/* * Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ * Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _PASSENGER_SPAWNING_KIT_SMART_SPAWNER_H_ #define _PASSENGER_SPAWNING_KIT_SMART_SPAWNER_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Passenger { namespace SpawningKit { using namespace std; using namespace boost; using namespace oxt; class SmartSpawner: public Spawner, public boost::enable_shared_from_this { private: /** * Structure containing arguments and working state for negotiating * the preloader startup protocol. */ struct StartupDetails { /****** Arguments ******/ pid_t pid; FileDescriptor adminSocket; BufferedIO io; BackgroundIOCapturerPtr stderrCapturer; DebugDirPtr debugDir; const Options *options; /****** Working state ******/ unsigned long long timeout; StartupDetails() { options = NULL; timeout = 0; } }; const vector preloaderCommand; map preloaderAnnotations; Options options; // Protects m_lastUsed and pid. mutable boost::mutex simpleFieldSyncher; // Protects everything else. mutable boost::mutex syncher; // Preloader information. pid_t pid; FileDescriptor adminSocket; string socketAddress; unsigned long long m_lastUsed; // Upon starting the preloader, its preparation info is stored here // for future reference. SpawnPreparationInfo preparation; string getPreloaderCommandString() const { string result; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < preloaderCommand.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) { result.append(1, '\0'); } result.append(preloaderCommand[i]); } return result; } vector createRealPreloaderCommand(const Options &options, shared_array &args) { string agentFilename = config->resourceLocator->findSupportBinary(AGENT_EXE); vector command; if (shouldLoadShellEnvvars(options, preparation)) { command.push_back(preparation.userSwitching.shell); command.push_back(preparation.userSwitching.shell); if (LoggingKit::getLevel() >= LoggingKit::DEBUG3) { command.push_back("-lxc"); } else { command.push_back("-lc"); } command.push_back("exec \"$@\""); command.push_back("SpawnPreparerShell"); } else { command.push_back(agentFilename); } command.push_back(agentFilename); command.push_back("spawn-preparer"); command.push_back(preparation.appRoot); command.push_back(serializeEnvvarsFromPoolOptions(options)); command.push_back(preloaderCommand[0]); // Note: do not try to set a process title here. // https://code.google.com/p/phusion-passenger/issues/detail?id=855 command.push_back(preloaderCommand[0]); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < preloaderCommand.size(); i++) { command.push_back(preloaderCommand[i]); } createCommandArgs(command, args); return command; } void throwPreloaderSpawnException(const string &msg, SpawnException::ErrorKind errorKind, StartupDetails &details) { throwPreloaderSpawnException(msg, errorKind, details.stderrCapturer, *details.options, details.debugDir); } void throwPreloaderSpawnException(const string &msg, SpawnException::ErrorKind errorKind, BackgroundIOCapturerPtr &stderrCapturer, const Options &options, const DebugDirPtr &debugDir) { TRACE_POINT(); // Stop the stderr capturing thread and get the captured stderr // output so far. string stderrOutput; if (stderrCapturer != NULL) { stderrOutput = stderrCapturer->stop(); } // If the exception wasn't due to a timeout, try to capture the // remaining stderr output for at most 2 seconds. if (errorKind != SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_TIMEOUT && errorKind != SpawnException::APP_STARTUP_TIMEOUT && stderrCapturer != NULL) { bool done = false; unsigned long long timeout = 2000; while (!done) { char buf[1024 * 32]; unsigned int ret; try { ret = readExact(stderrCapturer->getFd(), buf, sizeof(buf), &timeout); if (ret == 0) { done = true; } else { stderrOutput.append(buf, ret); } } catch (const SystemException &e) { P_WARN("Stderr I/O capture error: " << e.what()); done = true; } catch (const TimeoutException &) { done = true; } } } stderrCapturer.reset(); // Now throw SpawnException with the captured stderr output // as error response. SpawnException e(msg, createErrorPageFromStderrOutput(msg, errorKind, stderrOutput), true, errorKind); e.setPreloaderCommand(getPreloaderCommandString()); annotatePreloaderException(e, debugDir); throwSpawnException(e, options); } void annotatePreloaderException(SpawnException &e, const DebugDirPtr &debugDir) { if (debugDir != NULL) { e.addAnnotations(debugDir->readAll()); } } bool preloaderStarted() const { return pid != -1; } void startPreloader() { TRACE_POINT(); boost::this_thread::disable_interruption di; boost::this_thread::disable_syscall_interruption dsi; assert(!preloaderStarted()); P_DEBUG("Spawning new preloader: appRoot=" << options.appRoot); checkChrootDirectories(options); shared_array args; preparation = prepareSpawn(options); vector command = createRealPreloaderCommand(options, args); SocketPair adminSocket = createUnixSocketPair(__FILE__, __LINE__); Pipe errorPipe = createPipe(__FILE__, __LINE__); DebugDirPtr debugDir = boost::make_shared(preparation.userSwitching.uid, preparation.userSwitching.gid); adhoc_lve::LveEnter scopedLveEnter(LveLoggingDecorator::lveInitOnce(), preparation.userSwitching.uid, options.lveMinUid, LveLoggingDecorator::lveExitCallback); LveLoggingDecorator::logLveEnter(scopedLveEnter, preparation.userSwitching.uid, options.lveMinUid); pid_t pid = syscalls::fork(); if (pid == 0) { setenv("PASSENGER_DEBUG_DIR", debugDir->getPath().c_str(), 1); purgeStdio(stdout); purgeStdio(stderr); resetSignalHandlersAndMask(); disableMallocDebugging(); int adminSocketCopy = dup2(adminSocket.first, 3); int errorPipeCopy = dup2(errorPipe.second, 4); dup2(adminSocketCopy, 0); dup2(adminSocketCopy, 1); dup2(errorPipeCopy, 2); closeAllFileDescriptors(2); setChroot(preparation); setUlimits(options); switchUser(preparation); setWorkingDirectory(preparation); execvp(command[0].c_str(), (char * const *) args.get()); int e = errno; printf("!> Error\n"); printf("!> \n"); printf("Cannot execute \"%s\": %s (errno=%d)\n", command[0].c_str(), strerror(e), e); fprintf(stderr, "Cannot execute \"%s\": %s (errno=%d)\n", command[0].c_str(), strerror(e), e); fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); _exit(1); } else if (pid == -1) { int e = errno; throw SystemException("Cannot fork a new process", e); } else { scopedLveEnter.exit(); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); P_LOG_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_PURPOSE(adminSocket.first, "Preloader " << pid << " (" << options.appRoot << ") adminSocket[0]"); P_LOG_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_PURPOSE(adminSocket.second, "Preloader " << pid << " (" << options.appRoot << ") adminSocket[1]"); P_LOG_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_PURPOSE(errorPipe.first, "Preloader " << pid << " (" << options.appRoot << ") errorPipe[0]"); P_LOG_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_PURPOSE(errorPipe.second, "Preloader " << pid << " (" << options.appRoot << ") errorPipe[1]"); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); ScopeGuard guard(boost::bind(nonInterruptableKillAndWaitpid, pid)); P_DEBUG("Preloader process forked for appRoot=" << options.appRoot << ": PID " << pid); adminSocket.first.close(); errorPipe.second.close(); StartupDetails details; details.pid = pid; details.adminSocket = adminSocket.second; details.io = BufferedIO(adminSocket.second); details.stderrCapturer = boost::make_shared( errorPipe.first, pid, // The cast works around a compilation problem in Clang. (const char *) "stderr"); details.stderrCapturer->start(); details.debugDir = debugDir; details.options = &options; details.timeout = options.startTimeout * 1000; { boost::this_thread::restore_interruption ri(di); boost::this_thread::restore_syscall_interruption rsi(dsi); socketAddress = negotiatePreloaderStartup(details); } this->adminSocket = adminSocket.second; { boost::lock_guard l(simpleFieldSyncher); this->pid = pid; } PipeWatcherPtr watcher; watcher = boost::make_shared(config, adminSocket.second, "stdout", pid); watcher->initialize(); watcher->start(); watcher = boost::make_shared(config, errorPipe.first, "stderr", pid); watcher->initialize(); watcher->start(); preloaderAnnotations = debugDir->readAll(); P_INFO("Preloader for " << options.appRoot << " started on PID " << pid << ", listening on " << socketAddress); guard.clear(); } } void stopPreloader() { TRACE_POINT(); boost::this_thread::disable_interruption di; boost::this_thread::disable_syscall_interruption dsi; if (!preloaderStarted()) { return; } syscalls::shutdown(adminSocket, SHUT_WR); if (timedWaitpid(pid, NULL, 5000) == 0) { P_TRACE(2, "Spawn server did not exit in time, killing it..."); syscalls::kill(pid, SIGKILL); syscalls::waitpid(pid, NULL, 0); } // Delete socket after the process has exited so that it // doesn't crash upon deleting a nonexistant file. if (getSocketAddressType(socketAddress) == SAT_UNIX) { string filename = parseUnixSocketAddress(socketAddress); syscalls::unlink(filename.c_str()); } { boost::lock_guard l(simpleFieldSyncher); pid = -1; } socketAddress.clear(); preparation = SpawnPreparationInfo(); } void sendStartupRequest(StartupDetails &details) { TRACE_POINT(); try { const size_t UNIX_PATH_MAX = sizeof(((struct sockaddr_un *) 0)->sun_path); string data = "You have control 1.0\n" "passenger_root: " + config->resourceLocator->getInstallSpec() + "\n" "ruby_libdir: " + config->resourceLocator->getRubyLibDir() + "\n" "passenger_version: " PASSENGER_VERSION "\n" "UNIX_PATH_MAX: " + toString(UNIX_PATH_MAX) + "\n"; if (!details.options->apiKey.empty()) { data.append("connect_password: " + details.options->apiKey + "\n"); } if (!config->instanceDir.empty()) { data.append("instance_dir: " + config->instanceDir + "\n"); data.append("socket_dir: " + config->instanceDir + "/apps.s\n"); } vector args; vector::const_iterator it, end; details.options->toVector(args, *config->resourceLocator, Options::SPAWN_OPTIONS); for (it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); it++) { const string &key = *it; it++; const string &value = *it; data.append(key + ": " + value + "\n"); } vector lines; split(data, '\n', lines); foreach (const StaticString line, lines) { P_DEBUG("[App " << details.pid << " stdin >>] " << line); } writeExact(details.adminSocket, data, &details.timeout); writeExact(details.adminSocket, "\n", &details.timeout); } catch (const SystemException &e) { if (e.code() == EPIPE) { /* Ignore this. Process might have written an * error response before reading the arguments, * in which case we'll want to show that instead. */ } else { throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting up " "the preloader. There was an I/O error while " "sending the startup request message to it: " + e.sys(), SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_PROTOCOL_ERROR, details); } } catch (const TimeoutException &) { throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting up the " "preloader: it did not read the startup request message in time.", SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_TIMEOUT, details); } } string handleStartupResponse(StartupDetails &details) { TRACE_POINT(); string socketAddress; while (true) { string line; try { line = readMessageLine(details); } catch (const SystemException &e) { throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting up " "the preloader. There was an I/O error while reading its " "startup response: " + e.sys(), SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_PROTOCOL_ERROR, details); } catch (const TimeoutException &) { throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting up " "the preloader: it did not write a startup response in time. " "If your app needs more time to start you can increase the " "Passenger start timeout config option.", SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_TIMEOUT, details); } if (line.empty()) { throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting up " "the preloader. It unexpected closed the connection while " "sending its startup response.", SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_PROTOCOL_ERROR, details); } else if (line[line.size() - 1] != '\n') { throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting up " "the preloader. It sent a line without a newline character " "in its startup response.", SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_PROTOCOL_ERROR, details); } else if (line == "\n") { break; } string::size_type pos = line.find(": "); if (pos == string::npos) { throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting up " "the preloader. It sent a startup response line without " "separator.", SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_PROTOCOL_ERROR, details); } string key = line.substr(0, pos); string value = line.substr(pos + 2, line.size() - pos - 3); if (key == "socket") { // TODO: validate socket address here socketAddress = fixupSocketAddress(options, value); } else { throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting up " "the preloader. It sent an unknown startup response line " "called '" + key + "'.", SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_PROTOCOL_ERROR, details); } } if (socketAddress.empty()) { throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting up " "the preloader. It did not report a socket address in its " "startup response.", SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_PROTOCOL_ERROR, details); } return socketAddress; } void handleErrorResponse(StartupDetails &details) { TRACE_POINT(); map attributes; while (true) { string line; try { line = readMessageLine(details); } catch (const SystemException &e) { throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting up " "the preloader. There was an I/O error while reading its " "startup response: " + e.sys(), SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_PROTOCOL_ERROR, details); } catch (const TimeoutException &) { throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting up " "the preloader: it did not write a startup response in time. " "If your app needs more time to start you can increase the " "Passenger start timeout config option.", SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_TIMEOUT, details); } if (line.empty()) { throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting up " "the preloader. It unexpected closed the connection while " "sending its startup response.", SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_PROTOCOL_ERROR, details); } else if (line[line.size() - 