# Active Admin Jobs It's a Rails engine that allows you to play nice with [Active Job](https://github.com/rails/activejob) in [Active Admin](https://github.com/activeadmin/activeadmin) providing user feedback. - An Active Admin's index view to list jobs. - An Active Admin's show view to see job details with a special panel to show success/error feedback. To achieve this we are going to use the [Job Notifier](https://github.com/platanus/job_notifier) gem. - A way to customize the success and error partials. - A mechanism to listen job status changes and notify them using [jQuery Growl](http://ksylvest.github.io/jquery-growl/) ## Installation Add to your Gemfile: ```ruby gem "activeadmin_jobs" ``` ```bash bundle install ``` ```bash rails generate job_notifier:install ``` If you use `AdminUser` class in `ActiveAdmin` you will need to add the following code: ```ruby class AdminUser < ActiveRecord::Base include JobNotifier::Identifier identify_job_through(:id, :email) # more code... end ``` ## Usage To make it easy I'm going to explain how to use this gem with an example. Example: As an **admin user**: 1. From a form, I want to pick a big .xls file containing users information. 2. In the endpoint pointed by the form, I want to create a job to parse that heavy file in background to create users in the system. 3. I need a way to know when the process is completed. 4. Also, I want to see success and error feedback. Next, I will explain how to solve each step: #### Step 1: pick the file. Suppose you want to go to the import form from the `AdminUser`'s index page. To do that, you can add an `action_item` with a `collection_action`: */your_app/app/admin/admin_users.rb* ```ruby ActiveAdmin.register AdminUser do # more code... action_item :import_users, only: :index do link_to "Import Users", import_form_admin_admin_users_path end collection_action :import_form, title: "Import Users" do # Nothing here. We just want to render the form. end end ``` With the related wiew: *your_app/app/views/admin/admin_users/import_form.html.erb* ```erb <%= semantic_form_for :data, url: { action: :import }, method: :post do |f| %> <%= f.inputs "Form" do %> <%= f.input :source, as: :file, label: "File", :hint => "Excel file with thousands rows that need to be processed in background..." %> <% end %> <%= f.actions do %> <%= f.action :submit, as: :button, label: "Import" %> <% end %> <% end %> ``` You need to add the endpoint pointed in the form action too. */your_app/app/admin/admin_users.rb* ```ruby ActiveAdmin.register AdminUser do # more code... collection_action :import, title: "Import Users", method: :post do # We fill this in the next step. end end ``` #### Step 2: create a job. Inside the import action definition, you need to call the job in charge of parsing the .xls file. To do this: First, we need to create the job. We need to do it using `perform_with_feedback` method provided by [Job Notifier](https://github.com/platanus/job_notifier) gem. You can see how it works reading the **Third and Fourth Steps** of the [usage section](https://github.com/platanus/job_notifier#usage). */your_app/app/jobs/user_upload_job.rb* ```ruby class UserUploadJob < ActiveJob::Base def perform_with_feedback(xls_path) # Here you need to process the file an return a success or error result. # # Lets say I'm going to return this message: # # "Users successfully loaded" # # with a successful result and something like this: # # errors = [ # { row: 4, errors: ["Invalid First Name", "Invalid Category"] }, # { row: 6, errors: ["Invalid Last Name"] }, # { row: 84, errors: ["Invalid ID"] } # ] # # raise JobNotifier::Error::Validation.new(errors) # # with unsuccessful result. end end ``` Then, we call the job in the import action: */your_app/app/admin/admin_users.rb* ```ruby ActiveAdmin.register AdminUser do # more code... collection_action :import, title: "Import Users", method: :post do file_path = get_file_path(params[:data][:source]) # I'm not going to implement this. It's just an example. UserUploadJob.perform_later(current_admin_user.job_identifier, file_path) end end ``` #### Step 3: notify process completion. You don't need to do nothing here, the gem will do it for you using [jQuery Growl](http://ksylvest.github.io/jquery-growl/). On success... On error... #### Step 4: show success and error feedback. The gem includes an index view for jobs. There, you can see a jobs list with the current state of each job. To show feedback, you need to add one partial by possible job state prefixed by the job's class name in snake_case. For example: If you have the `UserUploadJob` job, following the convention: `_[job_class_name].[job_state].html.erb`, you will need two partials: One for success... */your_app/app/views/admin/jobs/_user_upload_job.finished.html.erb* ```erb <%= result %> ``` > Remember: we get this: "Users successfully loaded" as `result` on success. One for error... */your_app/app/views/admin/jobs/_user_upload_job.failed.html.erb* ```erb