# docker_version_string = command('docker -v').stdout docker_version = docker_version_string.split(/\s/)[2].split(',')[0] puts "docker_version: #{docker_version}" volumes_filter = '{{ .Volumes }}' if docker_version =~ /1.6/ volumes_filter = '{{ .Volumes }}' if docker_version =~ /1.7/ volumes_filter = '{{ .Config.Volumes }}' if docker_version =~ /1.8/ volumes_filter = '{{ .Config.Volumes }}' if docker_version =~ /1.9/ volumes_filter = '{{ .Config.Volumes }}' if docker_version =~ /1.10/ overrides_volumes_value = %r{map\[\/home:map\[\]\]} if docker_version =~ /1.6/ overrides_volumes_value = %r{map\[/home:{}\]} if docker_version =~ /1.7/ overrides_volumes_value = %r{map\[/home:{}\]} if docker_version =~ /1.8/ overrides_volumes_value = %r{map\[/home:{}\]} if docker_version =~ /1.9/ overrides_volumes_value = %r{map\[/home:{}\]} if docker_version =~ /1.10/ mounts_filter = '{{ .Volumes }}' if docker_version =~ /1.6/ mounts_filter = '{{ .Volumes }}' if docker_version =~ /1.7/ mounts_filter = '{{ .Mounts }}' if docker_version =~ /1.8/ mounts_filter = '{{ .Mounts }}' if docker_version =~ /1.9/ mounts_filter = '{{ .Mounts }}' if docker_version =~ /1.10/ uber_options_network_mode = 'default' if docker_version =~ /1.6/ uber_options_network_mode = 'bridge' if docker_version =~ /1.7/ uber_options_network_mode = 'default' if docker_version =~ /1.8/ uber_options_network_mode = 'default' if docker_version =~ /1.9/ uber_options_network_mode = 'default' if docker_version =~ /1.10/ nil_string = '' if docker_version =~ /1.6/ nil_string = '' if docker_version =~ /1.7/ nil_string = '' if docker_version =~ /1.8/ ################################################## # test/cookbooks/docker_test/recipes/default.rb ################################################## # docker_service[default] unless docker_version =~ /1.6/ describe command('docker info') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/environment=/) } its(:stdout) { should match(/foo=/) } end end ############################################## # test/cookbooks/docker_test/recipes/image.rb ############################################## # test/cookbooks/docker_test/recipes/image.rb # docker_image[hello-world] describe command('docker images') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/^hello-world\s.*latest/) } end # docker_image[Tom's container] describe command('docker images') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{^tduffield\/testcontainerd\s.*latest}) } end # docker_image[busybox] describe command('docker images') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/^busybox\s.*latest/) } end # docker_image[alpine] describe command('docker images') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/^alpine\s.*3.1/) } end describe command('docker images') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/^alpine\s.*2.7/) } end # docker_image[vbatts/slackware] describe command('docker images') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not match(/^slackware\s.*latest/) } end # docker_image[save hello-world] describe file('/hello-world.tar') do it { should be_file } it { should be_mode 0644 } end # docker_image[image-1] describe command('docker images') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not match(/^image-1\s.*v1.0.1/) } end # docker_image[image.2] describe command('docker images') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not match(/^image.2\s.*v1.0.1/) } end # docker_image[image_3] describe command('docker images') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not match(/^image_3\s.*v1.0.1/) } end # docker_image[name-w-dashes] describe command('docker images') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{^localhost\:5043/someara/name-w-dashes\s.*latest}) } end # docker_tag[private repo tag for name.w.dots:latest] describe command('docker images') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{^localhost\:5043/someara/name\.w\.dots\s.*latest}) } end # FIXME: We need to test the "docker_registry" stuff... # I can't figure out how to search the local registry to see if the # authentication and :push actions in the test recipe actually worked. # # Skipping for now. ################################################## # test/cookbooks/docker_test/recipes/container.rb ################################################## # docker_container[hello-world] describe command("docker ps -qaf 'name=hello-world$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not be_empty } end # docker_container[busybox_ls] describe command("docker ps -qaf 'name=busybox_ls$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not be_empty } end # docker_container[alpine_ls] describe command("docker ps -qaf 'name=alpine_ls$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not be_empty } end # docker_container[an_echo_server] describe command("docker ps -qaf 'name=an_echo_server$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not be_empty } end describe command("docker inspect --format '{{ range $port, $_ := .HostConfig.PortBindings }}{{ $port }}{{ end }}' an_echo_server") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should include('7/tcp') } end # docker_container[another_echo_server] describe command("docker ps -qaf 'name=another_echo_server$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not be_empty } end describe command("docker inspect --format '{{ range $port, $_ := .HostConfig.PortBindings }}{{ $port }}{{ end }}' another_echo_server") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should include('7/tcp') } end # docker_container[an_udp_echo_server] describe command("docker ps -qaf 'name=an_udp_echo_server$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not be_empty } end describe command("docker inspect --format '{{ range $port, $_ := .HostConfig.PortBindings }}{{ $port }}{{ end }}' an_udp_echo_server") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should include('7/udp') } end # docker_container[multi_ip_port] describe command("docker ps -qaf 'name=multi_ip_port$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not be_empty } end describe command("docker inspect -f '{{ .HostConfig.PortBindings }}' multi_ip_port") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should include('8301/tcp:[{ }]') } its(:stdout) { should include('8301/udp:[{ 8301}]') } its(:stdout) { should match(%r(8500/tcp:\[{127.0.