# Class Posting represents structure of posting: # # posting = Posting.new # posting.postKey # => String # posting.heading # => String # posting.body # => String # posting.category # => Boolean # posting.source # => Array of Annotation objects # posting.location # => String # posting.longitude # => Float # posting.latitude # => Float # posting.language # => String # posting.price # => String # posting.currency # => String # posting.images # => Array of String objects # posting.externalURL # => String ## posting.externalID # => String # posting.accountName # => String # posting.accountID # => String # posting.clickCount # => Integer # posting.timestamp # => Date # posting.expiration # => Date # posting.indexed # => Date # posting.trustedAnnotations # => Array of Annotation objects # posting.annotations # => Array of Annotation objects # posting.errors # => Array of String objects # posting.status # => String # posting.history # => String # posting.to_json # => Array of JSON objects # posting.to_json_for_update # => Array of JSON objects # posting.to_json_for_status_client # => Array of JSON objects # posting.to_json_for_status # => Array of JSON objects class Posting < SuperModel::Base attributes :postKey, :heading, :body, :category, :source, :location, :longitude, :latitude, :language, :price, :currency, :images, :externalURL, :externalID, :accountName, :accountID, :clickCount, :timestamp, :expiration, :indexed, :trustedAnnotations, :annotations, :errors, :status, :history def initialize(*params) super(*params) @attributes[:images] ||= [] @attributes[:annotations] ||= {} @attributes[:status] ||= StatusUpdateRequest.from_hash(:event => '', :timestump => nil, :attributes => {}, :errors => []) end def to_json posting = "{"+'source:'+"'#{self.source}'" + ',category:' + "'#{self.category}'" + ',location:' + "'#{self.location}'" + ',heading:' + "'#{CGI.escape self.heading}'" posting << ",timestamp: '#{(Time.now.utc.to_s(:db)).gsub(/\s/,"+")}'" posting << ',images:' + "[#{images.collect{ |image| "'#{image}'"}.join(',')}]" posting << ',body:' + "'#{CGI.escape self.body.gsub(/\n/," ")}'" unless self.body.blank? posting << ',price:' + "'#{self.price}'" posting << ',currency:' + "'#{self.currency}'" posting << ',accountName:' + "'#{self.accountName}'" posting << ',accountID:' + "'#{self.accountID}'" posting << ',externalURL:' + "'#{self.externalURL}'" posting << ',externalID:' + "'#{self.externalID}'" if self.annotations annotations = [] self.annotations.each{|k,v| annotations << "#{k}:" + "'#{v}'"} posting << ',annotations:' + "[{#{annotations.join(',')}}]" end posting + "}" end def to_json_for_update data = "['#{self.postKey}'," data << "{heading:"+ "'#{CGI.escape self.heading}'" unless self.heading.blank? data << ",images:" + "[#{images.collect{ |image| "'#{image}'"}.join(',')}]" data << ",source:'#{self.source}'" unless self.source.blank? data << ",category:'#{self.category}'" unless self.category.blank? data << ",location:'#{self.location}'" unless self.location.blank? data << ",body:" + "'#{CGI.escape self.body.gsub(/\n/," ")}'" unless self.body.blank? data << ',price:' + "'#{self.price}'" data << ',currency:' + "'#{self.currency}'" data << ',accountName:' + "'#{self.accountName}'" data << ',accountID:' + "'#{self.accountID}'" data << ',externalURL:' + "'#{self.externalURL}'" data << ',externalID:' + "'#{self.externalID}'" if self.annotations annotations = [] self.annotations.each{|k,v| annotations << "#{k}:" + "'#{v}'"} data << ",annotations:" + "[{#{annotations.join(',')}}]" end data << "}" data << "]" end def to_json_for_status # {source: 'CRAIG', externalID: 3434399120} data = "{source: '" data << self.source || " " data << "', externalID: " data << self.externalID || " " data << "}" end def to_json_for_status_client # source: 'CRAIG', externalID: 3434399120 data = "source:'#{CGI.escape self.source}', " unless self.source.blank? data << "externalID:#{CGI.escape self.externalID}" unless self.externalID.blank? data end end