#insight.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'insight') %p Provides styling each dashboard insight section. %p should provide basic encapsulating styles: .style-guide__example-block .insight .insight__date %span.insight__period Foouary .insight__heading Insight Heading .insight__body %p.insight__note Shibuya apophenia stimulate sign. %p carbon 3D-printed into denim rain sub-orbital uplink human sign gang tanto shoes augmented reality. singularity ablative bridge nodal point shoes bicycle pistol city office soul-delay fetishism BASE jump render-farm. refrigerator apophenia meta- alcohol smart- military-grade carbon computer courier papier-mache convenience store rain cyber-. rain uplink pre- augmented reality tube sensory papier-mache order-flow saturation point boy alcohol saturation point tower. fetishism grenade city industrial grade papier-mache grenade fetishism range-rover vehicle Shibuya apophenia stimulate sign. assassin cyber- systema concrete wristwatch disposable cartel narrative vehicle rifle papier-mache neon sprawl. monofilament youtube market hacker construct DIY tattoo cartel table range-rover cartel media bomb. long-chain hydrocarbons vinyl urban systema cardboard paranoid Chiba -ware carbon math- -space towards into. modem augmented reality physical papier-mache denim dolphin digital pre- physical rifle computer youtube city. %p should provide adequate gutters between adjascent insights: .style-guide__example-block .insight .insight__date %span.insight__period Barbruary .insight__heading Goof Tube .insight__body %p Party Palace .insight .insight__date %span.insight__period Barch .insight__heading Food Doof .insight__body %p Pickle Panda %p should support products: .style-guide__example-block .insight .insight__date %span.insight__period Bazpril .insight__heading Top Party Products .insight__body %p.insight__note You know, parties! .grid - 4.times do |index| .grid__cell.grid__cell--50.grid__cell--25-at-wide .insight__product = link_to image_tag('workarea/core/placeholder.png', size: '64x88', class: 'insight__product-image'), '#' .insight__product-name= link_to "Product Title #{index + 1}", '#' .insight__product-info %strong $1234.56 .insight__product-info %strong 16% of total party %p should support <code>table</code> elements: .style-guide__example-block .insight .insight__date %span.insight__period Bary .insight__heading Tabular Party Puppies .insight__body %p.insight__note Carbon 3D-printed into denim rain sub-orbital uplink human sign gang tanto shoes augmented reality. %table %thead %tr - 5.times do |index| %th.align-center Heading #{index + 1} %tbody - 4.times do |row| %tr - 5.times do |column| %td.align-center Data #{(row + 1) * (column + 1)} %p should support charts: .style-guide__example-block .insight .insight__date %span.insight__period Quune .insight__heading Party-Loving Customers .insight__body - insight = Workarea::Insights::CustomerAcquisition.current %p.insight__note %strong 3 New Customers = area_chart insight.results.reduce({}) { |m, r| m.merge(r['date'] => r['new_customers']) }, Workarea.config.default_chartkick_options.merge(width: '80%', height: '250px') %p should visually separate when stacking sections: .style-guide__example-block .insight .insight__date %span.insight__period Corge .insight__heading I Like to Move It .insight__body .insight__section sunglasses digital media sunglasses rifle sentient faded numinous. voodoo god A.I. j-pop motion shanty town nano- vehicle sprawl. wristwatch pen geodesic network bomb long-chain hydrocarbons wonton soup advert. sign otaku drone savant car fetishism office man. BASE jump Kowloon tiger-team Legba numinous neural long-chain hydrocarbons post-. monofilament convenience store lights construct decay realism bicycle rebar. .insight__section geodesic tanto free-market tank-traps Kowloon San Francisco bridge neural. cartel fetishism systemic paranoid concrete marketing office sub-orbital. engine rain construct augmented reality neon kanji wonton soup rain. plastic narrative alcohol order-flow monofilament garage order-flow neural. long-chain hydrocarbons industrial grade cyber- singularity tattoo franchise cyber- singularity. man hotdog warehouse fetishism alcohol futurity cardboard cyber-. .insight__section Kowloon voodoo god franchise 3D-printed carbon pistol weathered youtube. human faded denim garage assault Kowloon tanto corporation. spook fluidity camera Kowloon bomb boat face forwards hacker. savant shoes boat artisanal j-pop Shibuya Tokyo shanty town. singularity urban digital RAF free-market sub-orbital bomb franchise. towards chrome office denim BASE jump silent Shibuya sunglasses. .insight__section refrigerator footage fetishism neural papier-mache assault bridge -space. range-rover sprawl claymore mine systemic digital rain San Francisco katana. saturation point rain wonton soup drugs cardboard monofilament silent free-market. assault rifle garage rebar convenience store apophenia advert systema. youtube carbon free-market refrigerator saturation point towards j-pop camera. long-chain hydrocarbons vehicle alcohol tattoo geodesic table jeans construct.