namespace :wco_email do ## ## @stub = WcoEmail::MessageStub.find_by object_key: '2021-10-18T18_41_17Fanand_phoenixwebgroup_co' ## desc 'churn_n_stubs n= [tagname=] [process_images=] [status=]' task churn_n_stubs: :environment do puts! ENV, 'ENV' ## Usage if !ENV['n'] puts "" puts "Usage: churn_n_stubs n= [tagname=] [process_images=] [status=] " puts "DOES NOT PROCESS IMAGES BY DEFAULT" puts "status can be something other than STATUS_PENDING" puts "" exit 22 end if ENV['tagname'] tag = Wco::Tag.find_or_create_by({ slug: ENV['tagname'] }) end process_images = ENV['process_images'] == 'true' status = ENV['status'] status ||= WcoEmail::MessageStub::STATUS_PENDING n = ENV['n'].to_i stubs = WcoEmail::MessageStub.where( status: status ).limit(n) stubs.each_with_index do |stub, idx| puts "+++ +++ churning ##{idx+1} object_key: #{stub.object_key}" stub.tags.push( tag ) if tag stub.config = JSON.parse( stub.config ).merge({ process_images: process_images, skip_notification: true }).to_json! WcoEmail::MessageIntakeJob.perform_sync( ) sleep 1 # second print '.' end end ## ## 2024-01-10 ## WcoEmail::MessageStub.all.update_all({ bucket: 'ish-ses-2024' }) ## WcoEmail::MessageIntakeJob.perform_sync( ) ## desc 'import objectkey list' task import_objectkey_list: :environment do # bucket = 'ish-ses' bucket = 'ish-test-2024' client ||={ region: ::S3_CREDENTIALS[:region_ses], access_key_id: ::S3_CREDENTIALS[:access_key_id_ses], secret_access_key: ::S3_CREDENTIALS[:secret_access_key_ses], }) # lines = './data/20240110_ish-ses_objectkeys' ) lines = './data/out_head' ) lines.split("\n").each_with_index do |line, idx| object_key = line.split.last stub = WcoEmail::MessageStub.create( object_key: object_key, bucket: bucket ) if stub.persisted? print "#{idx+1}." else puts! stub.errors.full_messages.join(", ") end end end desc "Usage: wco_email:mbox_info mbox_path= " task mbox_info: :environment do ## Usage if !ENV['mbox_path'] puts "" puts "Usage: wco_email:mbox_info mbox_path= " puts "" exit 22 end mbox_path = ENV['mbox_path'] out =, encoding: "ISO8859-1" ) count = out.scan(/^From /).size puts! count, 'count' end ## Not used until I revisit it. _vp_ 2023-04-02 desc 'wco_email:mbox2stubs mbox_path= tagname= skip=0' task mbox2stubs: :environment do ## Usage if !ENV['mbox_path'] || !ENV['tagname'] puts "" puts "Usage: wco_email:mbox2stubs mbox_path= tagname= " puts "" exit 22 end WcoEmail::MessageStub.mbox2stubs ENV['mbox_path'], tagname: ENV['tagname'], skip: ENV['skip'].to_i puts "ok" end desc 'remove message duplicates' task remove_message_duplicates: :environment do outs = WcoEmail::Message.collection.aggregate([ {"$group" => { "_id" => "$message_id", "count" => { "$sum" => 1 } } }, {"$match": {"_id" => { "$ne" => nil } , "count" => {"$gt" => 1} } }, {"$project" => {"message_id" => "$_id", "_id" => 0} } ]) outs = outs.to_a outs.each do |out| WcoEmail::Message.where( message_id: out['message_id'] )[1].destroy! print '.' end end desc 'remove duplicates of stubs' task remove_stub_duplicates: :environment do outs = WcoEmail::MessageStub.collection.aggregate([ {"$group" => { "_id" => "$object_key", "count" => { "$sum" => 1 } } }, {"$match": {"_id" => { "$ne" => nil } , "count" => {"$gt" => 1} } }, {"$project" => {"object_key" => "$_id", "_id" => 0} } ]) outs = outs.to_a outs.each do |out| WcoEmail::MessageStub.where( object_key: out['object_key'] )[1].destroy! print '.' end end desc 'email actions, send and roll' task run_email_actions: :environment do puts! "Starting wco_email:run_email_actions..." while true do schs ={ :perform_at.lte => }) print "[#{schs.length}]" if schs.length != 0 schs.each do |sch| sch.send_and_roll print "[#{}]^" sleep 15 end print '.' sleep 15 end end desc 'send contexts' task send_contexts: :environment do puts! "Starting wco_email:send_contexts..." while true do ctxs = WcoEmail::Context.scheduled.notsent print "[#{ctxs.length}]" if ctxs.length != 0 do |ctx| unsub = WcoEmail::Unsubscribe.where({ lead_id: ctx.lead_id, template_id: ctx.email_template_id }).first if unsub puts! 'This user is unsubscribed; the context cannot be sent.' if DEBUG # Office::AdminMessage.create({ message: "Lead `#{ctx.lead.full_name}` [mailto:#{}] has already unsubscribed from template `#{Ish::EmailTemplate.find( ctx.email_template_id ).slug}` ." }) email_action_template_ids = WcoEmail::EmailActionTemplate.where({ email_template_id: ctx.email_template_id }).map(&:id) schs ={ lead_id: ctx.lead_id, => email_action_template_ids, }) schs.update({ status: WcoEmail::EmailAction::STATUS_UNSUBSCRIBED }) ctx.update({ unsubscribed_at:, }) else ctx.update({ sent_at:, }) out = WcoEmail::ApplicationMailer.send_context_email( ctx[:id].to_s ) Rails.env.production? ? out.deliver_later : out.deliver_now end print "[#{}]^" sleep 15 end print '.' sleep 15 end end end