# frozen_string_literal: true
require "active_support/core_ext/hash/except"
require "active_support/core_ext/module/redefine_method"
require "active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access"
module ActiveRecord
module NestedAttributes # :nodoc:
class TooManyRecords < ActiveRecordError
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
class_attribute :nested_attributes_options, instance_writer: false, default: {}
# = Active Record Nested \Attributes
# Nested attributes allow you to save attributes on associated records
# through the parent. By default nested attribute updating is turned off
# and you can enable it using the accepts_nested_attributes_for class
# method. When you enable nested attributes an attribute writer is
# defined on the model.
# The attribute writer is named after the association, which means that
# in the following example, two new methods are added to your model:
# author_attributes=(attributes) and
# pages_attributes=(attributes).
# class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
# has_one :author
# has_many :pages
# accepts_nested_attributes_for :author, :pages
# end
# Note that the :autosave option is automatically enabled on every
# association that accepts_nested_attributes_for is used for.
# === One-to-one
# Consider a Member model that has one Avatar:
# class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
# has_one :avatar
# accepts_nested_attributes_for :avatar
# end
# Enabling nested attributes on a one-to-one association allows you to
# create the member and avatar in one go:
# params = { member: { name: 'Jack', avatar_attributes: { icon: 'smiling' } } }
# member = Member.create(params[:member])
# member.avatar.id # => 2
# member.avatar.icon # => 'smiling'
# It also allows you to update the avatar through the member:
# params = { member: { avatar_attributes: { id: '2', icon: 'sad' } } }
# member.update params[:member]
# member.avatar.icon # => 'sad'
# If you want to update the current avatar without providing the id, you must add :update_only option.
# class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
# has_one :avatar
# accepts_nested_attributes_for :avatar, update_only: true
# end
# params = { member: { avatar_attributes: { icon: 'sad' } } }
# member.update params[:member]
# member.avatar.id # => 2
# member.avatar.icon # => 'sad'
# By default you will only be able to set and update attributes on the
# associated model. If you want to destroy the associated model through the
# attributes hash, you have to enable it first using the
# :allow_destroy option.
# class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
# has_one :avatar
# accepts_nested_attributes_for :avatar, allow_destroy: true
# end
# Now, when you add the _destroy key to the attributes hash, with a
# value that evaluates to +true+, you will destroy the associated model:
# member.avatar_attributes = { id: '2', _destroy: '1' }
# member.avatar.marked_for_destruction? # => true
# member.save
# member.reload.avatar # => nil
# Note that the model will _not_ be destroyed until the parent is saved.
# Also note that the model will not be destroyed unless you also specify
# its id in the updated hash.
# === One-to-many
# Consider a member that has a number of posts:
# class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
# has_many :posts
# accepts_nested_attributes_for :posts
# end
# You can now set or update attributes on the associated posts through
# an attribute hash for a member: include the key +:posts_attributes+
# with an array of hashes of post attributes as a value.
# For each hash that does _not_ have an id key a new record will
# be instantiated, unless the hash also contains a _destroy key
# that evaluates to +true+.
# params = { member: {
# name: 'joe', posts_attributes: [
# { title: 'Kari, the awesome Ruby documentation browser!' },
# { title: 'The egalitarian assumption of the modern citizen' },
# { title: '', _destroy: '1' } # this will be ignored
# ]
# }}
# member = Member.create(params[:member])
# member.posts.length # => 2
# member.posts.first.title # => 'Kari, the awesome Ruby documentation browser!'
