def set_database( db ) y = YAML.load_file("#{Wagn.root}/config/database.yml") y["development"]["database"] = db if y["development"] y["production"]["database"] = db if y["production"] "#{Wagn.root}/config/database.yml", 'w' ) do |out| YAML.dump( y, out ) end end namespace :test do task :all => :environment do puts 'This is not yet working; only first invocation takes effect' Rake::Task['test:functionals'].invoke puts 'put 2' Rake::Task['test:functionals'].invoke puts 'put 3' # Rake::Task['test'].invoke # Rake::Task['spec'].invoke # Rake::Task['cucumber'].invoke end ## FIXME: this generates an "Adminstrator links" card with the wrong reader_id, I have been ## setting it by hand after fixture generation. desc "recreate test fixtures from fresh db" task :generate_fixtures => :environment do Rake::Task['wagn:reset_cache'] # env gets auto-set to 'test' somehow. # but we need development to get the right schema dumped. ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'development' abcs = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations config = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || 'development' olddb = abcs[config]["database"] abcs[config]["database"] = "wagn_test_template" #=begin begin # assume we have a good database, ie. just migrated dev db. puts "setting database to wagn_test_template" set_database 'wagn_test_template' Rake::Task['wagn:create'].invoke # I spent waay to long trying to do this in a less hacky way-- # Basically initial database setup/migration breaks your models and you really # need to start rails over to get things going again I tried ActiveRecord::Base.reset_subclasses etc. to no avail. -LWH puts ">>populating test data" puts `rake test:populate_template_database --trace` puts ">>extracting to fixtures" puts `rake test:extract_fixtures --trace` ensure set_database olddb end # go ahead and load the fixtures into the test database puts ">> preparing test database" puts `env RELOAD_TEST_DATA=true rake db:test:prepare --trace` end desc "dump current db to test fixtures" task :extract_fixtures => :environment do YAML::ENGINE.yamler = 'syck' # use old engine while we're supporting ruby 1.8.7 because it can't support Psych, # which dumps with slashes that syck can't understand (also !!null stuff) sql = "SELECT * FROM %s" skip_tables = ["schema_info","schema_migrations","schema_migrations_cards","sessions"] ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection (ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables - skip_tables).each do |table_name| i = "000""#{Wagn.gem_root}/test/fixtures/#{table_name}.yml", 'w') do |file| data = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql % table_name) file.write data.inject({}) { |hash, record| trsh = record['trash'] record['trash'] = false if trsh == 0 or trsh == '0' raise "bad trash value #{record['trash'].inspect}" unless (trsh = record['trash']).nil? or trsh == false #puts "test that trash is actually stored as 'false' for postgres and deleteme " hash["#{table_name}_#{i.succ!}"] = record hash }.to_yaml end end end desc "create sample data for testing" task :populate_template_database => :environment do load 'test/seed.rb' SharedData.add_test_data end end