# # ActiveFacts tests: Value types in the Runtime API # Copyright (c) 2008 Clifford Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # describe "Value Type class definitions" do setup do Object.send :remove_const, :Mod if Object.const_defined?("Mod") module Mod class Name < String value_type has_one :name end class Year < Int value_type has_one :name end class Weight < Real value_type has_one :name end end @classes = [Mod::Name, Mod::Year,Mod::Weight] @attrs = [:name, :name, :name] end it "should respond_to verbalise" do @classes.each { |klass| klass.respond_to?(:verbalise).should be_true } end it "should not pollute the value class" do @classes.each { |klass| klass.superclass.respond_to?(:verbalise).should_not be_true } end it "should return a string from verbalise" do @classes.each { |klass| v = klass.verbalise v.should_not be_nil v.should_not =~ /REVISIT/ } end it "should respond_to vocabulary" do @classes.each { |klass| klass.respond_to?(:vocabulary).should be_true } end it "should return the parent module as the vocabulary" do @classes.each { |klass| vocabulary = klass.vocabulary vocabulary.should == Mod } end it "should return a vocabulary that knows about this concept" do @classes.each { |klass| vocabulary = klass.vocabulary vocabulary.respond_to?(:concept).should be_true vocabulary.concept.has_key?(klass.basename).should be_true } end it "should respond to roles()" do @classes.each { |klass| klass.respond_to?(:roles).should be_true } end it "should contain only the added role definitions" do Mod::Name.roles.size.should == 4 (@classes-[Mod::Name]).each { |klass| klass.roles.size.should == 1 } end it "should return the role definition" do # Check the role definition may not be accessed by passing an index: Mod::Name.roles(0).should be_nil @classes.zip(@attrs).each { |pair| klass, attr = *pair role = klass.roles(attr) role.should_not be_nil role = klass.roles(attr.to_s) role.should_not be_nil # Check the role definition may be accessed by indexing the returned array: role = klass.roles[attr] role.should_not be_nil # Check the role definition array by .include? klass.roles.include?(attr).should be_true } end # REVISIT: role value restrictions it "should fail on a non-ValueClass" do lambda{ class NameNotString value_type end }.should raise_error end end