require 'vmail/version' require 'vmail/options' require 'vmail/imap_client' require 'vmail/message_formatter' require 'vmail/reply_template' module Vmail extend self def start puts "starting vmail #{Vmail::VERSION}" vim = ENV['VMAIL_VIM'] || 'vim' ENV['VMAIL_BROWSER'] ||= 'open' # check for lynx if `which lynx` == '' puts "You need to install lynx on your system in order to see html-only messages" sleep 3 end opts = opts.config config = opts.config contacts_file = opts.contacts_file logfile = (vim == 'mvim') ? STDERR : 'vmail.log' config.merge! 'logfile' => logfile puts "starting vmail imap client for #{config['username']}" drb_uri = begin Vmail::ImapClient.daemon config rescue puts "Failure:", $! exit(1) end server = DRbObject.new_with_uri drb_uri mailbox = if ARGV[0] =~ /^\d+/ "INBOX" else ARGV.shift || 'INBOX' end server.select_mailbox mailbox query = ARGV.empty? ? [100, 'ALL'] : ARGV if query.size == 1 && query[0] =~ /^\d/ query << "ALL" end puts "mailbox: #{mailbox}" puts "query: #{query.inspect}" buffer_file = "vmailbuffer" # invoke vim vimscript = File.expand_path("../vmail.vim", __FILE__) vim_command = "DRB_URI=#{drb_uri} VMAIL_CONTACTS_FILE=#{contacts_file} VMAIL_MAILBOX=#{String.shellescape(mailbox)} VMAIL_QUERY=#{String.shellescape(query.join(' '))} #{vim} -S #{vimscript} #{buffer_file}" puts vim_command puts "using buffer file: #{buffer_file}", "w") do |file| file.puts "vmail starting with values:" file.puts "- drb uri: #{drb_uri}" file.puts "- mailbox: #{mailbox}" file.puts "- query: #{query.join(' ')}" file.puts file.puts "fetching messages. please wait..." end system(vim_command) if vim == 'mvim' DRb.thread.join end File.delete(buffer_file) puts "closing imap connection" begin Timeout::timeout(10) do $gmail.close end rescue Timeout::Error puts "close connection attempt timed out" end puts "bye" exit end end