# Compass-UI Changelog ### v0.0.4 - Equating smoothness with jquery-ui-base theme when installing icons - Changing default background-type to 'default' from 'flat' - Adding compass-ui executable and icon files - Removing Gemfile.lock from source control - Small updates to demos - Fix $ui-focus variables to default to same state as hover variables ### v0.0.3 - extracted from the compass-bearing project - Fix for absolution tab borders - Adding background color when using background-image in jquery-ui-background - Breaking out state-focus into it's own set - Adding font-weight variables and reorganizing link-colors - Adding extractions from compass-bearing to initialize compass-ui project ## v0.0.2 - part of the compass-bearing project - Switch to using image-url and relative theme url, instead of hard-coded images url - Made _compass-bearing the default for pulling in a jquery base theme - Minor style tweaks to absolution and dot-luv - Breaking border width, style, and color out into their own vars - Adding Dot Luv theme as proof of concept - Adding Smoothness theme - Updated base jQuery UI theme - Added demos for testing and, well, demoing - Added jquery-ui-base-theme mixin - Changed jQuery UI theme variable naming scheme (from $jquery- variables to $ui-) - Moved dependencies from Gemfile to gemspec ## v0.0.1 - previously part of the compass-bearing project - Initial release - Unstable and no longer supported, please see subsequent versions or pull from the Github repository.