module RubyXL::WorksheetConvenienceMethods
Public Instance Methods
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 713 def change_column_alignment(column_index, &block) validate_workbook ensure_cell_exists(0, column_index) cols.get_range(column_index).style_index = @workbook.modify_alignment(get_col_style(column_index), &block) # Excel gets confused if width is not explicitly set for a column that had alignment changes change_column_width(column_index) if get_column_width_raw(column_index).nil? sheet_data.rows.each { |row| c = row[column_index] next if c.nil? c.style_index = @workbook.modify_alignment(c.style_index, &block) } end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 659 def change_column_bold(column_index, bolded = false) xf = get_col_xf(column_index) font = @workbook.fonts[xf.font_id].dup font.set_bold(bolded) change_column_font(column_index, Worksheet::BOLD, bolded, font, xf) end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 688 def change_column_border(column_index, direction, weight) validate_workbook ensure_cell_exists(0, column_index) cols.get_range(column_index).style_index = @workbook.modify_border(get_col_style(column_index), direction, weight) sheet_data.rows.each { |row| c = row.cells[column_index] c.change_border(direction, weight) unless c.nil? } end
Helper method to update the fonts and cell styles array main method to change font, called from each separate font mutator method
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 616 def change_column_font(column_index, change_type, arg, font, xf) validate_workbook ensure_cell_exists(0, column_index) xf = workbook.register_new_font(font, xf) cols.get_range(column_index).style_index = workbook.register_new_xf(xf) sheet_data.rows.each { |row| c = row && row[column_index] c.font_switch(change_type, arg) unless c.nil? } end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 643 def change_column_font_color(column_index, font_color='000000') Color.validate_color(font_color) xf = get_col_xf(column_index) font = @workbook.fonts[xf.font_id].dup font.set_rgb_color(font_color) change_column_font(column_index, Worksheet::COLOR, font_color, font, xf) end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 629 def change_column_font_name(column_index = 0, font_name = 'Verdana') xf = get_col_xf(column_index) font = @workbook.fonts[xf.font_id].dup font.set_name(font_name) change_column_font(column_index, Worksheet::NAME, font_name, font, xf) end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 636 def change_column_font_size(column_index, font_size=10) xf = get_col_xf(column_index) font = @workbook.fonts[xf.font_id].dup font.set_size(font_size) change_column_font(column_index, Worksheet::SIZE, font_size, font, xf) end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 680 def change_column_horizontal_alignment(column_index, alignment = 'center') change_column_alignment(column_index) { |a| a.horizontal = alignment } end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 652 def change_column_italics(column_index, italicized = false) xf = get_col_xf(column_index) font = @workbook.fonts[xf.font_id].dup font.set_italic(italicized) change_column_font(column_index, Worksheet::ITALICS, italicized, font, xf) end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 673 def change_column_strikethrough(column_index, struckthrough=false) xf = get_col_xf(column_index) font = @workbook.fonts[xf.font_id].dup font.set_strikethrough(struckthrough) change_column_font(column_index, Worksheet::STRIKETHROUGH, struckthrough, font, xf) end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 666 def change_column_underline(column_index, underlined = false) xf = get_col_xf(column_index) font = @workbook.fonts[xf.font_id].dup font.set_underline(underlined) change_column_font(column_index, Worksheet::UNDERLINE, underlined, font, xf) end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 684 def change_column_vertical_alignment(column_index, alignment = 'center') change_column_alignment(column_index) { |a| a.vertical = alignment } end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 700 def change_row_alignment(row, &block) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row) ensure_cell_exists(row) sheet_data.rows[row].style_index = @workbook.modify_alignment(get_row_style(row), &block) sheet_data[row].cells.each { |c| next if c.nil? c.style_index = @workbook.modify_alignment(c.style_index, &block) } end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 584 def change_row_bold(row = 0, bolded = false) ensure_cell_exists(row) font = row_font(row).dup font.set_bold(bolded) change_row_font(row, Worksheet::BOLD, bolded, font) end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 522 def change_row_border(row, direction, weight) validate_workbook ensure_cell_exists(row) sheet_data.rows[row].style_index = @workbook.modify_border(get_row_style(row), direction, weight) sheet_data[row].cells.each { |c| c.change_border(direction, weight) unless c.nil? } end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 533 def change_row_fill(row_index = 0, rgb = 'ffffff') validate_workbook ensure_cell_exists(row_index) Color.validate_color(rgb) sheet_data.rows[row_index].style_index = @workbook.modify_fill(get_row_style(row_index), rgb) sheet_data[row_index].cells.each { |c| c.change_fill(rgb) unless c.nil? } end