1] != '\n') { throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting up " "the preloader. It sent a line without a newline character " "in its startup response.", SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_PROTOCOL_ERROR, details); } else if (line == "\n") { break; } string::size_type pos = line.find(": "); if (pos == string::npos) { throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting up " "the preloader. It sent a startup response line without " "separator.", SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_PROTOCOL_ERROR, details); } string key = line.substr(0, pos); string value = line.substr(pos + 2, line.size() - pos - 3); attributes[key] = value; } try { string message = details.io.readAll(&details.timeout); SpawnException e("An error occurred while starting up the preloader.", message, attributes["html"] == "true", SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_EXPLAINABLE_ERROR); e.setPreloaderCommand(getPreloaderCommandString()); annotatePreloaderException(e, details.debugDir); throwSpawnException(e, *details.options); } catch (const SystemException &e) { throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting up " "the preloader. It tried to report an error message, but " "an I/O error occurred while reading this error message: " + e.sys(), SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_PROTOCOL_ERROR, details); } catch (const TimeoutException &) { throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting up " "the preloader. It tried to report an error message, but " "it took too much time doing that.", SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_TIMEOUT, details); } } void handleInvalidResponseType(StartupDetails &details, const string &line) { if (line.empty()) { throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting up " "the preloader. It exited before signalling successful " "startup back to " PROGRAM_NAME ".", SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_ERROR, details); } else { throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting up " "the preloader. It sent an unknown response type \"" + cEscapeString(line) + "\".", SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_PROTOCOL_ERROR, details); } } string negotiatePreloaderStartup(StartupDetails &details) { TRACE_POINT(); string result; try { result = readMessageLine(details); } catch (const SystemException &e) { throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting up " "the preloader. There was an I/O error while reading its " "handshake message: " + e.sys(), SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_PROTOCOL_ERROR, details); } catch (const TimeoutException &) { throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting up " "the preloader: it did not write a handshake message in time.", SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_TIMEOUT, details); } if (result == "I have control 1.0\n") { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); sendStartupRequest(details); try { result = readMessageLine(details); } catch (const SystemException &e) { throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting up " "the preloader. There was an I/O error while reading its " "startup response: " + e.sys(), SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_PROTOCOL_ERROR, details); } catch (const TimeoutException &) { throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting up " "the preloader: it did not write a startup response in time. " "If your app needs more time to start you can increase the " "Passenger start timeout config option.", SpawnException::PRELOADER_STARTUP_TIMEOUT, details); } if (result == "Ready\n") { return handleStartupResponse(details); } else if (result == "Error\n") { handleErrorResponse(details); } else { handleInvalidResponseType(details, result); } } else { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); if (result == "Error\n") { handleErrorResponse(details); } else { handleInvalidResponseType(details, result); } } // Never reached, shut up compiler warning. abort(); return ""; } NegotiationDetails sendSpawnCommandAndGetNegotiationDetails(const Options &options) { TRACE_POINT(); NegotiationDetails details; details.preparation = &preparation; details.options = &options; try { sendSpawnCommand(details); } catch (const SystemException &e) { sendSpawnCommandAgain(e, details); } catch (const IOException &e) { sendSpawnCommandAgain(e, details); } catch (const SpawnException &e) { sendSpawnCommandAgain(e, details); } return details; } void sendSpawnCommand(NegotiationDetails &details) { TRACE_POINT(); const Options &options = *details.options; FileDescriptor fd; try { fd.assign(connectToServer(socketAddress, __FILE__, __LINE__), NULL, 0); } catch (const SystemException &e) { BackgroundIOCapturerPtr