_a?(Model::LiteralString) o.segments[0].value end def literal_LiteralList(o) # rubocop:disable Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName {|v| literal(v) } end def literal_LiteralHash(o) # rubocop:disable Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName o.entries.reduce({}) do |result, entry| result[literal(entry.key)] = literal(entry.value) result end end end def populate_data_type_params_from_literal_hash!(hash, params_hash) return if hash.nil? # Exit early if there are no entries in the hash return if hash['attributes'].nil? || hash['attributes'] hash['attributes'].each do |key, value| data_type = nil default = nil case value when String data_type = value when Hash data_type = value['type'] unless value['type'].nil? default = value['value'] unless value['value'].nil? end data_type = [data_type] unless data_type.nil? || data_type.is_a?(Array) params_hash[key] = { :types => data_type, :default => default } end end def validate_tags!(object, actual_params_hash) actual_param_names = actual_params_hash.keys tagged_param_names = object.tags(:param).map(&:name) # Log any errors # Find attributes which are not documented (actual_param_names - tagged_param_names).each do |item| log.warn "Missing @param tag for attribute '#{item}' near #{object.file}:#{object.line}." end # Find param tags with no matching attribute (tagged_param_names - actual_param_names).each do |item| log.warn "The @param tag for '#{item}' has no matching attribute near #{object.file}:#{object.line}." end # Find param tags with a type that is different from the actual definition object.tags(:param).reject { |tag| tag.types.nil? }.each do |tag| next if actual_params_hash[].nil? actual_data_type = actual_params_hash[][:types] next if actual_data_type.nil? log.warn "The @param tag for '#{}' has a different type definition than the actual attribute near #{object.file}:#{object.line}." if tag.types != actual_data_type end # Automatically fix missing @param tags (actual_param_names - tagged_param_names).each do |name| object.add_parameter(name, actual_params_hash[name][:types], actual_params_hash[name][:default]) end # Remove extra param tags object.docstring.delete_tag_if { |item| item.tag_name == 'param' && !actual_param_names.include?( } # Set the type in the param tag object.tags(:param).each do |tag| next if actual_params_hash[].nil? tag.types = actual_params_hash[][:types] end end end