Helper method to update the row styles array change_type - NAME or SIZE or COLOR etc main method to change font, called from each separate font mutator method
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 545 def change_row_font(row_index, change_type, arg, font) validate_workbook ensure_cell_exists(row_index) xf = workbook.register_new_font(font, get_row_xf(row_index)) row = sheet_data[row_index] row.style_index = workbook.register_new_xf(xf) row.cells.each { |c| c.font_switch(change_type, arg) unless c.nil? } end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 569 def change_row_font_color(row = 0, font_color = '000000') ensure_cell_exists(row) Color.validate_color(font_color) font = row_font(row).dup font.set_rgb_color(font_color) change_row_font(row, Worksheet::COLOR, font_color, font) end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 555 def change_row_font_name(row = 0, font_name = 'Verdana') ensure_cell_exists(row) font = row_font(row).dup font.set_name(font_name) change_row_font(row, Worksheet::NAME, font_name, font) end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 562 def change_row_font_size(row = 0, font_size=10) ensure_cell_exists(row) font = row_font(row).dup font.set_size(font_size) change_row_font(row, Worksheet::SIZE, font_size, font) end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 605 def change_row_height(row = 0, height = 10) validate_workbook ensure_cell_exists(row) c = sheet_data.rows[row] = height c.custom_height = true end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 510 def change_row_horizontal_alignment(row = 0, alignment = 'center') validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row) change_row_alignment(row) { |a| a.horizontal = alignment } end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 577 def change_row_italics(row = 0, italicized = false) ensure_cell_exists(row) font = row_font(row).dup font.set_italic(italicized) change_row_font(row, Worksheet::ITALICS, italicized, font) end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 598 def change_row_strikethrough(row = 0, struckthrough=false) ensure_cell_exists(row) font = row_font(row).dup font.set_strikethrough(struckthrough) change_row_font(row, Worksheet::STRIKETHROUGH, struckthrough, font) end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 591 def change_row_underline(row = 0, underlined=false) ensure_cell_exists(row) font = row_font(row).dup font.set_underline(underlined) change_row_font(row, Worksheet::UNDERLINE, underlined, font) end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 516 def change_row_vertical_alignment(row = 0, alignment = 'center') validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row) change_row_alignment(row) { |a| a.vertical = alignment } end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 497 def column_font(col) validate_workbook @workbook.fonts[@workbook.cell_xfs[get_cols_style_index(col)].font_id] end
by default, only sets cell to nil if :left is specified, method will shift row contents to the right of the deleted cell to the left if :up is specified, method will shift column contents below the deleted cell upward
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 217 def delete_cell(row_index = 0, column_index=0, shift=nil) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row_index) validate_nonnegative(column_index) row = sheet_data[row_index] old_cell = row && row[column_index] case shift when nil then row.cells[column_index] = nil if row when :left then row.delete_cell_shift_left(column_index) if row when :up then (row_index...(sheet_data.size - 1)).each { |index| c = sheet_data.rows[index].cells[column_index] = sheet_data.rows[index + 1].cells[column_index] c.row -= 1 if c.is_a?(Cell) } else raise 'invalid shift option' end return old_cell end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 323 def delete_column(column_index = 0) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(column_index) #delete column sheet_data.rows.each { |row| row.cells.delete_at(column_index) } # Change column numbers for cells to the right of the deleted column sheet_data.rows.each_with_index { |row, row_index| row.cells.each_with_index { |c, column_index| c.column = column_index if c.is_a?(Cell) } } cols.each { |range| range.delete_column(column_index) } end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 279 def delete_row(row_index=0) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row_index) deleted = sheet_data.rows.delete_at(row_index) # Update row number of each cell row_index.upto(sheet_data.size - 1) { |index| row = sheet_data[index] row && row.cells.each{ |c| c.row -= 1 unless c.nil? } } return deleted end
