module MnoEnterprise module ApplicationHelper def support_email MnoEnterprise.support_email end # Re-implement Devise filter # For some reasons the original Devise filter seems to ignore the # mnoe prefix when using custom devise controllers def authenticate_user! redirect_to(new_user_session_path) unless current_user true end # Redirect a signed in user to the confirmation # lounge if unconfirmed def redirect_to_lounge_if_unconfirmed if current_user && !current_user.confirmed? redirect_to user_confirmation_lounge_path end return true end # Redirect to signup page if user not authenticated def authenticate_user_or_signup! unless current_user redirect_to new_user_registration_path false end true end def notice_hash(notice) return {} unless notice # TODO: refactor auto_close = (notice =~ /signed (in|out)/i ? 5*1000 : nil) # Check if a timeout has been defined in flash unless auto_close auto_close = flash[:flash_options][:timeout] if flash[:flash_options] && flash[:flash_options][:timeout] end { type:'success', msg: (notice || '').html_safe, timeout: auto_close } end def alert_hash(alert) return {} unless alert { type:'danger', msg: (alert || '').html_safe, timeout: -1 } end # This helper converts markdown content # to html, using the HtmlProcessor (see /lib) def markdown(text) return text unless text.present?, format: :markdown).html.html_safe end # Return the user avatar url. The displayed picture use the gravatar of the user email # TODO: add and use avatar_email from the OAUTH user def avatar_url(user) gravatar_url( end # Return the gravatar url for the given email def gravatar_url(email) if email gravatar_id = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(email.downcase) "{gravatar_id}.png?s=50&d=mm" end end end end