module VestalVersions # Provides +versioned+ options conversion and cleanup. module Options extend ActiveSupport::Concern # Class methods that provide preparation of options passed to the +versioned+ method. module ClassMethods # The +prepare_versioned_options+ method has three purposes: # 1. Populate the provided options with default values where needed # 2. Prepare options for use with the +has_many+ association # 3. Save user-configurable options in a class-level variable # # Options are given priority in the following order: # 1. Those passed directly to the +versioned+ method # 2. Those specified in an initializer +configure+ block # 3. Default values specified in +prepare_versioned_options+ # # The method is overridden in feature modules that require specific options outside the # standard +has_many+ associations. def prepare_versioned_options(options) options.symbolize_keys! options.reverse_merge!(VestalVersions.config) options.reverse_merge!( :class_name => 'VestalVersions::Version', :dependent => :delete_all ) # options.reverse_merge!( # :order => "#{options[:class_name].constantize.table_name}.#{connection.quote_column_name('number')} ASC" # ) class_attribute :vestal_versions_options self.vestal_versions_options = options.dup options.merge!( :as => :versioned, :extend => Array(options[:extend]).unshift(Versions) ) end end end end