stderrCapturer; throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting " "the application. Unable to connect to the preloader's " "socket: " + string(e.what()), SpawnException::APP_STARTUP_PROTOCOL_ERROR, stderrCapturer, options, DebugDirPtr()); } P_LOG_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_PURPOSE(fd, "Preloader " << pid << " (" << options.appRoot << ") connection"); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); BufferedIO io(fd); unsigned long long timeout = options.startTimeout * 1000; string result; vector args; vector::const_iterator it; writeExact(fd, "spawn\n", &timeout); options.toVector(args, *config->resourceLocator, Options::SPAWN_OPTIONS); for (it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); it++) { const string &key = *it; it++; const string &value = *it; writeExact(fd, key + ": " + value + "\n", &timeout); } writeExact(fd, "\n", &timeout); result = io.readLine(1024 * 8, &timeout); if (result == "OK\n") { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); pid_t spawnedPid; spawnedPid = atoi(io.readLine(1024 * 8, &timeout).c_str()); if (spawnedPid <= 0) { BackgroundIOCapturerPtr stderrCapturer; throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting " "the web application. Its preloader responded to the " "'spawn' command with an invalid PID: '" + toString(spawnedPid) + "'", SpawnException::APP_STARTUP_PROTOCOL_ERROR, stderrCapturer, options, DebugDirPtr()); } // TODO: we really should be checking UID. // FIXME: for Passenger 4 we *must* check the UID otherwise this is a gaping security hole. if (getsid(spawnedPid) != getsid(pid)) { BackgroundIOCapturerPtr stderrCapturer; throwPreloaderSpawnException("An error occurred while starting " "the web application. Its preloader responded to the " "'spawn' command with a PID that doesn't belong to " "the same session: '" + toString(spawnedPid) + "'", SpawnException::APP_STARTUP_PROTOCOL_ERROR, stderrCapturer, options, DebugDirPtr()); } P_LOG_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_PURPOSE(fd, "App " << spawnedPid << " (" << options.appRoot << ") adminSocket[1]"); details.pid = spawnedPid; details.adminSocket = fd; details.io = io; } else if (result == "Error\n") { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); details.io = io; details.timeout = timeout; handleSpawnErrorResponse(details); } else { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); handleInvalidSpawnResponseType(result, details); } } template void sendSpawnCommandAgain(const Exception &e, NegotiationDetails &details) { TRACE_POINT(); P_WARN("An error occurred while spawning a process: " << e.what()); P_WARN("The application preloader seems to have crashed, restarting it and trying again..."); stopPreloader(); startPreloader(); ScopeGuard guard(boost::bind(&SmartSpawner::stopPreloader, this)); sendSpawnCommand(details); guard.clear(); } protected: virtual void annotateAppSpawnException(SpawnException &e, NegotiationDetails &details) { Spawner::annotateAppSpawnException(e, details); e.addAnnotations(preloaderAnnotations); } public: SmartSpawner(const vector &_preloaderCommand, const Options &_options, const ConfigPtr &_config) : Spawner(_config), preloaderCommand(_preloaderCommand) { if (preloaderCommand.size() < 2) { throw ArgumentException("preloaderCommand must have at least 2 elements"); } options = _options.copyAndPersist().detachFromUnionStationTransaction(); pid = -1; m_lastUsed = SystemTime::getUsec(); } virtual ~SmartSpawner() { boost::lock_guard l(syncher); stopPreloader(); } virtual Result spawn(const Options &options) { TRACE_POINT(); assert(options.appType == this->options.appType); assert(options.appRoot == this->options.appRoot); P_DEBUG("Spawning new process: appRoot=" << options.appRoot); possiblyRaiseInternalError(options); { boost::lock_guard l(simpleFieldSyncher); m_lastUsed = SystemTime::getUsec(); } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); boost::lock_guard l(syncher); if (!preloaderStarted()) { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); startPreloader(); } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); NegotiationDetails details = sendSpawnCommandAndGetNegotiationDetails(options); Result result = negotiateSpawn(details); P_DEBUG("Process spawning done: appRoot=" << options.appRoot << ", pid=" << result["pid"].asInt()); return result; } virtual bool cleanable() const { return true; } virtual void cleanup() { TRACE_POINT(); { boost::lock_guard l(simpleFieldSyncher); m_lastUsed = SystemTime::getUsec(); } boost::lock_guard lock(syncher); stopPreloader(); } virtual unsigned long long lastUsed() const { boost::lock_guard lock(simpleFieldSyncher); return m_lastUsed; } pid_t getPreloaderPid() const { boost::lock_guard lock(simpleFieldSyncher); return pid; } }; } // namespace SpawningKit } // namespace Passenger #endif /* _PASSENGER_SPAWNING_KIT_SMART_SPAWNER_H_ */