require "optimist" require "oddb2xml/version" module Oddb2xml module Options def self.parse(args = ARGV) if args.is_a?(String) args = args.split(" ") end @opts = Optimist.options(args) do version "#{$0} ver.#{Oddb2xml::VERSION}" banner <<-EOS #{File.expand_path($0)} version #{Oddb2xml::VERSION} Usage: oddb2xml [option] produced files are found under data EOS opt :append, "Additional target nonpharma", default: false opt :artikelstamm, "Create Artikelstamm Version 3 and 5 for Elexis >= 3.1" opt :compress_ext, "format F. {tar.gz|zip}", type: :string, default: nil, short: "c" opt :extended, "pharma, non-pharma plus prices and non-pharma from zurrose. Products without EAN-Code will also be listed. File oddb_calc.xml will also be generated" opt :format, "File format F, default is xml. {xml|dat} If F is given, -o option is ignored.", type: :string, default: "xml" opt :include, "Include target option for ean14 for 'dat' format. 'xml' format includes always ean14 records.", short: "i" opt :increment, "Increment price by x percent. Forces -f dat -p zurrose. create additional field price_resellerpub as price_extfactory incremented by x percent (rounded to the next 0.05 francs) in oddb_article.xml. In generated zurrose_transfer.dat PRPU is set to this price Forces -f dat -p zurrose.", type: :int, default: nil, short: "I" opt :fi, "Optional fachinfo output.", short: "o" opt :price, "Price source (transfer.dat) from ZurRose", default: nil opt :tag_suffix, "XML tag suffix S. Default is none. [A-z0-9] If S is given, it is also used as prefix of filename.", type: :string, short: "t" opt :context, "{product|address}. product is default.", default: "product", type: :string, short: "x" opt :calc, "create only oddb_calc.xml with GTIN, name and galenic information" opt :skip_download, "skips downloading files it the file is already under downloads. Downloaded files are saved under downloads" opt :log, "log important actions", short: :none opt :use_ra11zip, "Use the (a zipped transfer.dat from Galexis)", default: File.exist?("") ? "" : nil, type: :string opt :firstbase, "Build all NONPHARMA articles on firstbase", short: "b", default: false end @opts[:percent] = @opts[:increment] if @opts[:increment] @opts[:nonpharma] = true @opts[:price] = :zurrose end @opts[:ean14] = @opts[:increment] @opts.delete(:increment) @opts[:nonpharma] = @opts[:append] @opts.delete(:append) if @opts[:firstbase] @opts[:nonpharma] = true # @opts[:calc] = true end if @opts[:extended] @opts[:nonpharma] = true @opts[:price] = :zurrose @opts[:calc] = true end if @opts[:artikelstamm] @opts[:extended] = true @opts[:price] = :zurrose end @opts[:price] = :zurrose if @opts[:price].is_a?(TrueClass) @opts[:price] = @opts[:price].to_sym if @opts[:price] @opts[:ean14] = @opts[:include] @opts[:format] = @opts[:format].to_sym if @opts[:format] @opts.delete(:include) @opts.delete(:help) @opts.delete(:version) @opts[:address] = false @opts[:address] = true if /^addr(ess)*$/i.match?(@opts[:context]) @opts.delete(:context) @opts.delete(:price) unless @opts[:price] @opts.each { |k, v| @opts.delete(k) if /_given$/.match?(k.to_s) } end end end