# member.posts.second.title # => 'The egalitarian assumption of the modern citizen'
# You may also set a +:reject_if+ proc to silently ignore any new record
# hashes if they fail to pass your criteria. For example, the previous
# example could be rewritten as:
# class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
# has_many :posts
# accepts_nested_attributes_for :posts, reject_if: proc { |attributes| attributes['title'].blank? }
# end
# params = { member: {
# name: 'joe', posts_attributes: [
# { title: 'Kari, the awesome Ruby documentation browser!' },
# { title: 'The egalitarian assumption of the modern citizen' },
# { title: '' } # this will be ignored because of the :reject_if proc
# ]
# }}
# member = Member.create(params[:member])
# member.posts.length # => 2
# member.posts.first.title # => 'Kari, the awesome Ruby documentation browser!'
# member.posts.second.title # => 'The egalitarian assumption of the modern citizen'
# Alternatively, +:reject_if+ also accepts a symbol for using methods:
# class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
# has_many :posts
# accepts_nested_attributes_for :posts, reject_if: :new_record?
# end
# class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
# has_many :posts
# accepts_nested_attributes_for :posts, reject_if: :reject_posts
# def reject_posts(attributes)
# attributes['title'].blank?
# end
# end
# If the hash contains an id key that matches an already
# associated record, the matching record will be modified:
# member.attributes = {
# name: 'Joe',
# posts_attributes: [
# { id: 1, title: '[UPDATED] An, as of yet, undisclosed awesome Ruby documentation browser!' },
# { id: 2, title: '[UPDATED] other post' }
# ]
# }
# member.posts.first.title # => '[UPDATED] An, as of yet, undisclosed awesome Ruby documentation browser!'
# member.posts.second.title # => '[UPDATED] other post'
# However, the above applies if the parent model is being updated as well.
# For example, if you wanted to create a +member+ named _joe_ and wanted to
# update the +posts+ at the same time, that would give an
# ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound error.
# By default the associated records are protected from being destroyed. If
# you want to destroy any of the associated records through the attributes
# hash, you have to enable it first using the :allow_destroy
# option. This will allow you to also use the _destroy key to
# destroy existing records:
# class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
# has_many :posts
# accepts_nested_attributes_for :posts, allow_destroy: true
# end
# params = { member: {
# posts_attributes: [{ id: '2', _destroy: '1' }]
# }}
# member.attributes = params[:member]
# member.posts.detect { |p| p.id == 2 }.marked_for_destruction? # => true
# member.posts.length # => 2
# member.save
# member.reload.posts.length # => 1
# Nested attributes for an associated collection can also be passed in
# the form of a hash of hashes instead of an array of hashes:
# Member.create(
# name: 'joe',
# posts_attributes: {
# first: { title: 'Foo' },
# second: { title: 'Bar' }
# }
# )
# has the same effect as
# Member.create(
# name: 'joe',
# posts_attributes: [
# { title: 'Foo' },
# { title: 'Bar' }
# ]
# )
# The keys of the hash which is the value for +:posts_attributes+ are
# ignored in this case.
# However, it is not allowed to use 'id' or :id for one of
# such keys, otherwise the hash will be wrapped in an array and
# interpreted as an attribute hash for a single post.
# Passing attributes for an associated collection in the form of a hash
# of hashes can be used with hashes generated from HTTP/HTML parameters,
# where there may be no natural way to submit an array of hashes.
# === Saving
# All changes to models, including the destruction of those marked for
# destruction, are saved and destroyed automatically and atomically when
# the parent model is saved. This happens inside the transaction initiated
# by the parent's save method. See ActiveRecord::AutosaveAssociation.
# === Validating the presence of a parent model
# The +belongs_to+ association validates the presence of the parent model
# by default. You can disable this behavior by specifying optional: true
# This can be used, for example, when conditionally validating the presence
# of the parent model:
# class Veterinarian < ActiveRecord::Base
# has_many :patients, inverse_of: :veterinarian
# accepts_nested_attributes_for :patients
# end
# class Patient < ActiveRecord::Base
# belongs_to :veterinarian, inverse_of: :patients, optional: true
# validates :veterinarian, presence: true, unless: -> { awaiting_intake }
# end
# Note that if you do not specify the +:inverse_of+ option, then
# Active Record will try to automatically guess the inverse association
# based on heuristics.
