import Tribute from 'tributejs' require("trix/dist/trix.css"); require("trix") require("@rails/actiontext") // only show the editor tool bar when the user is editing the field. // inspired by and `app/assets/stylesheets/account/fields/trix_editor.scss` export function trixEditor() { document.addEventListener('trix-initialize', function() { addEventListener("trix-focus", updateTrixToolbarVisability); addEventListener("trix-blur", updateTrixToolbarVisability); updateTrixToolbarVisability(); initializeTribute(); }) } function updateTrixToolbarVisability() { document.querySelectorAll("trix-editor").forEach((editorElement, index) => { var toolbarElement = editorElement.toolbarElement; if (editorElement == document.activeElement) { toolbarElement.classList.add('visible'); } else { // don't hide the toolbar if we've unfocused to focus on the link dialog. if (!toolbarElement.contains(document.activeElement)) { toolbarElement.classList.remove('visible'); } } }) } function initializeTribute() { document.querySelectorAll("trix-editor").forEach((el, index) => { var editor = el.editor; var mentionConfig = { trigger: '@', values: JSON.parse(editor.element.dataset.mentions), selectTemplate: function (item) { item = item.original; return '' + item.label + ''; }, menuItemTemplate: function (item) { return ' ' + item.string; }, requireLeadingSpace: true, replaceTextSuffix: '' } var topicConfig = { trigger: '#', values: JSON.parse(editor.element.dataset.topics), selectTemplate: function (item) { item = item.original; return '' + item.label + ''; }, menuItemTemplate: function (item) { return ' ' + item.string; }, requireLeadingSpace: true, replaceTextSuffix: '' } var tribute = new Tribute({ collection: [topicConfig, mentionConfig], }); tribute.attach(el); }) }