############################################################################### # # Makefile for libxlsxwriter library. # # Copyright 2014-2022, John McNamara, jmcnamara@cpan.org # # Keep the output quiet by default. Q=@ ifdef V Q= endif DESTDIR ?= PREFIX ?= /usr/local PYTEST ?= py.test PYTESTFILES ?= test VERSION = $(shell sed -n -e 's/.*LXW_VERSION \"\(.*\)\"/\1/p' include/xlsxwriter.h) SOVERSION = $(shell sed -n -e 's/.*LXW_SOVERSION \"\(.*\)\"/\1/p' include/xlsxwriter.h) .PHONY: docs tags examples third_party # Build libxlsxwriter. all : third_party $(Q)$(MAKE) -C src # Build the third party libs. third_party : ifndef USE_SYSTEM_MINIZIP $(Q)$(MAKE) -C third_party/minizip endif ifndef USE_STANDARD_TMPFILE $(Q)$(MAKE) -C third_party/tmpfileplus endif ifndef USE_NO_MD5 ifndef USE_OPENSSL_MD5 $(Q)$(MAKE) -C third_party/md5 endif endif ifdef USE_DTOA_LIBRARY $(Q)$(MAKE) -C third_party/dtoa endif # Build a macOS universal binary. universal_binary : $(Q)$(MAKE) clean $(Q)TARGET_ARCH="-target x86_64-apple-macos10.12" $(MAKE) all $(Q)mv lib/libxlsxwriter.a libxlsxwriter_x86_64.a $(Q)mv lib/libxlsxwriter.$(SOVERSION).dylib libxlsxwriter_x86_64.dylib $(Q)$(MAKE) clean $(Q)TARGET_ARCH="-target arm64-apple-macos11" $(MAKE) all $(Q)mv lib/libxlsxwriter.a lib/libxlsxwriter_arm64.a $(Q)mv lib/libxlsxwriter.$(SOVERSION).dylib lib/libxlsxwriter_arm64.dylib $(Q)mv libxlsxwriter_x86_64.a libxlsxwriter_x86_64.dylib lib $(Q)lipo -create -output lib/libxlsxwriter.a lib/libxlsxwriter_x86_64.a lib/libxlsxwriter_arm64.a $(Q)lipo -create -output lib/libxlsxwriter.$(SOVERSION).dylib lib/libxlsxwriter_x86_64.dylib lib/libxlsxwriter_arm64.dylib $(Q)rm -f lib/libxlsxwriter_x86_64.* lib/libxlsxwriter_arm64.* # Build the example programs. examples : all $(Q)$(MAKE) -C examples # Build the example programs with CPP for compatibility checking. examples_cpp : all $(Q)$(MAKE) -C examples CC=$(CXX) # Clean src and test directories. clean : $(Q)$(MAKE) clean -C src $(Q)$(MAKE) clean -C test/unit $(Q)$(MAKE) clean -C test/functional/src $(Q)$(MAKE) clean -C test/cpp $(Q)$(MAKE) clean -C examples $(Q)rm -rf docs/html $(Q)rm -rf test/functional/__pycache__ $(Q)rm -f test/functional/*.pyc $(Q)rm -f lib/* $(Q)$(MAKE) clean -C third_party/minizip $(Q)$(MAKE) clean -C third_party/tmpfileplus $(Q)$(MAKE) clean -C third_party/md5 $(Q)$(MAKE) clean -C third_party/dtoa # Clean src and lib dir only, as a precursor for static analysis. clean_src : $(Q)$(MAKE) clean -C src $(Q)rm -f lib/* # Run the unit tests. test : all test_cpp test_unit test_functional # Test for C++ const correctness on APIs. test_const : all $(Q)$(MAKE) clean -C test/functional/src $(Q)! $(MAKE) -C test/functional/src CFLAGS=-Wwrite-strings 2>&1 | grep -A 1 "note:" # Run the functional tests. test_functional : all $(Q)$(MAKE) -C test/functional/src $(Q)$(PYTEST) test/functional -v -k $(PYTESTFILES) # Run all tests. test_unit : all $(Q)$(MAKE) -C src test_lib $(Q)$(MAKE) -C test/unit test # Test C++ compilation. test_cpp : all $(Q)$(MAKE) -C test/cpp # Test Cmake. This test should really be done with Cmake in the cmake dir but # this is a workaround for now. test_cmake : ifneq ($(findstring m32,$(CFLAGS)),m32) $(Q)$(MAKE) -C src clean $(Q)cd cmake; cmake .. -DBUILD_TESTS=ON -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=ON; make clean; make; cp libxlsxwriter.a ../src/ $(Q)cmake/xlsxwriter_unit $(Q)$(MAKE) -C test/functional/src $(Q)$(PYTEST) test/functional -v -k $(PYTESTFILES) else @echo "Skipping Cmake tests on 32 bit target." endif # Test the functional test exes with valgrind (in 64bit mode only). test_valgrind : all ifndef NO_VALGRIND $(Q)$(MAKE) -C test/functional/src test_valgrind $(Q)$(MAKE) -C examples test_valgrind endif # Minimal target for quick compile without creating the libs. test_compile : $(Q)$(MAKE) -C src test_compile # Indent the source files with the .indent.pro settings. indent: $(Q)gindent src/*.c include/*.h include/xlsxwriter/*.h tags: $(Q)rm -f TAGS $(Q)etags src/*.c include/*.h include/xlsxwriter/*.h # Build the doxygen docs. doc: docs docs: $(Q)$(MAKE) -C docs @echo "Docs built." docs_doxygen_only: $(Q)$(MAKE) -C docs docs_doxygen_only docs_external: $(Q)make -C ../libxlsxwriter.github.io release # Simple install. install: all $(Q)mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include $(Q)cp -R include/* $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include $(Q)mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib $(Q)cp -R lib/* $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib $(Q)mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/pkgconfig $(Q)sed -e 's|@PREFIX@|$(PREFIX)|g' -e 's|@VERSION@|$(VERSION)|g' dev/release/pkg-config.txt > $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/pkgconfig/xlsxwriter.pc # Simpler uninstall. uninstall: $(Q)rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/xlsxwriter* $(Q)rm $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/libxlsxwriter.* $(Q)rm $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/pkgconfig/xlsxwriter.pc # Strip the lib files. strip: $(Q)strip lib/* # Run a coverity static analysis. coverity: clean_src third_party $(Q)rm -rf cov-int $(Q)rm -f libxlsxwriter-coverity.tgz $(Q)../../cov-analysis-linux64-2019.03/bin/cov-build --dir cov-int make -C src libxlsxwriter.a $(Q)tar -czf libxlsxwriter-coverity.tgz cov-int $(Q)$(MAKE) -C src clean $(Q)rm -f lib/* # Run gcov coverage analysis. gcov: third_party $(Q)$(MAKE) -C src clean $(Q)$(MAKE) -C src GCOV="--coverage" OPT_LEVEL="-O0" $(Q)$(MAKE) -C src test_lib GCOV="--coverage" $(Q)$(MAKE) -C test/unit test GCOV="--coverage" $(Q)$(MAKE) -C test/functional/src GCOV="--coverage" $(Q)$(PYTEST) test/functional -v -k $(PYTESTFILES) $(Q)mkdir -p build $(Q)gcovr -r src --html-details -o build/libxlsxwriter_gcov.html $(Q)gcovr -r . -f src --sonarqube build/coverage.xml # Run sonarcloud analysis. sonarcloud: gcov ifndef SONAR_TOKEN @echo "Please define SONAR_TOKEN to run this analysis." @exit 1 endif $(Q)$(MAKE) clean $(Q)../sonar-scanner- --out-dir build make all $(Q)../sonar-scanner- \ -Dsonar.organization=jmcnamara-github \ -Dsonar.projectKey=jmcnamara_libxlsxwriter \ -Dsonar.projectName=libxlsxwriter \ -Dsonar.projectVersion=$(VERSION) \ -Dsonar.sources=src \ -Dsonar.sourceEncoding=UTF-8 \ -Dsonar.cfamily.build-wrapper-output=build \ -Dsonar.working.directory=build/scannerwork \ -Dsonar.host.url=https://sonarcloud.io \ -Dsonar.coverageReportPaths=build/coverage.xml sonarcloud_no_gcov: ifndef SONAR_TOKEN @echo "Please define SONAR_TOKEN to run this analysis." @exit 1 endif $(Q)$(MAKE) clean $(Q)../sonar-scanner- --out-dir build make all $(Q)../sonar-scanner- \ -Dsonar.organization=jmcnamara-github \ -Dsonar.projectKey=jmcnamara_libxlsxwriter \ -Dsonar.projectName=libxlsxwriter \ -Dsonar.projectVersion=$(VERSION) \ -Dsonar.sources=src \ -Dsonar.sourceEncoding=UTF-8 \ -Dsonar.cfamily.build-wrapper-output=build \ -Dsonar.working.directory=build/scannerwork \ -Dsonar.host.url=https://sonarcloud.io # Run a scan-build static analysis. scan_build: clean_src third_party $(Q)scan-build make -C src libxlsxwriter.a $(Q)$(MAKE) -C src clean $(Q)rm -f lib/* spellcheck: $(Q)for f in docs/src/*.dox; do aspell --lang=en_US --check $$f; done $(Q)for f in include/xlsxwriter/*.h; do aspell --lang=en_US --check $$f; done $(Q)for f in src/*.c; do aspell --lang=en_US --check $$f; done $(Q)for f in examples/*.c; do aspell --lang=en_US --check $$f; done $(Q)aspell --lang=en_US --check Changes.txt $(Q)aspell --lang=en_US --check Readme.md $(Q)aspell --lang=en_US --check docs/src/examples.txt releasecheck: $(Q)dev/release/release_check.sh release: releasecheck @echo @echo "Pushing to git main ..." $(Q)git push origin main $(Q)git push --tags @echo @echo "Pushing updated docs ..." $(Q)make -C ../libxlsxwriter.github.io release @echo @echo "Pushing the cocoapod ..." $(Q)pod trunk push libxlsxwriter.podspec --use-libraries @echo @echo "Finished. Opening files." $(Q)open https://libxlsxwriter.github.io/changes.html $(Q)open https://cocoadocs.org/docsets/libxlsxwriter $(Q)open https://github.com/jmcnamara/libxlsxwriter $(Q)open https://github.com/jmcnamara/libxlsxwriter/releases