require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__) before = Kicker.process_chain.dup recipe :ruby RUBY_FILES = (Kicker.process_chain - before).first class Ruby def self.execute(command, &block) @block = block end def self.execute_block @block end end describe "The Ruby handler" do before do Ruby.test_type = nil Ruby.runner_bin = nil Ruby.test_options = [] end after do Ruby.test_type = 'test' Ruby.runner_bin = nil Ruby.test_options = [] end it "should instantiate a Ruby instance" do handler = mock('Ruby', :handle! => nil, :tests => %w{ test/1_test.rb test/namespace/2_test.rb }) Ruby.expects(:new).with(%w{ test/1_test.rb Rakefile test/namespace/2_test.rb }).returns(handler) Ruby.expects(:run_tests).with(%w{ test/1_test.rb test/namespace/2_test.rb }){ test/1_test.rb Rakefile test/namespace/2_test.rb }) end it "should discover whether to use `ruby' or `spec' as the test_type" do File.expects(:exist?).with('spec').returns(false) Ruby.test_type.should == 'test' Ruby.test_type = nil File.expects(:exist?).with('spec').returns(true) Ruby.test_type.should == 'spec' end it "should run the given tests with a test-unit runner" do Ruby.expects(:execute).with("ruby -r test/1_test.rb -r test/namespace/2_test.rb -e ''") Ruby.run_tests(%w{ test/1_test.rb test/namespace/2_test.rb }) end it "should run the given tests with a spec runner" do Ruby.stubs(:test_type).returns('spec') Ruby.expects(:execute).with("spec spec/1_spec.rb spec/namespace/2_spec.rb") Ruby.run_tests(%w{ spec/1_spec.rb spec/namespace/2_spec.rb }) end it "should not try to run the tests if none were given" do Ruby.expects(:execute).never Ruby.run_tests([]) end it "should be possible to override the bin path" do Ruby.runner_bin = '/some/other/runner' Ruby.expects(:execute).with("/some/other/runner -r test/1_test.rb -r test/namespace/2_test.rb -e ''") Ruby.run_tests(%w{ test/1_test.rb test/namespace/2_test.rb }) end it "should set the alternative ruby bin path" do Kicker::Options.parse(%w{ -b /opt/ruby-1.9.2/bin/ruby }) Ruby.runner_bin.should == '/opt/ruby-1.9.2/bin/ruby' Ruby.runner_bin = nil Kicker::Options.parse(%w{ --ruby /opt/ruby-1.9.2/bin/ruby }) Ruby.runner_bin.should == '/opt/ruby-1.9.2/bin/ruby' end it "should be possible to add runner options when test_type is `test'" do Ruby.test_type = 'test' Ruby.test_options << '-I ./other' Ruby.expects(:execute).with("ruby -I ./other -r test/1_test.rb -e ''") Ruby.run_tests(%w{ test/1_test.rb }) end it "should be possible to add runner options when test_type is `spec'" do Ruby.test_type = 'spec' Ruby.test_options << '-I ./other' Ruby.expects(:execute).with("spec -I ./other spec/1_spec.rb") Ruby.run_tests(%w{ spec/1_spec.rb }) end it "should only show the last line of the output when growling when running test_type is `test'" do Ruby.run_with_test_runner(%w{ test/1_test.rb test/namespace/2_test.rb }) result ='status', :output => "foo\nall pass", :after? => true, :growl? => true)) result.should == 'all pass' end it "should only show the last line of the output when growling when running test_type is `spec'" do Ruby.run_with_spec_runner(%w{ spec/1_spec.rb spec/namespace/2_spec.rb }) result ='status', :output => "foo\nall pass", :after? => true, :growl? => true)) result.should == 'all pass' end end %w{ test spec }.each do |type| describe "An instance of the Ruby handler, with test type `#{type}'" do before do Ruby.stubs(:test_type).returns(type) Ruby.stubs(:test_cases_root).returns(type) File.stubs(:exist?).with("#{type}/1_#{type}.rb").returns(true) File.stubs(:exist?).with("#{type}/namespace/2_#{type}.rb").returns(true) end it "should match any test case files" do files = %W{ Rakefile #{type}/1_#{type}.rb #{type}/namespace/2_#{type}.rb } handler = handler.handle! handler.tests.should == %W{ #{type}/1_#{type}.rb #{type}/namespace/2_#{type}.rb } files.should == %W{ Rakefile } end it "should match files in ./lib" do files = %W{ Rakefile lib/1.rb lib/namespace/2.rb } handler = handler.handle! handler.tests.should == %W{ #{type}/1_#{type}.rb #{type}/namespace/2_#{type}.rb } files.should == %w{ Rakefile } end it "should match lib tests in the test root as well" do File.stubs(:exist?).with("#{type}/namespace/2_#{type}.rb").returns(false) File.stubs(:exist?).with("#{type}/2_#{type}.rb").returns(true) files = %W{ Rakefile lib/1.rb lib/namespace/2.rb } handler = handler.handle! handler.tests.should == %W{ #{type}/1_#{type}.rb #{type}/2_#{type}.rb } files.should == %W{ Rakefile } end it "should check if a different test case root" do Ruby.stubs(:test_cases_root).returns('test/cases') files = %W{ Rakefile test/cases/1_#{type}.rb test/cases/namespace/2_#{type}.rb } handler = handler.handle! handler.tests.should == %W{ test/cases/1_#{type}.rb test/cases/namespace/2_#{type}.rb } files.should == %W{ Rakefile } end end end