require 'fog/core' require 'fog/json' require 'fog/openstack' require 'fog/openstack/identity' require 'fog/openstack/identity_v2' require 'fog/openstack/identity_v3' Shindo.tests('OpenStack | authenticate', ['openstack']) do begin @old_mock_value = Excon.defaults[:mock] Excon.defaults[:mock] = true Excon.stubs.clear expires = + 600 token = Fog::Mock.random_numbers(8).to_s tenant_token = Fog::Mock.random_numbers(8).to_s body = { "access" => { "token" => { "expires" => expires.iso8601, "id" => token, "tenant" => { "enabled" => true, "description" => nil, "name" => "admin", "id" => tenant_token, } }, "serviceCatalog" => [{ "endpoints" => [{ "adminURL" => "http://example:8774/v2/#{tenant_token}", "region" => "RegionOne", "internalURL" => "http://example:8774/v2/#{tenant_token}", "id" => Fog::Mock.random_numbers(8).to_s, "publicURL" => "http://example:8774/v2/#{tenant_token}" }], "endpoints_links" => [], "type" => "compute", "name" => "nova" }, { "endpoints" => [{ "adminURL" => "http://example:9292", "region" => "RegionOne", "internalURL" => "http://example:9292", "id" => Fog::Mock.random_numbers(8).to_s, "publicURL" => "http://example:9292" }], "endpoints_links" => [], "type" => "image", "name" => "glance" }], "user" => { "username" => "admin", "roles_links" => [], "id" => Fog::Mock.random_numbers(8).to_s, "roles" => [ { "name" => "admin" }, { "name" => "KeystoneAdmin" }, { "name" => "KeystoneServiceAdmin" } ], "name" => "admin" }, "metadata" => { "is_admin" => 0, "roles" => [ Fog::Mock.random_numbers(8).to_s, Fog::Mock.random_numbers(8).to_s, Fog::Mock.random_numbers(8).to_s,]}}} tests("v2") do Excon.stub({ :method => 'POST', :path => "/v2.0/tokens" }, { :status => 200, :body => Fog::JSON.encode(body) }) expected = { :user => body['access']['user'], :tenant => body['access']['token']['tenant'], :identity_public_endpoint => nil, :server_management_url => body['access']['serviceCatalog']. first['endpoints'].first['publicURL'], :token => token, :expires => expires.iso8601, :current_user_id => body['access']['user']['id'], :unscoped_token => token, } returns(expected) do Fog::OpenStack.authenticate_v2( :openstack_auth_uri => URI('http://example/v2.0/tokens'), :openstack_tenant => 'admin', :openstack_service_type => %w[compute]) end end tests("validate token") do Fog::Identity[:openstack].validate_token(token, tenant_token) Fog::Identity[:openstack].validate_token(token) end tests("check token") do Fog::Identity[:openstack].check_token(token, tenant_token) Fog::Identity[:openstack].check_token(token) end tests("v2 missing service") do Excon.stub({ :method => 'POST', :path => "/v2.0/tokens" }, { :status => 200, :body => Fog::JSON.encode(body) }) raises(Fog::Errors::NotFound, 'Could not find service network. Have compute, image') do Fog::OpenStack.authenticate_v2( :openstack_auth_uri => URI('http://example/v2.0/tokens'), :openstack_tenant => 'admin', :openstack_service_type => %w[network]) end end tests("v2 missing storage service") do Excon.stub({ :method => 'POST', :path => "/v2.0/tokens" }, { :status => 200, :body => Fog::JSON.encode(body) }) raises(NoMethodError, "undefined method `join' for \"object-store\":String") do Fog::OpenStack.authenticate_v2( :openstack_auth_uri => URI('http://example/v2.0/tokens'), :openstack_tenant => 'admin', :openstack_service_type => 'object-store') end raises(Fog::Errors::NotFound, "Could not find service object-store. Have compute, image") do Fog::OpenStack.authenticate_v2( :openstack_auth_uri => URI('http://example/v2.0/tokens'), :openstack_tenant => 'admin', :openstack_service_type => %w[object-store]) end end tests("v2 auth with two compute services") do body_clone = body.clone body_clone["access"]["serviceCatalog"] << { "endpoints" => [{ "adminURL" => "http://example2:8774/v2/#{tenant_token}", "region" => "RegionOne", "internalURL" => "http://example2:8774/v2/#{tenant_token}", "id" => Fog::Mock.random_numbers(8).to_s, "publicURL" => "http://example2:8774/v2/#{tenant_token}" }], "endpoints_links" => [], "type" => "compute", "name" => "nova2" } Excon.stub({ :method => 'POST', :path => "/v2.0/tokens" }, { :status => 200, :body => Fog::JSON.encode(body_clone) }) returns("http://example2:8774/v2/#{tenant_token}") do Fog::OpenStack.authenticate_v2( :openstack_auth_uri => URI('http://example/v2.0/tokens'), :openstack_tenant => 'admin', :openstack_service_type => %w[compute], :openstack_service_name => 'nova2')[:server_management_url] end end tests("legacy v1 auth") do headers = { "X-Storage-Url" => "", "X-Auth-Token" => "AUTH_yui193bdc00c1c46c5858788yuio0e1e2p", "X-Trans-Id" => "iu99nm9999f9b999c9b999dad9cd999e99", "Content-Length" => "0", "Date" => "Wed, 07 Aug 2013 11:11:11 GMT" } Excon.stub({:method => 'GET', :path => "/auth/v1.0"}, {:status => 200, :body => "", :headers => headers}) returns("") do Fog::OpenStack.authenticate_v1( :openstack_auth_uri => URI(''), :openstack_username => 'tenant:dev', :openstack_api_key => 'secret_key', :openstack_service_type => %w[storage])[:server_management_url] end end ensure Excon.stubs.clear Excon.defaults[:mock] = @old_mock_value end end