# The Mongrel2 Config DSL The Mongrel2::Config::DSL module is a mixin that will add functions to your namespace that can create and replace configuration items in the current Mongrel2 config database. If you're creating a config that will be run standalone, you'll need to point the config classes to the right database before using the DSL: #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'mongrel2' require 'mongrel2/config' require 'mongrel2/config/dsl' Mongrel2::Config.configure( configdb: 'myconfig.sqlite' ) include Mongrel2::Config::DSL server 'myserver' do # ... end If you're creating a config to be loaded via m2sh.rb, you don't need any of that, as m2sh.rb provides its own prelude before loading the config. ## DSL Syntax There is basically one directive for each configuration item, and the layout follows the basic structure described in the [Mongrel2 manual](http://mongrel2.org/manual/book-finalch4.html#x6-240003.3). ### server server { } This creates or replaces the server associated with the specified `uuid`. The `server config block` has directives for each of the server attributes, each of which corresponds to one of the columns in the configuration database's +server+ table (descriptions largely borrowed from the [manual](http://mongrel2.org/static/book-finalch4.html#x6-270003.4.1)):
chroot directory
The directory that Mongrel2 should chroot to at startup. Defaults to /var/www.
access_log path
The path to the access log file relative to the chroot. sually starts with a ‘/’. Defaults to /logs/access.log.
error_log path
The error log file, just like access_log. Defaults to code>/logs/error.log.
pid_file path
The path to the PID file, relative to the chroot. Defaults to code>/run/mongrel2.pid.
default_host name
Which host in the server to use as the default if the code>Host header doesn't match any host's matching attribute. Defaults to localhost.
bind_addr ipaddr
The IP address to bind to; default is
port int
The port the server should listen on for new connections; defaults to code>8888.
The server will be saved immediately upon exiting the block, and will return the saved Mongrel2::Config::Server object. ### host host { } This creates or replaces the named Host within a +server+ block. Inside the host config block, there are directives for further configuring the Host, adding Routes, and setting up Handler, Proxy, and Directory targets for Routes.
matching pattern
This is a pattern that’s used to match incoming Host headers for routing purposes.
maintenance boolean
This is a (currently unused) setting that will display a "down for maintenance" page.
The rest of the block will likely be concerned with setting up the routes for the host using the +route+, +handler+, +directory+, and +proxy+ directives, e.g.: host 'main' do matching 'example.com' maintenance false # Hello world application route '/hello', handler('tcp://', 'helloworld-handler') # Contact form handler route '/contact', handler('tcp://', 'contact-form') # reverse proxy for a non-mongrel application listening on 8080 route '/api', proxy('', 8080) end # => # Since the block is just a Ruby block, and each directive returns the configured object, you can use conditionals, assign targets to variables to be reused later, etc: require 'socket' host 'test' do matching 'testing.example.com' # Decide which address to listen to, and which app to use based on which # host the config is running on. testhandler = if Socket.gethostname.include?( 'example.com' ) handler 'tcp://', 'ci-builder' else handler 'tcp://', 'unittest-builder' end route '', testhandler end ### route route , , [] Create a route in the current host that will match the given +pattern+ and pass the request to the specified +target+, which should be a Handler, a Directory, or a Proxy. The only current option is +reversed+, which (if +true+) means that the pattern is bound to the end rather than the beginning of the path. It returns the configured Route object. route '/demo', handler('tcp://localhost:9400', 'demo-handler') # => # route '.css', directory('/public/css', 'base.css', 'text/css'), reverse: true # Use the same image-factory handler for each image type image_handler = handler('tcp://localhost:9300', 'image-factory') route '.jpg', image_handler, reverse: true route '.gif', image_handler, reverse: true route '.png', image_handler, reverse: true route '.ico', image_handler, reverse: true ### handler handler , , [[, ]], [] Create a Handler that will send and receive on +send_spec+ and +recv_spec+ 0mq sockets, respectively. The application's +send_ident+ is an identifier (usually a UUID) that will be used to register the send socket so messages persist through crashes. If no +recv_spec+ is given, the port immediately below the +send_spec+ is used. The +recv_ident+ is another UUID if you want the receive socket to subscribe to its messages. Handlers properly mention the send_ident on all returned messages, so you should either set this to nothing and don’t subscribe, or set it to the same as +send_ident+. Valid +options+ for Handlers are:
raw_payload boolean
protocol name
The protocol used to communicate with the handler. Should be either tnetstring or json (the default).
