0.8.7: - Added support for ur1.ca (thanks to raneksi) - Added support for bit.ly (thanks to raneksi) - Fixed support for snipurl.com (thanks to raneksi) - Fixed support for shortify (thanks to raneksi) - Fixed support for moourl.com (thanks to raneksi) - Removed support for makeashorterlink.com (thanks to raneksi) 0.8.4: - Fixed support for RubyURL.com - Added support for urlTea.com - Added support for moourl.com 0.7.0: - Added shortify.com, 0rz.net - Modified unit tests - Started using CVS on RubyForge 0.6.0: - Changed the method for getting the URL for ln-s.net to use their API. So basically, this means the new additional argument attribute in the Service class is now useless, because no service uses it. I've removed it along with the Hash#to_html_args method. - Added d62.net, shiturl.com, littlink.com and clipurl.com 0.5.0: - Added two services: fyad.org and ln-s.net (thanks to Daniel Dipaolo) - Added an property to the Service class: args. This allows to give additional arguments to services using the GET method (this was needed by ln-s.net) - Added a method to Hash to convert to an HTML arguments style - Added a script called "shorturl" (duh) in the bin directory for usage from the command line. 0.4.0: - Added minilink.org - More tests for the Service class - Changed the ArgumentError exception for an InvalidService exception in ShortURL.shorten - Created examples/shorten.rb - Added a stats task to the Rakefile. Requires code_statistics, provided by Rails. 0.3.0: - Added linktrim.com and shorterlink.com - Replaced get_short_url and all the private class methods in favor of a Service class, which makes things clearer 0.2.1: - Added makeashorterlink.com and skinnylink.com - Refactored get_short_url 0.2.0: - Added shorl.com, snipurl.com and metamark.net 0.1.0: - Refactored the tinyurl and rubyurl methods - URI.extract to get URLs instead of regular expressions - Added exception handling to get_short_url to return nil in case of a network error - More thorough unit tests - Made tinyurl, rubyurl and get_short_url private class methods 0.0.1: - Initial release