## Contributing ## You can contribute to this repo if you have an issue, found a bug or think there's some functionality required that would add value to the gem. To do so, please check if there's not already an [issue](https://github.com/rootstrap/active-storage-base64/issues) for that, if you find there's not, create a new one with as much detail as possible. If you want to contribute with code as well, please follow the next steps: 1. Read, understand and agree to our [code of conduct](https://github.com/rootstrap/active-storage-base64/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) 2. [Fork the repo](https://help.github.com/articles/about-forks/) 3. Clone the project into your machine: `$ git clone git@github.com:[YOUR GITHUB USERNAME]/active-storage-base64.git` 4. Access the repo: `$ cd active-storage-base64` 5. Create your feature/bugfix branch: `$ git checkout -b your_new_feature` or `$ git checkout -b fix/your_fix` in case of a bug fix (if your PR is to address an existing issue, it would be good to name the branch after the issue, for example: if you are trying to solve issue 182, then a good idea for the branch name would be `182_your_new_feature`) 6. Write tests for your changes (feature/bug) 7. Code your (feature/bugfix) 8. Run the code analysis tool by doing: `$ rake code_analysis` 9. Run the tests: `$ bundle exec rspec` All tests must pass. If all tests (both code analysis and rspec) do pass, then you are ready to go to the next step: 10. Commit your changes: `$ git commit -m 'Your feature or bugfix title'` 11. Push to the branch `$ git push origin your_new_feature` 12. Create a new [pull request](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request/) Some helpful guides that will help you know how we work: 1. [Code review](https://github.com/rootstrap/tech-guides/tree/master/code-review) 2. [GIT workflow](https://github.com/rootstrap/tech-guides/tree/master/git) 3. [Ruby style guide](https://github.com/rootstrap/tech-guides/tree/master/ruby) 4. [Rails style guide](https://github.com/rootstrap/tech-guides/blob/master/ruby/rails.md) 5. [RSpec style guide](https://github.com/rootstrap/tech-guides/blob/master/ruby/rspec/README.md) For more information or guides like the ones mentioned above, please check our [tech guides](https://github.com/rootstrap/tech-guides). Keep in mind that the more you know about these guides, the easier it will be for your code to get approved and merged. Note: We work with one commit per pull request, so if you make your commit and realize you were missing something or want to add something more to it, don't create a new commit with the changes, but use `$ git commit --amend` instead. This same principle also applies for when changes are requested on an open pull request. Thank you very much for your time and for considering helping in this project.