require 'has_machine_tags/finder' require 'has_machine_tags/tag_list' require 'has_machine_tags/console' require 'has_machine_tags/version' require 'has_machine_tags/tag' require 'has_machine_tags/tagging' module HasMachineTags def self.included(base) #:nodoc: base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods # ==== Options: # [:console] When true, adds additional instance methods to use mainly in irb. # [:reverse_has_many] Defines a has_many :through from tags to the model using the plural of the model name. # [:quick_mode] When true, enables a quick mode to input machine tags with HasMachineTags::InstanceMethods.tag_list=(). See examples at def has_machine_tags(options={}) class << self; attr_accessor :quick_mode; end self.quick_mode = options[:quick_mode] || false self.class_eval do has_many :taggings, :as=>:taggable, :dependent=>:destroy has_many :tags, :through=>:taggings after_save :save_tags include HasMachineTags::InstanceMethods extend HasMachineTags::Finder include HasMachineTags::Console::InstanceMethods if options[:console] scope_word = ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING >= '3.0' ? 'scope' : 'named_scope' send scope_word, :tagged_with, lambda { |*args| find_options_for_tagged_with(*args) } end if options[:reverse_has_many] model = self.to_s 'Tag'.constantize.class_eval do has_many(model.tableize.to_sym, :through => :taggings, :source => :taggable, :source_type =>model) end end end end module InstanceMethods # Set tag list with an array of tags or comma delimited string of tags. def tag_list=(list) @tag_list = current_tag_list(list) end def current_tag_list(list) #:nodoc:, :quick_mode=>self.class.quick_mode) end # Fetches latest tag list for an object def tag_list @tag_list ||= end def quick_mode_tag_list tag_list.to_quick_mode_string end protected # :stopdoc: def save_tags self.class.transaction do delete_unused_tags add_new_tags end end def delete_unused_tags unused_tags = {|e| !tag_list.include?( } tags.delete(*unused_tags) end def add_new_tags new_tags = tag_list - (self.tags || []).map(&:name) new_tags.each do |t| self.tags << Tag.find_or_initialize_by_name(t) end end #:startdoc: end end ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, HasMachineTags if defined?(ActiveRecord::Base)