# For one-to-one nested associations, if you build the new (in-memory)
# child object yourself before assignment, then this module will not
# overwrite it, e.g.:
# class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
# has_one :avatar
# accepts_nested_attributes_for :avatar
# def avatar
# super || build_avatar(width: 200)
# end
# end
# member = Member.new
# member.avatar_attributes = {icon: 'sad'}
# member.avatar.width # => 200
# === Creating forms with nested attributes
# Use ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper#fields_for to create form elements for
# nested attributes.
# Integration test params should reflect the structure of the form. For
# example:
# post members_path, params: {
# member: {
# name: 'joe',
# posts_attributes: {
# '0' => { title: 'Foo' },
# '1' => { title: 'Bar' }
# }
# }
# }
module ClassMethods
REJECT_ALL_BLANK_PROC = proc { |attributes| attributes.all? { |key, value| key == "_destroy" || value.blank? } }
# Defines an attributes writer for the specified association(s).
# Supported options:
# [:allow_destroy]
# If true, destroys any members from the attributes hash with a
# _destroy key and a value that evaluates to +true+
# (e.g. 1, '1', true, or 'true'). This option is false by default.
# [:reject_if]
# Allows you to specify a Proc or a Symbol pointing to a method
# that checks whether a record should be built for a certain attribute
# hash. The hash is passed to the supplied Proc or the method
# and it should return either +true+ or +false+. When no +:reject_if+
# is specified, a record will be built for all attribute hashes that
# do not have a _destroy value that evaluates to true.
# Passing :all_blank instead of a Proc will create a proc
# that will reject a record where all the attributes are blank excluding
# any value for +_destroy+.
# [:limit]
# Allows you to specify the maximum number of associated records that
# can be processed with the nested attributes. Limit also can be specified
# as a Proc or a Symbol pointing to a method that should return a number.
# If the size of the nested attributes array exceeds the specified limit,
# NestedAttributes::TooManyRecords exception is raised. If omitted, any
# number of associations can be processed.
# Note that the +:limit+ option is only applicable to one-to-many
# associations.
# [:update_only]
# For a one-to-one association, this option allows you to specify how
# nested attributes are going to be used when an associated record already
# exists. In general, an existing record may either be updated with the
# new set of attribute values or be replaced by a wholly new record
# containing those values. By default the +:update_only+ option is false
# and the nested attributes are used to update the existing record only
# if they include the record's :id value. Otherwise a new
# record will be instantiated and used to replace the existing one.
# However if the +:update_only+ option is true, the nested attributes
# are used to update the record's attributes always, regardless of
# whether the :id is present. The option is ignored for collection
# associations.
# Examples:
# # creates avatar_attributes=
# accepts_nested_attributes_for :avatar, reject_if: proc { |attributes| attributes['name'].blank? }
# # creates avatar_attributes=
# accepts_nested_attributes_for :avatar, reject_if: :all_blank
# # creates avatar_attributes= and posts_attributes=
# accepts_nested_attributes_for :avatar, :posts, allow_destroy: true
def accepts_nested_attributes_for(*attr_names)
options = { allow_destroy: false, update_only: false }
options.assert_valid_keys(:allow_destroy, :reject_if, :limit, :update_only)
options[:reject_if] = REJECT_ALL_BLANK_PROC if options[:reject_if] == :all_blank
attr_names.each do |association_name|
if reflection = _reflect_on_association(association_name)
reflection.autosave = true
nested_attributes_options = self.nested_attributes_options.dup
nested_attributes_options[association_name.to_sym] = options
self.nested_attributes_options = nested_attributes_options
type = (reflection.collection? ? :collection : :one_to_one)
generate_association_writer(association_name, type)
raise ArgumentError, "No association found for name `#{association_name}'. Has it been defined yet?"
