# frozen_string_literal: true # Compares two values and returns -1, 0 or 1 if first value is smaller, equal or larger than the second value. # The compare function accepts arguments of the data types `String`, `Numeric`, `Timespan`, `Timestamp`, and `Semver`, # such that: # # * two of the same data type can be compared # * `Timespan` and `Timestamp` can be compared with each other and with `Numeric` # # When comparing two `String` values the comparison can be made to consider case by passing a third (optional) # boolean `false` value - the default is `true` which ignores case as the comparison operators # in the Puppet Language. # Puppet::Functions.create_function(:compare) do local_types do type 'TimeComparable = Variant[Numeric, Timespan, Timestamp]' type 'Comparable = Variant[String, Semver, TimeComparable]' end dispatch :on_numeric do param 'Numeric', :a param 'Numeric', :b end dispatch :on_string do param 'String', :a param 'String', :b optional_param 'Boolean', :ignore_case end dispatch :on_version do param 'Semver', :a param 'Semver', :b end dispatch :on_time_num_first do param 'Numeric', :a param 'Variant[Timespan, Timestamp]', :b end dispatch :on_timestamp do param 'Timestamp', :a param 'Variant[Timestamp, Numeric]', :b end dispatch :on_timespan do param 'Timespan', :a param 'Variant[Timespan, Numeric]', :b end argument_mismatch :on_error do param 'Comparable', :a param 'Comparable', :b repeated_param 'Any', :ignore_case end argument_mismatch :on_not_comparable do param 'Any', :a param 'Any', :b repeated_param 'Any', :ignore_case end def on_numeric(a, b) a <=> b end def on_string(a, b, ignore_case = true) if ignore_case a.casecmp(b) else a <=> b end end def on_version(a, b) a <=> b end def on_time_num_first(a, b) # Time data types can compare against Numeric but not the other way around # the comparison is therefore done in reverse and the answer is inverted. -(b <=> a) end def on_timespan(a, b) a <=> b end def on_timestamp(a, b) a <=> b end def on_not_comparable(a, b, *ignore_case) # TRANSLATORS 'compare' is a name _("compare(): Non comparable type. Only values of the types Numeric, String, Semver, Timestamp and Timestamp can be compared. Got %{type_a} and %{type_b}") % { type_a: type_label(a), type_b: type_label(b) } end def on_error(a, b, *ignore_case) unless ignore_case.empty? unless a.is_a?(String) && b.is_a?(String) # TRANSLATORS 'compare' is a name return _("compare(): The third argument (ignore case) can only be used when comparing strings") end unless ignore_case.size == 1 # TRANSLATORS 'compare' is a name return _("compare(): Accepts at most 3 arguments, got %{actual_number}") % { actual_number: 2 + ignore_case.size } end unless ignore_case[0].is_a?(Boolean) # TRANSLATORS 'compare' is a name return _("compare(): The third argument (ignore case) must be a Boolean. Got %{type}") % { type: type_label(ignore_case[0]) } end end if a.class != b.class # TRANSLATORS 'compare' is a name _("compare(): Can only compare values of the same type (or for Timestamp/Timespan also against Numeric). Got %{type_a} and %{type_b}") % { type_a: type_label(a), type_b: type_label(b) } end end def type_label(x) Puppet::Pops::Model::ModelLabelProvider.new.label(x) end end