#JQuery Cheats JQUery cheats is a simple gem that is suppose to make a few things easier within the Rails framework. It is designed to be used with Rails >= 3.0.0 and later will support the asset pipeline requiring Rails >= 3.1.0 ##The Asset Pipeline Because we want to make installing the asset pipeline easier we've provided the following instructions: 1. This gem has a generator to include the needed files run ```rails g jquery_cheats:asset_pipeline``` 2. Make sure that your Gemfile has the following lines of code in it: ```ruby group :assets do gem 'sass-rails', " ~> 3.1.0" gem 'coffee-rails', " ~> 3.1.0" gem 'uglifier' end gem 'jquery-rails' ``` 3. Replace the following: ```ruby Bundler.require(:default, Rails.env) if defined?(Bundler) ``` with: ```ruby if defined?(Bundler) # If you precompile assets before deploying to production, use this line Bundler.require *Rails.groups(:assets => %w(development test)) # If you want your assets lazily compiled in production, use this line # Bundler.require(:default, :assets, Rails.env) end ``` 4.See the rest on [RailsCasts](http://railscasts.com/episodes/282-upgrading-to-rails-3-1?view=asciicast) ##Functions Mouse over image, Image1 changes to Image2 when moused over: ```erb <%= mouseoverimage("/path/to/image1.jpg","/path/to/image2.jpg") %> ``` Submit Image, allows you to use an image instead of a button for a form: ```erb <%= submitimage("/path/to/image.png") %> ``` This can also be used with an alternate text parameter ```erb <%= submitimage("/path/to/image.png","Image Alt Text") %> ``` Simple Mouse Over Link, Provide one image and a link and it will provide a mouse over image to that link. The function will look for imagename-hover so make sure your image file is named right ```erb <%= simplemolink("/path/to/imgage.png",link_path) %> ``` This will try to find /path/to/image-hover.png as the image to use when moused over. ##Ajax Requests for Field Items The new assetpipline JavaScript makes it possible to submit form elements via data-remote calls when changed. Only the following are supported. ###Select Box To use ajax with jquery_cheats add data-onchange="true" and data-url="/path/to" ###Radio Button To use with jquery_cheats simply pass a URL into the data-onchange parameter, if you need to send extra parameters use data-params using a serialized string such as(item=4&item2=3) ```erb <%= f.radio_button "foo", foo_path, "data-onchange"=>"/path" %> ``` ##Graphing JQuery Cheats works in conjunction with [plotSimple](http://github.com/plowdawg/plotSimple) to provide you with a graphing interface. ##Change Log * Version 5.0 removes DOMSubtreeModified due to browser issues. Work around call barChart(id,xmlurl) in your JavaScript