require "apress/changelogger/version" module Apress class ChangeLogger COMMIT_URL = '../../commit/'.freeze ISSUE_URL = '../../issues/'.freeze JIRA_URL = ''.freeze ISSUE_REGEXP = /[A-Z]+\-[0-9]+/ JIRA_REGEXP = /(?:\s|^)([A-Z]+-[0-9]+)(?=\s|$)/ GIT_LOG_CMD = %{git log --date=short --pretty=format:" * %ad [%h](#{COMMIT_URL}%h) - __(%an)__ %s"}.freeze EXCLUDE_MERGE = %{grep -v -E "Merge (branch|pull)"}.freeze # initialize # # @param [String] file_name with path def initialize(file_name = '', from = nil, to = nil) @file_name = file_name @tag_from = from @tag_to = to end def log_changes return unless git_repository? output = parse_change_log write_file output unless output.empty? end private def git_repository? initialized = `git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree`.chomp if initialized != 'true' initialized = false puts 'Exiting. Nothing to create log file.' end initialized end def write_file(output), 'w') do |file| file.puts(output) end end def parse_change_log output = [] tags = `git for-each-ref --sort='*authordate' --format='%(tag)' refs/tags | grep -v '^$'#` tags = tags.split prev_begin = nil if (!@tag_from.nil? && !tags.include?(@tag_from)) || (!@tag_to.nil? && !tags.include?(@tag_to)) show_not_found_message(tags) return output end if !@tag_from.nil? && !@tag_to.nil? from = tags.index(@tag_from) to = tags.index(@tag_to) tags = tags[] elsif !@tag_from.nil? from = tags.index @tag_from prev_begin = tags[from - 1] tags = tags[from..-1] elsif !@tag_to.nil? to = tags.index @tag_to tags = tags[] end tags.reverse! output << "\n#### [Current]" if @tag_to.nil? previous_tag = '' tags.each do |tag| current_tag = tag output << "\n#### #{previous_tag}" unless previous_tag.empty? if !previous_tag.empty? || @tag_to.nil? output << `#{GIT_LOG_CMD} "#{current_tag}".."#{previous_tag}" | #{EXCLUDE_MERGE}` end previous_tag = current_tag end output << "\n#### #{previous_tag}" if prev_begin.nil? output << `#{GIT_LOG_CMD} #{previous_tag} | #{EXCLUDE_MERGE}` else output << `#{GIT_LOG_CMD} "#{prev_begin}".."#{previous_tag}" | #{EXCLUDE_MERGE}` end output.each do |line| line.encode!('utf-8', 'utf-8', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '') if line.index(ISSUE_REGEXP) line.gsub!(ISSUE_REGEXP) { |s| "[#{s}](#{ISSUE_URL}#{s[-(s.length - 1)..-1]})" } end if line.index(JIRA_REGEXP) line.gsub!(JIRA_REGEXP) { |s| "[#{s}](#{JIRA_URL}#{s[-(s.length - 1)..-1]})" } end end output end def show_not_found_message(tags) puts 'Could not find the given tags. Make sure that given tags exist.' puts 'Listing found tags:' puts tags end end end