require 'test_helper' module Schemacop module V3 class NumberNodeTest < V3Test def self.invalid_type_error(type) "Invalid type, got type \"#{type}\", expected \"big_decimal\" or \"float\" or \"integer\" or \"rational\"." end def test_basic schema :number assert_validation 25 assert_validation 3.323523242323523 assert_validation(-14) assert_validation(-14.5) assert_validation(1r) assert_validation(2.5r) assert_validation(BigDecimal(6)) assert_validation((6 + 0i)) do error '/', NumberNodeTest.invalid_type_error(Complex) end assert_json(type: :number) end def test_hash schema { num! :age } assert_json( type: :object, properties: { age: { type: :number } }, required: %i[age], additionalProperties: false ) assert_validation age: 30 assert_validation age: 2.5r assert_validation age: BigDecimal(5) end def test_array schema(:array) do list :number end assert_json( type: :array, items: { type: :number } ) assert_validation [30] assert_validation [30.3, 42.0] assert_validation [30, 30r, 30.0, BigDecimal(30)] assert_validation ['30.3', 30.3] do error '/[0]', NumberNodeTest.invalid_type_error(String) end end def test_type schema :number assert_json( type: :number ) assert_validation '42.5' do error '/', NumberNodeTest.invalid_type_error(String) end schema { num! :age } assert_validation age: :foo do error '/age', NumberNodeTest.invalid_type_error(Symbol) end assert_validation age: '234' do error '/age', NumberNodeTest.invalid_type_error(String) end end def test_minimum schema :number, minimum: 0 assert_json( type: :number, minimum: 0 ) assert_validation 5 assert_validation 0 assert_validation(-1) do error '/', 'Value must have a minimum of 0.' end end def test_exclusive_minimum schema :number, exclusive_minimum: 0 assert_json( type: :number, exclusiveMinimum: 0 ) assert_swagger_json( type: :number, minimum: 0, exclusiveMinimum: true ) assert_validation 5 assert_validation 1 assert_validation(0) do error '/', 'Value must have an exclusive minimum of 0.' end assert_validation(-5) do error '/', 'Value must have an exclusive minimum of 0.' end end def test_maximum schema :number, maximum: 5 assert_json( type: :number, maximum: 5 ) assert_validation 5 assert_validation 0 assert_validation(6) do error '/', 'Value must have a maximum of 5.' end end def test_exclusive_maximum schema :number, exclusive_maximum: 5 assert_json( type: :number, exclusiveMaximum: 5 ) assert_swagger_json( type: :number, maximum: 5, exclusiveMaximum: true ) assert_validation 4 assert_validation 1 assert_validation(5) do error '/', 'Value must have an exclusive maximum of 5.' end assert_validation(9) do error '/', 'Value must have an exclusive maximum of 5.' end end def test_multiple_of schema :number, multiple_of: 2 assert_json( type: :number, multipleOf: 2 ) assert_validation(-4.0) assert_validation(-2) assert_validation(0) assert_validation(2) assert_validation(300) assert_validation(5) do error '/', 'Value must be a multiple of 2.' end schema :number, multiple_of: 1.2 assert_json( type: :number, multipleOf: 1.2 ) assert_validation(1.2) assert_validation(2.4) assert_validation(0) assert_validation(-4.8) assert_validation(3.8) do error '/', 'Value must be a multiple of 1.2.' end end # Helper function that checks for all the options if the option is # an allowed class or something else, in which case it needs to raise def validate_self_should_error(value_to_check) assert_raises_with_message Exceptions::InvalidSchemaError, 'Option "minimum" must be a "big_decimal" or "float" or "integer" or "rational"' do schema :number, minimum: value_to_check end assert_raises_with_message Exceptions::InvalidSchemaError, 'Option "maximum" must be a "big_decimal" or "float" or "integer" or "rational"' do schema :number, maximum: value_to_check end assert_raises_with_message Exceptions::InvalidSchemaError, 'Option "exclusive_minimum" must be a "big_decimal" or "float" or "integer" or "rational"' do schema :number, exclusive_minimum: value_to_check end assert_raises_with_message Exceptions::InvalidSchemaError, 'Option "exclusive_maximum" must be a "big_decimal" or "float" or "integer" or "rational"' do schema :number, exclusive_maximum: value_to_check end assert_raises_with_message Exceptions::InvalidSchemaError, 'Option "multiple_of" must be a "big_decimal" or "float" or "integer" or "rational"' do schema :number, multiple_of: value_to_check end end def test_validate_self assert_raises_with_message Exceptions::InvalidSchemaError, 'Option "minimum" can\'t be greater than "maximum".' do schema :number, minimum: 5, maximum: 4 end assert_raises_with_message Exceptions::InvalidSchemaError, 'Option "exclusive_minimum" can\'t be '\ 'greater than "exclusive_maximum".' do schema :number, exclusive_minimum: 5, exclusive_maximum: 4 end assert_raises_with_message Exceptions::InvalidSchemaError, 'Option "multiple_of" can\'t be 0.' do schema :number, multiple_of: 0 end validate_self_should_error(1 + 0i) # Complex validate_self_should_error( validate_self_should_error(true) validate_self_should_error(false) validate_self_should_error('1') validate_self_should_error('1.0') validate_self_should_error('String') end def test_enum_schema schema :number, enum: [1, 2, 'foo', :bar, { qux: 42 }, 4.2] assert_json({ type: :number, enum: [1, 2, 'foo', :bar, { qux: 42 }, 4.2] }) assert_validation(nil) assert_validation(1) assert_validation(4.2) # Even we put those types in the enum, they need to fail the validations, # as they are not numbers assert_validation('foo') do error '/', NumberNodeTest.invalid_type_error(String) end assert_validation(:bar) do error '/', NumberNodeTest.invalid_type_error(Symbol) end assert_validation({ qux: 42 }) do error '/', NumberNodeTest.invalid_type_error(Hash) end # These need to fail validation, as they are not in the enum list assert_validation(0.5) do error '/', 'Value not included in enum [1, 2, "foo", :bar, {:qux=>42}, 4.2].' end assert_validation(4) do error '/', 'Value not included in enum [1, 2, "foo", :bar, {:qux=>42}, 4.2].' end end def test_with_generic_keywords schema :number, enum: [1, 'foo', 4.2], title: 'Number schema', description: 'Number schema holding generic keywords', examples: [ 1, 4.2 ] assert_json({ type: :number, enum: [1, 'foo', 4.2], title: 'Number schema', description: 'Number schema holding generic keywords', examples: [ 1, 4.2 ] }) end def test_cast_str schema :number, cast_str: true, minimum: 0.0, maximum: 50r, multiple_of: BigDecimal('0.5') assert_cast('1', 1) assert_cast(1, 1) assert_cast('1.0', 1.0) assert_cast(1.0, 1.0) assert_validation('42') assert_validation('0.5') assert_validation('true') do error '/', 'Matches 0 definitions but should match exactly 1.' end assert_validation('51') do error '/', 'Matches 0 definitions but should match exactly 1.' end assert_validation('-2') do error '/', 'Matches 0 definitions but should match exactly 1.' end assert_validation('3.1415') do error '/', 'Matches 0 definitions but should match exactly 1.' end end end end end