Returns 2D array of just the cell values (without style or formula information)
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 729 def extract_data(args = {}) warn "[DEPRECATION] `#{__method__}` is deprecated. Please access data directly by iterating through .sheet_data.rows" { |row| { |c| c && c.value(args) } unless row.nil? } end
Helper method to get the style index for a column
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 477 def get_col_style(column_index) range = cols.locate_range(column_index) (range && range.style_index) || 0 end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 418 def get_cols_style_index(column_index) validate_nonnegative(column_index) range = cols.locate_range(column_index) (range && range.style_index) || 0 end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 503 def get_column_alignment(col, type) validate_workbook xf = @workbook.cell_xfs[get_cols_style_index(col)] xf.alignment && xf.alignment.send(type) end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 489 def get_column_border(col, border_direction) validate_workbook xf = @workbook.cell_xfs[get_cols_style_index(col)] border = @workbook.borders[xf.border_id] border && border.get_edge_style(border_direction) end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 482 def get_column_fill(col=0) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(col) @workbook.get_fill_color(get_col_xf(col)) end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 434 def get_column_font_color(col = 0) font = column_font(col) font && (font.get_rgb_color || '000000') end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 424 def get_column_font_name(col = 0) font = column_font(col) font && font.get_name end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 429 def get_column_font_size(col = 0) font = column_font(col) font && font.get_size end
Get column width measured in number of digits, as per
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 470 def get_column_width(column_index = 0) width = get_column_width_raw(column_index) return RubyXL::ColumnRange::DEFAULT_WIDTH if width.nil? (width - (5.0 / RubyXL::Font::MAX_DIGIT_WIDTH)).round end
Get raw column width value as stored in the file
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 460 def get_column_width_raw(column_index = 0) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(column_index) range = cols.locate_range(column_index) range && range.width end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 397 def get_row_alignment(row, is_horizontal) validate_workbook xf_obj = get_row_xf(row) return nil if xf_obj.alignment.nil? if is_horizontal then return xf_obj.alignment.horizontal else return xf_obj.alignment.vertical end end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 386 def get_row_border(row, border_direction) validate_workbook border = @workbook.borders[get_row_xf(row).border_id] border && border.get_edge_style(border_direction) end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 345 def get_row_fill(row = 0) (row = sheet_data.rows[row]) && row.get_fill_color end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 357 def get_row_font_color(row = 0) font = row_font(row) color = font && font.color color && (color.rgb || '000000') end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 349 def get_row_font_name(row = 0) (font = row_font(row)) && font.get_name end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 353 def get_row_font_size(row = 0) (font = row_font(row)) && font.get_size end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 379 def get_row_height(row = 0) validate_workbook validate_nonnegative(row) row = sheet_data.rows[row] row && || 13 end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 408 def get_row_horizontal_alignment(row = 0) warn "[DEPRECATION] `#{__method__}` is deprecated. Please use `get_row_alignment` instead." return get_row_alignment(row, true) end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 340 def get_row_style(row_index) row = sheet_data.rows[row_index] (row && row.style_index) || 0 end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 413 def get_row_vertical_alignment(row = 0) warn "[DEPRECATION] `#{__method__}` is deprecated. Please use `get_row_alignment` instead." return get_row_alignment(row, false) end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 736 def get_table(headers = [], opts = {}) warn "[DEPRECATION] `#{__method__}` is deprecated. Please access data directly by iterating through .sheet_data.rows" validate_workbook headers = [headers] unless headers.is_a?