# # Fluentd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'json' require 'fluent/config/error' require 'fluent/config/v1_parser' module Fluent module Config class Section < BasicObject def self.name 'Fluent::Config::Section' end def initialize(params = {}) @klass = 'Fluent::Config::Section' @params = params end alias :object_id :__id__ def inspect "" end def nil? false end def to_h @params end def +(other) Section.new(self.to_h.merge(other.to_h)) end def instance_of?(mod) @klass == mod.name end def kind_of?(mod) @klass == mod.name || BasicObject == mod end alias is_a? kind_of? def [](key) @params[key.to_sym] end def respond_to_missing?(symbol, include_private) @params.has_key?(symbol) end def method_missing(name, *args) if @params.has_key?(name) @params[name] else super end end end module SectionGenerator def self.generate(proxy, conf, logger, plugin_class, stack = []) return nil if conf.nil? section_stack = "" unless stack.empty? section_stack = ", in section " + stack.join(" > ") end section_params = {} proxy.defaults.each_pair do |name, defval| varname = name.to_sym section_params[varname] = defval end if proxy.argument unless conf.arg.empty? key, block, opts = proxy.argument section_params[key] = self.instance_exec(conf.arg, opts, name, &block) end unless section_params.has_key?(proxy.argument.first) logger.error "config error in:\n#{conf}" raise ConfigError, "'<#{proxy.name} ARG>' section requires argument" + section_stack end # argument should NOT be deprecated... (argument always has a value: '') end proxy.params.each_pair do |name, defval| varname = name.to_sym block, opts = defval if conf.has_key?(name.to_s) || opts[:alias] && conf.has_key?(opts[:alias].to_s) val = if conf.has_key?(name.to_s) conf[name.to_s] else conf[opts[:alias].to_s] end section_params[varname] = self.instance_exec(val, opts, name, &block) # Source of definitions of deprecated/obsoleted: # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Deprecated_and_obsolete_features # # Deprecated: These deprecated features can still be used, but should be used with caution # because they are expected to be removed entirely sometime in the future. # Obsoleted: These obsolete features have been entirely removed from JavaScript and can no longer be used. if opts[:deprecated] logger.warn "'#{name}' parameter is deprecated: #{opts[:deprecated]}" end if opts[:obsoleted] logger.error "config error in:\n#{conf}" if logger raise ObsoletedParameterError, "'#{name}' parameter is already removed: #{opts[:obsoleted]}" + section_stack end end unless section_params.has_key?(varname) logger.error "config error in:\n#{conf}" raise ConfigError, "'#{name}' parameter is required" + section_stack end end check_unused_section(proxy, conf, plugin_class) proxy.sections.each do |name, subproxy| varname = subproxy.param_name.to_sym elements = (conf.respond_to?(:elements) ? conf.elements : []).select{ |e| e.name == subproxy.name.to_s || e.name == subproxy.alias.to_s } # set subproxy for secret option elements.each { |element| element.corresponding_proxies << subproxy } if subproxy.required? && elements.size < 1 logger.error "config error in:\n#{conf}" raise ConfigError, "'<#{subproxy.name}>' sections are required" + section_stack end if subproxy.multi? section_params[varname] = elements.map{ |e| generate(subproxy, e, logger, plugin_class, stack + [subproxy.name]) } else if elements.size > 1 logger.error "config error in:\n#{conf}" raise ConfigError, "'<#{subproxy.name}>' section cannot be written twice or more" + section_stack end section_params[varname] = generate(subproxy, elements.first, logger, plugin_class, stack + [subproxy.name]) end end Section.new(section_params) end def self.check_unused_section(proxy, conf, plugin_class) elems = conf.respond_to?(:elements) ? conf.elements : [] elems.each { |e| next if plugin_class.nil? && Fluent::Config::V1Parser::ELEM_SYMBOLS.include?(e.name) # skip pre-defined non-plugin elements because it doens't have proxy section # In v0.12, buffer and output parameters are defined in same place. # It causes same configuration is used in different buffer / output # and buffer plugin's sections are always empty. It should be skipped. next if proxy.sections.empty? unless proxy.sections.any? { |name, subproxy| e.name == subproxy.name.to_s || e.name == subproxy.alias.to_s } parent_name = if conf.arg.empty? conf.name else "#{conf.name} #{conf.arg}" end e.unused_in = [parent_name, plugin_class] end } end end end end