module Admin::ActivitiesHelper include ::Admin::ActivityTaxFieldHelper include ExtensibleObjectHelper alias :activity_apply_tax_form_column :apply_tax_form_column alias :activity_tax_form_column :tax_form_column def active_scaffold_observe_field(col_name, observation) # This is slightly hackish - but it should work # We Make sure we're supposed to be rendering here based on the :for_activities option (observation[:for_activities].include? @record.activity_type) ? super(col_name, observation) : end def override_form_field(*args) ret = super(*args) ret end # List Helpers: def render_list_column(text, column, record) return super unless == :activity activity_partial = "#{record.activity_type}_column" if FileTest.exists? "#{activity_partial_path}/_#{activity_partial}.html.erb" render :partial => activity_partial, :locals => { :record => record } else '-' end end def get_column_value(record, column) return super unless == :activity nil end def column_class(column, column_value) return super unless == :activity "#{}-column" end def activity_cost_column(record) h_money record.cost end def activity_tax_column(record) h_money end # Form Helper Routing: def active_scaffold_input_for(column, scope = nil) super column, scope unless == :activity end def override_form_field(column) subtype_override_method = "activity_#{@record.activity_type}_#{}_form_column" respond_to?(subtype_override_method) ? subtype_override_method : "activity_#{}_form_column" end # Generic helpers: def activity_cost_form_column(record, options) text_field_tag options[:name], money_for_input(@record.cost), options_for_column('cost').merge({:size => 10 }) end def activity_client_id_form_column(record, options) select_tag( options[:name], options_for_select( # NOTE: We don't do a find_active here, but see the conditions... [ ['(Unknown)', nil] ]+Client.find( :all, :select => 'id, company_name', :order => 'company_name ASC', :conditions => ['is_active = ? OR id = ?', true, @record.client_id] ).collect {|c| [ c.company_name, ] }, @record.client_id ), options_for_column('client_id') ) end def activity_label_form_column(record, options) label_value = (@record.respond_to?(@record.activity_type)) ? @record.send("#{@record.activity_type}").label : nil text_field_tag options[:name], label_value, options_for_column('label').merge({:size => 30 }) end def activity_comments_form_column(record, options) comments_value = (@record.respond_to?(@record.activity_type)) ? @record.send("#{@record.activity_type}").comments : nil text_area_tag options[:name], comments_value, options_for_column('comments').merge({:cols => 72, :rows => 20}) end def submit_tag(*args) args[0] = 'Approve' if args[0] == 'Update' and (!params.has_key?(:nested) or params[:nested] == false) super(*args) end private def activity_partial_path "#{BRISKBILLS_ROOT}/app/views/admin/activities" end handle_extensions end