require 'blankslate' require 'active_support/ordered_hash' require 'active_support/core_ext/array/access' require 'active_support/core_ext/enumerable' require 'active_support/json' class Jbuilder < BlankSlate # Yields a builder and automatically turns the result into a JSON string def self.encode new._tap { |jbuilder| yield jbuilder }.target! end define_method(:__class__, find_hidden_method(:class)) define_method(:_tap, find_hidden_method(:tap)) def initialize @attributes = end # Dynamically set a key value pair. def set!(key, value) @attributes[key] = value end # Turns the current element into an array and yields a builder to add a hash. # # Example: # # json.comments do |json| # json.child! { |json| json.content "hello" } # json.child! { |json| json.content "world" } # end # # { "comments": [ { "content": "hello" }, { "content": "world" } ]} # # More commonly, you'd use the combined iterator, though: # # json.comments(@post.comments) do |json, comment| # json.content comment.formatted_content # end def child! @attributes = [] unless @attributes.is_a? Array @attributes << _new_instance._tap { |jbuilder| yield jbuilder }.attributes! end # Turns the current element into an array and iterates over the passed collection, adding each iteration as # an element of the resulting array. # # Example: # # json.array!(@people) do |json, person| # # json.age calculate_age(person.birthday) # end # # [ { "name": David", "age": 32 }, { "name": Jamie", "age": 31 } ] # # If you are using Ruby 1.9+, you can use the call syntax instead of an explicit extract! call: # # json.(@people) { |json, person| ... } # # It's generally only needed to use this method for top-level arrays. If you have named arrays, you can do: # # json.people(@people) do |json, person| # # json.age calculate_age(person.birthday) # end # # { "people": [ { "name": David", "age": 32 }, { "name": Jamie", "age": 31 } ] } def array!(collection) @attributes = [] and return if collection.empty? collection.each do |element| child! do |child| yield child, element end end end # Extracts the mentioned attributes from the passed object and turns them into attributes of the JSON. # # Example: # # json.extract! @person, :name, :age # # { "name": David", "age": 32 }, { "name": Jamie", "age": 31 } # # If you are using Ruby 1.9+, you can use the call syntax instead of an explicit extract! call: # # json.(@person, :name, :age) def extract!(object, *attributes) attributes.each do |attribute| __send__ attribute, object.send(attribute) end end if RUBY_VERSION > '1.9' def call(*args) case when array!(args.first) { |json, element| yield json, element } when args.many? extract!(*args) end end end # Returns the attributes of the current builder. def attributes! @attributes end # Encodes the current builder as JSON. def target! ActiveSupport::JSON.encode @attributes end private def method_missing(method, *args) case # json.comments @post.comments { |json, comment| ... } # { "comments": [ { ... }, { ... } ] } when && block_given? _yield_iteration(method, args.first) { |child, element| yield child, element } # json.age 32 # { "age": 32 } when args.length == 1 set! method, args.first # json.comments { |json| ... } # { "comments": ... } when args.empty? && block_given? _yield_nesting(method) { |jbuilder| yield jbuilder } # json.comments(@post.comments, :content, :created_at) # { "comments": [ { "content": "hello", "created_at": "..." }, { "content": "world", "created_at": "..." } ] } when args.many? && args.first.is_a?(Enumerable) _inline_nesting method, args.first, args.from(1) # @post.creator, :name, :email_address # { "author": { "name": "David", "email_address": "" } } when args.many? _inline_extract method, args.first, args.from(1) end end # Overwrite in subclasses if you need to add initialization values def _new_instance end def _yield_nesting(container) set! container, _new_instance._tap { |jbuilder| yield jbuilder }.attributes! end def _inline_nesting(container, collection, attributes) __send__(container) do |parent| parent.array!(collection) and return if collection.empty? collection.each do |element| parent.child! do |child| attributes.each do |attribute| child.__send__ attribute, element.send(attribute) end end end end end def _yield_iteration(container, collection) __send__(container) do |parent| parent.array!(collection) do |child, element| yield child, element end end end def _inline_extract(container, record, attributes) __send__(container) { |parent| parent.extract! record, *attributes } end end require "jbuilder_template" if defined?(ActionView::Template)