require 'ncs_navigator/mdes' require 'forwardable' require 'logger' require 'nokogiri' module NcsNavigator::Mdes class Specification extend Forwardable ## # @return [SourceDocuments] the source documents this reader is # working from. attr_accessor :source_documents ## # @method version # @return [String] the version of the MDES to which this instance refers. def_delegator :@source_documents, :version ## # @param [String,SourceDocuments] version either the string # version of the MDES metadata you would like to read, or a # {SourceDocuments} instance pointing to the appropriate files. # @param [Hash] options # @option options :log a logger to use while reading the specification. If # not specified, a logger pointing to standard error will be used. def initialize(version, options={}) @source_documents = case version when SourceDocuments version else SourceDocuments.get(version) end @log = options[:log] || NcsNavigator::Mdes.default_logger end ## # @return [Nokogiri::XML::Document] the parsed version of the VDR # XML schema for this version of the MDES. def xsd @xsd ||= Nokogiri::XML( source_documents.schema) end ## # @return [Array] all the transmission tables # in this version of the MDES. def transmission_tables @transmission_tables ||= read_transmission_tables end def read_transmission_tables xsd.xpath( '//xs:element[@name="transmission_tables"]/xs:complexType/xs:sequence/xs:element', source_documents.xmlns ).collect { |table_elt| TransmissionTable.from_element(table_elt, :log => @log) }.tap { |tables| tables.each { |t| t.variables.each { |v| v.resolve_type!(types, :log => @log) } } } end private :read_transmission_tables ## # @return [Array] all the named types in the # MDES. This includes all the code lists. def types @types ||= read_types end def read_types xsd.xpath('//xs:simpleType[@name]', source_documents.xmlns).collect do |type_elt| VariableType.from_xsd_simple_type(type_elt, :log => @log) end end private :read_types ## # A briefer inspection for nicer IRB sessions. # # @return [String] def inspect "#<#{self.class} version=#{version.inspect}>" end end end