[0-1].1 8500} {127.0.[0-1].1 8500}\])) } end # docker_container[port_range] describe command("docker ps -qaf 'name=port_range$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not be_empty } end describe command("docker inspect -f '{{ .HostConfig.PortBindings }}' port_range") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should include('2000/tcp:[{ }]') } its(:stdout) { should include('2001/tcp:[{ }]') } its(:stdout) { should include('2000/udp:[{ }]') } its(:stdout) { should include('2001/udp:[{ }]') } its(:stdout) { should include('3000/tcp:[{ }]') } its(:stdout) { should include('3001/tcp:[{ }]') } end # docker_container[bill] describe command("docker ps -qaf 'name=bil$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should be_empty } end # docker_container[hammer_time] describe command("docker ps -qaf 'name=hammer_time$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not be_empty } end describe command("docker ps -af 'name=hammer_time$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited/) } its(:stdout) { should_not be_empty } end # docker_container[red_light] describe command("docker ps -qaf 'name=red_light$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not be_empty } end describe command("docker ps -af 'name=red_light$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Paused/) } end # docker_container[green_light] describe command("docker ps -qaf 'name=green_light$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not be_empty } end describe command("docker ps -af 'name=green_light$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not match(/Paused/) } end # docker_container[quitter] describe command("docker ps -qaf 'name=quitter$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not be_empty } end describe command("docker ps -af 'name=quitter$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not match(/Exited/) } end # docker_container[restarter] describe command("docker ps -qaf 'name=restarter$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not be_empty } end describe command("docker ps -af 'name=restarter$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not match(/Exited/) } end # docker_container[deleteme] describe command("docker ps -qaf 'name=deleteme$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should be_empty } end # docker_container[redeployer] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=redeployer$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not match(/Exited/) } end # docker_container[unstarted_redeployer] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=unstarted_redeployer$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not match(/Up/) } its(:stdout) { should match(/Created/) } if docker_version.to_f >= 1.8 end # docker_container[bind_mounter] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=bind_mounter$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited/) } end describe command('docker inspect -f "{{ .HostConfig.Binds }}" bind_mounter') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{\/hostbits\:\/bits}) } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{\/more-hostbits\:\/more-bits}) } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{\/winter\:\/spring\:ro}) } end # docker_container[binds_alias] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=binds_alias$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited/) } end describe command('docker inspect -f "{{ .HostConfig.Binds }}" binds_alias') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{\/fall\:\/sun}) } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{\/winter\:\/spring\:ro}) } end describe command('docker inspect -f "{{ .Config.Volumes }}" binds_alias') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{\/snow\:\{\}}) } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{\/summer\:\{\}}) } end # docker_container[chef_container] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=chef_container$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not match(/Exited/) } its(:stdout) { should_not match(/Up/) } end describe command("docker inspect -f \"#{volumes_filter}\" chef_container") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{\/opt\/chef\:}) } end # docker_container[ohai_debian] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=ohai_debian$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited/) } end describe command('docker logs ohai_debian') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/debian/) } end describe command("docker inspect -f \"#{mounts_filter}\" ohai_debian") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{\/opt\/chef}) } end # docker_container[env] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=env$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited/) } end describe command('docker inspect -f "{{ .Config.Env }}" env') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{\[PATH=\/usr\/bin FOO=bar\]}) } end # docker_container[ohai_again] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=ohai_again$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited/) } end describe command('docker logs ohai_again') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/ohai_time/) } end # docker_container[cmd_test] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=cmd_test$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited/) } end describe command('docker logs cmd_test') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/.dockerinit/) } end # docker_container[sean_was_here] describe command("docker ps -aqf 'name=sean_was_here$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should be_empty } end describe command('docker run --rm --volumes-from chef_container debian ls -la /opt/chef/') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/sean_was_here-/) } end # docker_container[cap_add_net_admin] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=cap_add_net_admin$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited/) } end describe command('docker logs cap_add_net_admin') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stderr) { should_not match(/RTNETLINK answers: Operation not permitted/) } end # docker_container[cap_add_net_admin_error] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=cap_add_net_admin_error$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited/) } end