As with the other directives, +handler+ returns the newly-saved Handler object. This means that you can either assign it to a variable for later inclusion in one or more Route declarations, or you can define it in the route itself: route '/gravatar/:email', handler('tcp://localhost:1480', 'gravatar-service') # => # See the documentation for `route` for more examples of this. ### directory directory , [[, [, ]]] Create a Dir target for a route that will serve static content from the specified +base+ directory. Returns the saved Dir object. There aren't currently any supported +options+, but the Mongrel2 manual says that "eventually you’ll be able to tweak more and more of the settings to control how Dirs work." ### proxy proxy [, ] Create a Proxy target for a route that will proxy another server listening on the given +addr+ and +port+. If not specified, +port+ defaults to 80. Returns the saved Proxy object. ### filter filter [, ] Set up a Filter[http://mongrel2.org/static/book-finalch6.html#x8-840005.8] for the containing Server by loading the object from the specified +path+ and passing it the specified +options+ as a TNetstring[http://tnetstrings.org/]. ### setting/settings setting , settings => [, => , ...] Set one or more of Mongrel2's internal settings. See the {tweakable expert settings section}[http://mongrel2.org/static/book-finalch4.html#x6-410003.10] of the manual for valid values and more details on what these do. An example (from the manual): settings "zeromq.threads" => 1, "upload.temp_store" => "/home/zedshaw/projects/mongrel2/tmp/upload.XXXXXX", "upload.temp_store_mode" => "0666" # => [ #, #, ... ] ### mimetype/mimetypes mimetype , mimetypes => [, => ] Map one or more file +extension+s to a +mimetype+. An example: mimetypes '.ttf' => 'application/x-font-truetype', '.otf' => 'application/x-font-opentype' # => [#, ... ] ## Example This is the mongrel2.org config re-expressed in the Ruby DSL: # the server to run them all server '2f62bd5-9e59-49cd-993c-3b6013c28f05' do access_log "/logs/access.log" error_log "/logs/error.log" chroot "./" pid_file "/run/mongrel2.pid" default_host "mongrel2.org" name "main" port 6767 # your main host host "mongrel2.org" do # a sample of doing some handlers route '@chat', handler( 'tcp://', '54c6755b-9628-40a4-9a2d-cc82a816345e', 'tcp://' ) route '/handlertest', handler( 'tcp://', '34f9ceee-cd52-4b7f-b197-88bf2f0ec378', 'tcp://' ) # a sample proxy route web_app_proxy = proxy( '', 8080 ) route '/chat/', web_app_proxy route '/', web_app_proxy # here's a sample directory test_directory = directory( 'tests/', :index_file => 'index.html', :default_ctype => 'text/plain' ) route '/tests/', test_directory route '/testsmulti/(.*.json)', test_directory chat_demo_dir = directory( 'examples/chat/static/', :index_file => 'index.html', :default_ctype => 'text/plain' ) route '/chatdemo/', chat_demo_dir route '/static/', chat_demo_dir route '/mp3stream', handler( 'tcp://', '53f9f1d1-1116-4751-b6ff-4fbe3e43d142', 'tcp://' ) end end settings( "zeromq.threads" => 1, "upload.temp_store" => "/home/zedshaw/projects/mongrel2/tmp/upload.XXXXXX", "upload.temp_store_mode" => "0666" )