# Generates a writer method for this association. Serves as a point for
# accessing the objects in the association. For example, this method
# could generate the following:
# def pirate_attributes=(attributes)
# assign_nested_attributes_for_one_to_one_association(:pirate, attributes)
# end
# This redirects the attempts to write objects in an association through
# the helper methods defined below. Makes it seem like the nested
# associations are just regular associations.
def generate_association_writer(association_name, type)
generated_association_methods.module_eval <<-eoruby, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
silence_redefinition_of_method :#{association_name}_attributes=
def #{association_name}_attributes=(attributes)
assign_nested_attributes_for_#{type}_association(:#{association_name}, attributes)
# Returns ActiveRecord::AutosaveAssociation#marked_for_destruction? It's
# used in conjunction with fields_for to build a form element for the
# destruction of this association.
# See ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper#fields_for for more info.
def _destroy
# Attribute hash keys that should not be assigned as normal attributes.
# These hash keys are nested attributes implementation details.
UNASSIGNABLE_KEYS = %w( id _destroy )
# Assigns the given attributes to the association.
# If an associated record does not yet exist, one will be instantiated. If
# an associated record already exists, the method's behavior depends on
# the value of the update_only option. If update_only is +false+ and the
# given attributes include an :id that matches the existing record's
# id, then the existing record will be modified. If no :id is provided
# it will be replaced with a new record. If update_only is +true+ the existing
# record will be modified regardless of whether an :id is provided.
# If the given attributes include a matching :id attribute, or
# update_only is true, and a :_destroy key set to a truthy value,
# then the existing record will be marked for destruction.
def assign_nested_attributes_for_one_to_one_association(association_name, attributes)
if attributes.respond_to?(:permitted?)
attributes = attributes.to_h
unless attributes.is_a?(Hash)
raise ArgumentError, "Hash expected for `#{association_name}` attributes, got #{attributes.class.name}"
options = nested_attributes_options[association_name]
attributes = attributes.with_indifferent_access
existing_record = send(association_name)
if (options[:update_only] || !attributes["id"].blank?) && existing_record &&
(options[:update_only] || existing_record.id.to_s == attributes["id"].to_s)
assign_to_or_mark_for_destruction(existing_record, attributes, options[:allow_destroy]) unless call_reject_if(association_name, attributes)
elsif attributes["id"].present?
raise_nested_attributes_record_not_found!(association_name, attributes["id"])
elsif !reject_new_record?(association_name, attributes)
assignable_attributes = attributes.except(*UNASSIGNABLE_KEYS)
if existing_record && existing_record.new_record?
method = :"build_#{association_name}"
if respond_to?(method)
send(method, assignable_attributes)
raise ArgumentError, "Cannot build association `#{association_name}'. Are you trying to build a polymorphic one-to-one association?"
# Assigns the given attributes to the collection association.
# Hashes with an :id value matching an existing associated record
# will update that record. Hashes without an :id value will build
# a new record for the association. Hashes with a matching :id
# value and a :_destroy key set to a truthy value will mark the
# matched record for destruction.
# For example:
# assign_nested_attributes_for_collection_association(:people, {
# '1' => { id: '1', name: 'Peter' },
# '2' => { name: 'John' },
# '3' => { id: '2', _destroy: true }
# })
# Will update the name of the Person with ID 1, build a new associated
# person with the name 'John', and mark the associated Person with ID 2
# for destruction.
# Also accepts an Array of attribute hashes:
# assign_nested_attributes_for_collection_association(:people, [
# { id: '1', name: 'Peter' },
# { name: 'John' },
# { id: '2', _destroy: true }
# ])
def assign_nested_attributes_for_collection_association(association_name, attributes_collection)
options = nested_attributes_options[association_name]
if attributes_collection.respond_to?(:permitted?)
