# # Author:: Daniel DeLeo (<dan@chef.io>) # Author:: Prajakta Purohit (prajakta@chef.io>) # Author:: Tyler Cloke (<tyler@opscode.com>) # # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require_relative "event_dispatch/base" class Chef class ResourceReporter < EventDispatch::Base def for_json(action_record) new_resource = action_record.new_resource current_resource = action_record.current_resource as_hash = {} as_hash["type"] = new_resource.resource_name.to_sym as_hash["name"] = new_resource.name.to_s as_hash["id"] = new_resource.identity.to_s as_hash["after"] = new_resource.state_for_resource_reporter as_hash["before"] = current_resource ? current_resource.state_for_resource_reporter : {} as_hash["duration"] = ( action_record.elapsed_time * 1000 ).to_i.to_s as_hash["delta"] = new_resource.diff if new_resource.respond_to?("diff") as_hash["delta"] = "" if as_hash["delta"].nil? # TODO: rename as "action" as_hash["result"] = action_record.action.to_s if new_resource.cookbook_name as_hash["cookbook_name"] = new_resource.cookbook_name as_hash["cookbook_version"] = new_resource.cookbook_version.version end as_hash end attr_reader :status attr_reader :exception attr_reader :error_descriptions attr_reader :action_collection attr_reader :rest_client PROTOCOL_VERSION = "0.1.0".freeze def initialize(rest_client) @pending_update = nil @status = "success" @exception = nil @rest_client = rest_client @error_descriptions = {} @expanded_run_list = {} end def run_started(run_status) @run_status = run_status if reporting_enabled? begin resource_history_url = "reports/nodes/#{node_name}/runs" server_response = rest_client.post(resource_history_url, { action: :start, run_id: run_id, start_time: start_time.to_s }, headers) rescue Timeout::Error, Errno::EINVAL, Errno::ECONNRESET, EOFError, Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, Net::ProtocolError => e handle_error_starting_run(e, resource_history_url) end end end def handle_error_starting_run(e, url) message = "Reporting error starting run. URL: #{url} " code = if e.response.code e.response.code.to_s else "Exception Code Empty" end if !e.response || (code != "404" && code != "406") exception = "Exception: #{code} " if Chef::Config[:enable_reporting_url_fatals] reporting_status = "Reporting fatals enabled. Aborting run. " Chef::Log.error(message + exception + reporting_status) raise else reporting_status = "Disabling reporting for run." Chef::Log.info(message + exception + reporting_status) end else reason = "Received #{code}. " if code == "406" reporting_status = "Client version not supported. Please update the client. Disabling reporting for run." Chef::Log.info(message + reason + reporting_status) else reporting_status = "Disabling reporting for run." Chef::Log.trace(message + reason + reporting_status) end end @runs_endpoint_failed = true end def run_id @run_status.run_id end def run_completed(node) @status = "success" post_reporting_data end def run_failed(exception) @exception = exception @status = "failure" # If we failed before we received the run_started callback, there's not much we can do # in terms of reporting if @run_status post_reporting_data end end def run_list_expanded(run_list_expansion) @expanded_run_list = run_list_expansion end def action_collection_registration(action_collection) @action_collection = action_collection end def post_reporting_data if reporting_enabled? run_data = prepare_run_data resource_history_url = "reports/nodes/#{node_name}/runs/#{run_id}" Chef::Log.info("Sending resource update report (run-id: #{run_id})") Chef::Log.trace run_data.inspect compressed_data = encode_gzip(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(run_data)) Chef::Log.trace("Sending compressed run data...") # Since we're posting compressed data we can not directly call post which expects JSON begin rest_client.raw_request(:POST, resource_history_url, headers({ "Content-Encoding" => "gzip" }), compressed_data) rescue StandardError => e if e.respond_to? :response Chef::FileCache.store("failed-reporting-data.json", Chef::JSONCompat.to_json_pretty(run_data), 0640) Chef::Log.error("Failed to post reporting data to server (HTTP #{e.response.code}), saving to #{Chef::FileCache.load("failed-reporting-data.json", false)}") else Chef::Log.error("Failed to post reporting data to server (#{e})") end end else Chef::Log.trace("Server doesn't support resource history, skipping resource report.") end end def headers(additional_headers = {}) options = { "X-Ops-Reporting-Protocol-Version" => PROTOCOL_VERSION } options.merge(additional_headers) end def node_name @run_status.node.name end def start_time @run_status.start_time end def end_time @run_status.end_time end # get only the top level resources and strip out the subcollections def updated_resources @updated_resources ||= action_collection&.filtered_collection(max_nesting: 0, up_to_date: false, skipped: false, unprocessed: false) || {} end def total_res_count updated_resources.count end def prepare_run_data run_data = {} run_data["action"] = "end" run_data["resources"] = updated_resources.map do |action_record| for_json(action_record) end run_data["status"] = @status run_data["run_list"] = Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(@run_status.node.run_list) run_data["total_res_count"] = total_res_count.to_s run_data["data"] = {} run_data["start_time"] = start_time.to_s run_data["end_time"] = end_time.to_s run_data["expanded_run_list"] = Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(@expanded_run_list) if exception exception_data = {} exception_data["class"] = exception.inspect exception_data["message"] = exception.message exception_data["backtrace"] = Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(exception.backtrace) exception_data["description"] = @error_descriptions run_data["data"]["exception"] = exception_data end run_data end def run_list_expand_failed(node, exception) description = Formatters::ErrorMapper.run_list_expand_failed(node, exception) @error_descriptions = description.for_json end def cookbook_resolution_failed(expanded_run_list, exception) description = Formatters::ErrorMapper.cookbook_resolution_failed(expanded_run_list, exception) @error_descriptions = description.for_json end def cookbook_sync_failed(cookbooks, exception) description = Formatters::ErrorMapper.cookbook_sync_failed(cookbooks, exception) @error_descriptions = description.for_json end private def reporting_enabled? Chef::Config[:enable_reporting] && !Chef::Config[:why_run] && !@runs_endpoint_failed end def encode_gzip(data) "".tap do |out| Zlib::GzipWriter.wrap(StringIO.new(out)) { |gz| gz << data } end end end end