(Array) row_num = find_first_row_with_content(headers) return nil if row_num.nil? table_hash = {} table_hash[:table] = [] header_row = sheet_data[row_num] header_row.cells.each_with_index { |header_cell, index| break if index>0 && !opts[:last_header].nil? && !header_row[index-1].nil? && !header_row[index-1].value.nil? && header_row[index-1].value.to_s==opts[:last_header] next if header_cell.nil? || header_cell.value.nil? header = header_cell.value.to_s table_hash[:sorted_headers]||=[] table_hash[:sorted_headers] << header table_hash[header] = [] original_row = row_num + 1 current_row = original_row row = sheet_data.rows[current_row] cell = row && row.cells[index] # makes array of hashes in table_hash[:table] # as well as hash of arrays in table_hash[header] table_index = current_row - original_row cell_test = (!cell.nil? && !cell.value.nil?) while cell_test || (table_hash[:table][table_index] && !table_hash[:table][table_index].empty?) table_hash[header] << cell.value if cell_test table_index = current_row - original_row if cell_test then table_hash[:table][table_index] ||= {} table_hash[:table][table_index][header] = cell.value end current_row += 1 if sheet_data.rows[current_row].nil? then cell = nil else cell = sheet_data.rows[current_row].cells[index] end cell_test = (!cell.nil? && !cell.value.nil?) end } return table_hash end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 194 def insert_cell(row = 0, col = 0, data = nil, formula = nil, shift = nil) validate_workbook ensure_cell_exists(row, col) case shift when nil then # No shifting at all when :right then sheet_data.rows[row].insert_cell_shift_right(nil, col) when :down then add_row(sheet_data.size, :cells =>[row].size)) (sheet_data.size - 1).downto(row+1) { |index| sheet_data.rows[index].cells[col] = sheet_data.rows[index-1].cells[col] } else raise 'invalid shift option' end return add_cell(row,col,data,formula) end
Inserts column at column_index
, pushes everything right, takes
styles from column to left NOTE: use of this method will break formulas
which reference cells which are being “pushed right”
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 296 def insert_column(column_index = 0) validate_workbook ensure_cell_exists(0, column_index) old_range = cols.get_range(column_index) #go through each cell in column sheet_data.rows.each_with_index { |row, row_index| old_cell = row[column_index] c = nil if old_cell && old_cell.style_index != 0 && old_range && old_range.style_index != old_cell.style_index then c = => old_cell.style_index, :worksheet => self, :row => row_index, :column => column_index, :datatype => RubyXL::DataType::SHARED_STRING) end row.insert_cell_shift_right(c, column_index) } cols.insert_column(column_index) # TODO: update column numbers end
Inserts row at row_index, pushes down, copies style from the row above (that’s what Excel 2013 does!) NOTE: use of this method will break formulas which reference cells which are being “pushed down”
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 244 def insert_row(row_index = 0) validate_workbook ensure_cell_exists(row_index) old_row = new_cells = nil if row_index > 0 then old_row = sheet_data.rows[row_index - 1] if old_row then new_cells = old_row.cells.collect { |c| if c.nil? then nil else nc = => c.style_index) nc.worksheet = self nc end } end end row0 = sheet_data.rows[0] new_cells ||= && row0.cells.size) || 0) sheet_data.rows.insert(row_index, nil) new_row = add_row(row_index, :cells => new_cells, :style_index => old_row && old_row.style_index) # Update row values for all rows below row_index.upto(sheet_data.rows.size - 1) { |i| row = sheet_data.rows[i] next if row.nil? row.cells.each { |c| c.row = i unless c.nil? } } return new_row end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 444 def is_column_bolded(col = 0) font = column_font(col) font && font.is_bold end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 439 def is_column_italicized(col = 0) font = column_font(col) font && font.is_italic end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 454 def is_column_struckthrough(col = 0) font = column_font(col) font && font.is_strikethrough end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 449 def is_column_underlined(col = 0) font = column_font(col) font && font.is_underlined end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 367 def is_row_bolded(row = 0) (font = row_font(row)) && font.is_bold end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 363 def is_row_italicized(row = 0) (font = row_font(row)) && font.is_italic end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 375 def is_row_struckthrough(row = 0) (font = row_font(row)) && font.is_strikethrough end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 371 def is_row_underlined(row = 0) (font = row_font(row)) && font.is_underlined end
# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 393 def row_font(row) (row = sheet_data.rows[row]) && row.get_font end