{% include authorpagehead/index.html %}
{%- include header/blogHeader.html -%}
{% assign posts = site.posts | where_exp:"post","post.url != page.url" %} {% for post in posts %} {%- include /authors/authors.html -%} {% if authorName contains page.authorName %} {%- assign a = authorName -%} {%- assign authorPick = image -%} {%- assign authorAbout = bio -%} {%- endif -%} {% endfor %} {%- if a -%}
{%- endif -%} {%- if site.data.blog.share -%}
Follow Me
{% capture title %}{{ page.title }}{% endcapture %} {% assign url = page.url | relative_url | prepend: site.url %} {% for share in site.data.blog.share.platforms %} {% assign link = share.link | replace: 'TITLE', title | replace: 'URL', url %}
{% endfor %}
{%- endif -%}
List of All Authors
Our Authors
{% assign already_run = false %} {% assign already_run2 = false %} {% assign folder_path = '' %}
{% for file in site.pages %} {% if file.path contains folder_path %} {% assign pageData = file | parse_yaml %} {% assign lang = pageData.lang %} {% assign foldername = pageData.folderName %} {% assign filename = pageData.fileName %} {% assign permalink = pageData.permalink %} {% assign json_data= site.data[foldername][lang][filename] | json %} {%- assign seocontentAuthor = json_data.author | downcase -%} {%- assign pageAuthorName = page.label | downcase -%} {%- if permalink contains '/' -%} {%- assign my_url_with_slash = permalink -%} {%- else -%} {% assign my_url_with_slash = "/" | append: permalink %} {%- endif -%} {%- if seocontentAuthor contains pageAuthorName and already_run == false -%}
Authored content for features
{{permalink | replace: '-', ' '| replace: '/', ' ' | capitalize }}
{% assign already_run = true %} {%- elsif seocontentAuthor contains pageAuthorName -%}
{{permalink | replace: '-', ' '| replace: '/', ' ' | capitalize }}
{%- endif -%} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% for file in site.pages %} {% if file.path contains folder_path %} {% assign pageData = file | parse_yaml %} {% assign lang = pageData.lang %} {% assign foldername = pageData.folderName %} {% assign filename = pageData.fileName %} {% assign permalink = pageData.permalink %} {% assign json_data= site.data[foldername][lang][filename] | json %} {%- assign seocontentAuthor = json_data.author | downcase -%} {%- assign pageAuthorName = page.label | downcase -%} {%- if permalink contains '/' -%} {%- assign my_url_with_slash = permalink -%} {%- else -%} {% assign my_url_with_slash = "/" | append: permalink %} {%- endif -%} {%- for item in json_data.contributors -%} {%- assign contributeAuthor = item.name | downcase -%} {%- if contributeAuthor contains pageAuthorName and already_run2 == false -%}
Contributed content for features
{{permalink | replace: '-', ' '| replace: '/', ' ' | capitalize }}
{% assign already_run2 = true %} {%- elsif contributeAuthor contains pageAuthorName -%}
{{permalink | replace: '-', ' '| replace: '/', ' ' | capitalize }}
{%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{%- if authorAbout -%}
{%- endif -%}
Authored Articles
{% assign posts = site.posts | where_exp:"post","post.url != page.url" %} {% for post in posts %} {%- include /authors/authors.html -%} {%- assign postAuthor = post.author | downcase -%} {%- assign pageLabel = page.label | downcase -%} {%- if postAuthor contains pageLabel -%}
{{ post.title }}
{%- endif -%} {% endfor %}
{% for post in posts %} {%- for item in post.contributors -%} {%- assign pageAuthorName = pageAuthorName | downcase -%} {%- assign contributorAuthor = item | downcase -%} {%- if pageAuthorName contains contributorAuthor -%} {%- if post.contributors.size > 0 -%} {%- assign all_Contributors = post.contributors -%} {%- assign boolean = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {%- if boolean == true -%}
Contributed Articles
{%- endif -%}
{% assign posts = site.posts | where_exp:"post","post.url != page.url" %} {% for post in posts %} {%- include /authors/authors.html -%} {%- for item in post.contributors -%} {%- assign pageAuthorName = pageAuthorName | downcase -%} {%- assign contributorAuthor = item | downcase -%} {%- if pageAuthorName contains contributorAuthor -%}
{{ post.title }}
{%- endif -%} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
{% include script.html %}