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#!/usr/bin/env ruby =begin ======================================================================= # MD2MAN 1 2013-02-23 1.4.1 ## NAME md2man - convert markdown(7) into roff(7) ## SYNOPSIS `md2man` [*OPTION*]... [*FILE*] ## DESCRIPTION [md2man] converts markdown(7) input from the given *FILE* into roff(7) using [Redcarpet] and then prints the result to the standard output stream. If *FILE* is not given, then the standard input stream is read in its place. ### Document format md2man extends markdown(7) syntax in the following ways, as provisioned in the `Md2Man::Document` module and defined in its derivative `Md2Man::Roff` module: * Paragraphs whose lines are all uniformly indented by two spaces are considered to be "indented paragraphs". They are unindented accordingly before emission as `.IP` in the roff(7) output. * Paragraphs whose subsequent lines (all except the first) are uniformly indented by two spaces are considered to be a "tagged paragraphs". They are unindented accordingly before emission as `.TP` in the roff(7) output. md2man extends markdown(7) semantics in the following ways: * The first top-level heading (H1) found in the document is emitted as `.TH` in the roff(7) output to define the UNIX manual page's header and footer. Any subsequent top-level headings (H1) are treated as second-level (H2). ### Markdown extensions The following [Redcarpet] extensions are enabled while processing markdown(7): * tables * autolink * superscript * strikethrough * no\_intra\_emphasis * fenced\_code\_blocks ## OPTIONS `-h`, `--help` Show this help manual. ## SEE ALSO md2man-html(1) [md2man]: [Redcarpet]: =end ========================================================================= require 'binman' require 'md2man' puts Md2Man::ENGINE.render(
Version data entries
1 entries across 1 versions & 1 rubygems
Version | Path |
md2man-1.4.1 | bin/md2man |