# RemoteServerConfigurationFile ## Example RemoteServerConfigurationFile Object ``` { "id": 1, "permission_set": "example", "private_key": "example", "subdomain": "example", "root": "C:\\Users\\", "follow_links": true, "prefer_protocol": "example", "dns": "example", "proxy_all_outbound": true, "endpoint_override": "example", "log_file": "example", "log_level": "example", "log_rotate_num": 1, "log_rotate_size": 1, "max_concurrent_jobs": 1, "graceful_shutdown_timeout": 1, "transfer_rate_limit": "example", "api_token": "example", "port": 1, "hostname": "example", "public_key": "example", "status": "example", "server_host_key": "example", "config_version": "example" } ``` * `id` (int64): The remote server ID of the agent * `permission_set` (string): The permission set for the agent ['read_write', 'read_only', 'write_only'] * `private_key` (string): The private key for the agent * `subdomain` (string): Files.com subdomain site name * `root` (string): The root directory for the agent * `follow_links` (boolean): Follow symlinks when traversing directories * `prefer_protocol` (string): Preferred network protocol ['udp', 'tcp'] * `dns` (string): DNS lookup method ['auto','doh','system'] * `proxy_all_outbound` (boolean): Proxy all outbound traffic through files.com proxy server * `endpoint_override` (string): Custom site endpoint URL * `log_file` (string): Log file name and location * `log_level` (string): Log level for the agent logs ['debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'fatal'] * `log_rotate_num` (int64): Log route for agent logs. (default 5) * `log_rotate_size` (int64): Log route size in MB for agent logs. (default 20MB) * `max_concurrent_jobs` (int64): Maximum number of concurrent jobs (default CPU Count * 4) * `graceful_shutdown_timeout` (int64): Graceful shutdown timeout in seconds * `transfer_rate_limit` (string): File transfer (upload/download) rate limit -, with the given periods: * 'S': second * 'M': minute * 'H': hour * 'D': day Examples: * 5 requests/second: '5-S' * 10 requests/minute: '10-M' * 1000 requests/hour: '1000-H' * 2000 requests/day: '2000-D' * `api_token` (string): Files Agent API Token * `port` (int64): Incoming port for files agent connections * `hostname` (string): * `public_key` (string): public key * `status` (string): either running or shutdown * `server_host_key` (string): * `config_version` (string): agent config version