# Changelog ## 0.3.5 - Dec 27 2018 - Clean up credentials file when listing or saving it to remove nulls. - Raise error when trying to save null credentials to file. - Ignore null entries from credentials hash. ## 0.3.4 - Dec 27 2018 - Use `JSON.pretty_generate` when writing to credentials file, so it is more human readable. - Fix bug: when creating a workspace from `deploy-to` command, if the workspace existed it would not error, but the deploy would fail and a null entry would go in the credentials file. ## 0.3.3 - Dec 21 2018 - `deploy-to` will try to create the workspace if it doesn't exist. - Changed template to add a carriage return. ## 0.3.2 - Dec 15 2018 - Better output for tests - `bundle check && bundle install` runs before building a package to make sure Gemfile.lock is updated. - New command: `faastruby deploy`. This command is meant to be run in a FaaStRuby Project folder, and will deploy all workspaces and their functions. - Updated spec templates with new helper that stubs calls to FaaStRuby server when using `faastruby-rpc`. - `render` is now the preferred method to set the return value of functions. - Upgraded dependency `faastruby-rpc` to version 0.1.3. - Removed region SFO2 (sorry, but the usage was minimal.) ## 0.3.1 - Dec 9 2018 - Add faastruby-rpc to Gemfile template and runtime dependencies ## 0.3.0 - Dec 9 2018 - Add spinner feedback when destroying workspace - Better error handling when response is not JSON - New command `faastruby server` will start a development environment. ## 0.2.6 - Nov 20 2018 - Change Ruby minimum version to 2.5.0 - Disable timeout on HTTP requests. - Handle CTRL+C interruptions gracefully - Add `--region` to help ## 0.2.5 - Nov 18 2018 - Support for multiple regions with `faastruby --region [REGION] ...` ## 0.2.4 - Skipped ## 0.2.3 - Oct 20 2018 - Added #status_code to Workspace class to hold the API response code after a request - Added refresh_credentials endpoint - Fix the request headers - Fix bug with `faastruby help` ## 0.2.2 - Oct 20 2018 ### New - Functions can be scheduled via faastruby.yml ### Fixed - Some API errors were not being properly displayed ## 0.2.1 - Oct 16 2018 - New command: `add-credentials` - add credentials to a credentials file - New command: `list-credentials` - list current credentials in a credentials file Run `faastruby help` for usage details. ## 0.2.0 - Oct 12 2018 - Full rewrite of the gem. All command line parameters have changed. Please see the [documentation](https://faastruby.io/tutorial.html). - No more git repositories. - Functions are packaged, deployed and managed individually. - Functions have a YAML configuration file. - Functions can have tests and they can be configured to run before each deploy, aborting if a failure happens. - Added option to print or save the workspace credentials into a different file upon creation, instead of saving it to ~/.faastruby - Read a different credentials file via FAASTRUBY_CREDENTIALS environment variable. - Read credentials via environment variables: FAASTRUBY_API_KEY and FAASTRUBY_API_SECRET.