describe command('docker logs cap_add_net_admin_error') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stderr) { should match(/RTNETLINK answers: Operation not permitted/) } end # docker_container[cap_drop_mknod] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=cap_drop_mknod$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited/) } end describe command('docker logs cap_drop_mknod') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stderr) { should match(%r{mknod: '/dev/urandom2': Operation not permitted}) } end # docker_container[cap_drop_mknod_error] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=cap_drop_mknod_error$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited/) } end describe command('docker logs cap_drop_mknod_error') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stderr) { should_not match(%r{mknod: '/dev/urandom2': Operation not permitted}) } end # docker_container[fqdn] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=fqdn$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited/) } end describe command('docker logs fqdn') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/computers.biz/) } end # docker_container[dns] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=dns$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited/) } end describe command('docker inspect -f "{{ .HostConfig.Dns }}" dns') do its(:stdout) { should match(/\[\]/) } end # docker_container[extra_hosts] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=extra_hosts$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited/) } end describe command('docker inspect -f "{{ .HostConfig.ExtraHosts }}" extra_hosts') do its(:stdout) { should match(/\[east: west:\]/) } end # docker_container[devices_sans_cap_sys_admin] # describe command("docker ps -af 'name=devices_sans_cap_sys_admin$'") do # its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } # its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited/) } # end # FIXME: find a method to test this that works across all platforms in test-kitchen # Is this test invalid? # describe command("md5sum /root/disk1") do # its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } # its(:stdout) { should match(/0f343b0931126a20f133d67c2b018a3b/) } # end # docker_container[devices_with_cap_sys_admin] # describe command("docker ps -af 'name=devices_with_cap_sys_admin$'") do # its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } # its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited/) } # end # describe command('md5sum /root/disk1') do # its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } # its(:stdout) { should_not match(/0f343b0931126a20f133d67c2b018a3b/) } # end # docker_container[cpu_shares] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=cpu_shares$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited/) } end describe command("docker inspect -f '{{ .HostConfig.CpuShares }}' cpu_shares") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/512/) } end # docker_container[cpuset_cpus] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=cpuset_cpus$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited/) } end describe command("docker inspect -f '{{ .HostConfig.CpusetCpus }}' cpuset_cpus") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/0,1/) } end # docker_container[try_try_again] # FIXME: Find better tests describe command("docker ps -af 'name=try_try_again$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited/) } end # docker_container[reboot_survivor] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=reboot_survivor$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not match(/Exited/) } end # docker_container[reboot_survivor_retry] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=reboot_survivor_retry$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not match(/Exited/) } end # docker_container[link_source] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=link_source$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not match(/Exited/) } end # docker_container[link_source_2] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=link_source_2$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not match(/Exited/) } end # docker_container[link_target_1] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=link_target_1$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited/) } end describe command('docker logs link_target_1') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not match(/ping: bad address 'hello'/) } end # docker_container[link_target_2] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=link_target_2$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited/) } end describe command('docker logs link_target_2') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{HELLO_NAME=/link_target_2/hello}) } end # docker_container[link_target_3] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=link_target_3$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited/) } end describe command('docker logs link_target_3') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not match(/ping: bad address 'hello_again'/) } end describe command("docker inspect -f '{{ .HostConfig.Links }}' link_target_3") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{[/link_source:/link_target_3/hello /link_source_2:/link_target_3/hello_again]}) } end # docker_container[link_target_4] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=link_target_4$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited/) } end describe command('docker logs link_target_4') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{HELLO_NAME=/link_target_4/hello}) } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{HELLO_AGAIN_NAME=/link_target_4/hello_again}) } end describe command("docker inspect -f '{{ .HostConfig.Links }}' link_target_4") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{[/link_source:/link_target_4/hello /link_source_2:/link_target_4/hello_again]}) } end # docker_container[dangler] # describe command('ls -la `cat /dangler_volpath`') do # its(:exit_status) { should_not eq 0 } # end # FIXME: this changed with 1.8.x. Find a way to sanely test across various platforms # docker_container[mutator] describe command('ls -la /mutator.tar') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } end # docker_container[network_mode] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=network_mode$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not match(/Exited/) } end describe command("docker inspect -f '{{ .HostConfig.NetworkMode }}' network_mode") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/host/) } end if docker_version.to_f > 1.6 # docker_container[ulimit] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=ulimit$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not match(/Exited/) } end describe command("docker inspect -f '{{ .HostConfig.Ulimits }}' ulimits") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/nofile=40960:40960 core=100000000:100000000 memlock=100000000:100000000/) } end end if docker_version.to_f > 1.6 # docker_container[uber_options] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=uber_options$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not match(/Exited/) } end describe command("docker inspect -f '{{ .Config.Domainname }}' uber_options") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/computers.biz/) } end describe command("docker inspect -f '{{ .Config.MacAddress }}' uber_options") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/00:00:DE:AD:BE:EF/) } end describe command("docker inspect -f '{{ .HostConfig.Ulimits }}' uber_options") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/nofile=40960:40960 core=100000000:100000000 memlock=100000000:100000000/) } end describe command("docker inspect -f '{{ .HostConfig.NetworkMode }}' uber_options") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/#{uber_options_network_mode}/) } end # docker inspect returns the labels unsorted describe command("docker inspect -f '{{ .Config.Labels }}' uber_options") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/foo:bar/) } its(:stdout) { should match(/hello:world/) } end end # docker_container[overrides-1] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=overrides-1$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not match(/Exited/) } end describe command('docker inspect -f "{{ .Config.User }}" overrides-1') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/bob/) } end describe command('docker inspect -f "{{ .Config.Env }}" overrides-1') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{[PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin FOO=foo BAR=bar BIZ=biz BAZ=baz]}) } end describe command('docker inspect -f "{{ .Config.Entrypoint }}" overrides-1') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/#{nil_string}/) } end describe command('docker inspect -f "{{ .Config.Cmd }}" overrides-1') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{[ls -la /]}) } end describe command('docker inspect -f "{{ .Config.WorkingDir }}" overrides-1') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{/var}) } end describe command('docker inspect -f "{{ .Config.Volumes }}" overrides-1') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(overrides_volumes_value) } end # docker_container[overrides-2] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=overrides-2$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not match(/Exited/) } end describe command('docker inspect -f "{{ .Config.User }}" overrides-2') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/operator/) } end describe command('docker inspect -f "{{ .Config.Env }}" overrides-2') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{[FOO=biz PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin BAR=bar BIZ=biz BAZ=baz]}) } end describe command('docker inspect -f "{{ .Config.Entrypoint }}" overrides-2') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{[/bin/sh -c]}) } end describe command('docker inspect -f "{{ .Config.Cmd }}" overrides-2') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{[ls -laR /]}) } end describe command('docker inspect -f "{{ .Config.WorkingDir }}" overrides-2') do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(%r{/tmp}) } end # docker_container[syslogger] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=syslogger$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not match(/Exited/) } end describe command("docker inspect -f '{{ .HostConfig.LogConfig.Type }}' syslogger") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/syslog/) } end describe command("docker inspect -f '{{ .HostConfig.LogConfig.Config }}' syslogger") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/syslog-tag:container-syslogger/) } end # docker_container[host_override] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=host_override$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should_not be_empty } end # docker_container[kill_after] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=kill_after$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited \(137\)/) } end kill_after_start = command("docker inspect -f '{{.State.StartedAt}}' kill_after").stdout kill_after_start = DateTime.parse(kill_after_start).to_time.to_i kill_after_finish = command("docker inspect -f '{{.State.FinishedAt}}' kill_after").stdout kill_after_finish = DateTime.parse(kill_after_finish).to_time.to_i kill_after_run_time = kill_after_finish - kill_after_start describe kill_after_run_time do it { should be_within(5).of(1) } end # docker_container[pid_mode] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=pid_mode$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited \(0\)/) } end describe command("docker inspect --format '{{ .HostConfig.PidMode }}' pid_mode") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { eq 'host' } end # docker_container[ipc_mode] describe command("docker ps -af 'name=ipc_mode$'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/Exited \(0\)/) } end describe command("docker inspect --format '{{ .HostConfig.IpcMode }}' ipc_mode") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { eq 'host' } end # containers shouldnt be killed, validating only one was force killed describe command("docker ps -qaf 'exited=137' | wc -l") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/1/) } end describe command("docker ps -af 'exited=137'") do its(:exit_status) { should eq 0 } its(:stdout) { should match(/kill_after/) } end