attributes_collection = attributes_collection.to_h
unless attributes_collection.is_a?(Hash) || attributes_collection.is_a?(Array)
raise ArgumentError, "Hash or Array expected for `#{association_name}` attributes, got #{attributes_collection.class.name}"
check_record_limit!(options[:limit], attributes_collection)
if attributes_collection.is_a? Hash
keys = attributes_collection.keys
attributes_collection = if keys.include?("id") || keys.include?(:id)
association = association(association_name)
existing_records = if association.loaded?
attribute_ids = attributes_collection.filter_map { |a| a["id"] || a[:id] }
attribute_ids.empty? ? [] : association.scope.where(association.klass.primary_key => attribute_ids)
records = attributes_collection.map do |attributes|
if attributes.respond_to?(:permitted?)
attributes = attributes.to_h
attributes = attributes.with_indifferent_access
if attributes["id"].blank?
unless reject_new_record?(association_name, attributes)
elsif existing_record = find_record_by_id(existing_records, attributes["id"])
unless call_reject_if(association_name, attributes)
# Make sure we are operating on the actual object which is in the association's
# proxy_target array (either by finding it, or adding it if not found)
# Take into account that the proxy_target may have changed due to callbacks
target_record = find_record_by_id(association.target, attributes["id"])
if target_record
existing_record = target_record
association.add_to_target(existing_record, skip_callbacks: true)
assign_to_or_mark_for_destruction(existing_record, attributes, options[:allow_destroy])
raise_nested_attributes_record_not_found!(association_name, attributes["id"])
association.nested_attributes_target = records
# Takes in a limit and checks if the attributes_collection has too many
# records. It accepts limit in the form of symbol, proc, or
# number-like object (anything that can be compared with an integer).
# Raises TooManyRecords error if the attributes_collection is
# larger than the limit.
def check_record_limit!(limit, attributes_collection)
if limit
limit = \
case limit
when Symbol
when Proc
if limit && attributes_collection.size > limit
raise TooManyRecords, "Maximum #{limit} records are allowed. Got #{attributes_collection.size} records instead."
# Updates a record with the +attributes+ or marks it for destruction if
# +allow_destroy+ is +true+ and has_destroy_flag? returns +true+.
def assign_to_or_mark_for_destruction(record, attributes, allow_destroy)
record.mark_for_destruction if has_destroy_flag?(attributes) && allow_destroy
# Determines if a hash contains a truthy _destroy key.
def has_destroy_flag?(hash)
# Determines if a new record should be rejected by checking
# has_destroy_flag? or if a :reject_if proc exists for this
# association and evaluates to +true+.
def reject_new_record?(association_name, attributes)
will_be_destroyed?(association_name, attributes) || call_reject_if(association_name, attributes)
# Determines if a record with the particular +attributes+ should be
# rejected by calling the reject_if Symbol or Proc (if defined).
# The reject_if option is defined by +accepts_nested_attributes_for+.
# Returns false if there is a +destroy_flag+ on the attributes.
def call_reject_if(association_name, attributes)
return false if will_be_destroyed?(association_name, attributes)
case callback = nested_attributes_options[association_name][:reject_if]
when Symbol
method(callback).arity == 0 ? send(callback) : send(callback, attributes)
when Proc
# Only take into account the destroy flag if :allow_destroy is true
def will_be_destroyed?(association_name, attributes)
allow_destroy?(association_name) && has_destroy_flag?(attributes)
def allow_destroy?(association_name)
def raise_nested_attributes_record_not_found!(association_name, record_id)
model = self.class._reflect_on_association(association_name).klass.name
raise RecordNotFound.new("Couldn't find #{model} with ID=#{record_id} for #{self.class.name} with ID=#{id}",
model, "id", record_id)
def find_record_by_id(records, id)
return if records.empty?
if records.first.class.composite_primary_key?
id = Array(id).map(&:to_s)
records.find { |record| Array(record.id).map(&:to_s) == id }
records.find { |record| record.id.to_s == id.to_s }