require './spec/spec_helper' require './spec/oauth2_helper' describe FlexmlsApi::Authentication::OAuth2 do let(:provider) { } let(:client) {{:authentication_mode => FlexmlsApi::Authentication::OAuth2,:oauth2_provider => provider}) } subject {client.authenticator } # Make sure the client boostraps the right plugin based on configuration. describe "plugin" do it "should load the oauth2 authenticator" do client.authenticator.class.should eq(FlexmlsApi::Authentication::OAuth2) end end describe "authenticate" do it "should authenticate the api credentials" do stub_request(:post, provider.access_uri). with(:body => '{"code":"my_code","client_secret":"example-password","client_id":"example-id","redirect_uri":"","grant_type":"authorization_code"}' ). to_return(:body => fixture("oauth2/access.json"), :status=>200) subject.authenticate.access_token.should eq("04u7h-4cc355-70k3n") subject.authenticate.expires_in.should eq(7200) end it "should raise an error when api credentials are invalid" do s=stub_request(:post, provider.access_uri). with(:body => '{"code":"my_code","client_secret":"example-password","client_id":"example-id","redirect_uri":"","grant_type":"authorization_code"}' ). to_return(:body => fixture("oauth2/error.json"), :status=>400) expect {subject.authenticate()}.to raise_error(FlexmlsApi::ClientError){ |e| e.status.should == 400 } end end describe "authenticated?" do let(:session) { } it "should return true when session is active" do subject.session = session session.stub(:expired?) { false } subject.authenticated?.should eq(true) end it "should return false when session is expired" do subject.session = session session.stub(:expired?) { true } subject.authenticated?.should eq(false) end it "should return false when session is uninitialized" do subject.authenticated?.should eq(false) end end describe "logout" do let(:session) { mock_oauth_session } it "should logout when there is an active session" do subject.session = session subject.logout subject.session.should eq(nil) end it "should skip logging out when there is no active session information" do client.stub(:delete) { raise "Should not be called" } subject.logout.should eq(nil) end end describe "request" do let(:session) { mock_oauth_session } it "should handle a get request" do subject.session = session args = { :_limit => '10', :_page => '1', :_pagination => '1' } c = stub_request(:get, "{FlexmlsApi.version}/listings"). with(:query => args). to_return(:body => fixture("listings/no_subresources.json")) subject.session = session subject.request(:get, "/#{FlexmlsApi.version}/listings", nil, args).status.should eq(200) end it "should handle a post request" do subject.session = session args = {} contact = '{"D":{"Contacts":[{"DisplayName":"Contact Four","PrimaryEmail":""}]}}' stub_request(:post, "{FlexmlsApi.version}/contacts"). with(:body => contact). to_return(:body => '{"D": { "Success": true, "Results": [ { "ResourceUri":"/v1/contacts/20101230223226074204000000" }]} }', :status=>201) subject.request(:post, "/#{FlexmlsApi.version}/contacts", contact, args).status.should eq(201) end end context "with an expired session" do context "and a valid refresh token" do it "should reset the session and reauthenticate" do count = 0 refresh_count = 0 stub_request(:post, provider.access_uri). with(:body => '{"code":"my_code","client_secret":"example-password","client_id":"example-id","redirect_uri":"","grant_type":"authorization_code"}'). to_return do count += 1 {:body => fixture("oauth2/access_with_old_refresh.json"), :status=>200} end stub_request(:post, provider.access_uri). with(:body => '{"client_id":"example-id","client_secret":"example-password","grant_type":"refresh_token","redirect_uri":"","refresh_token":"0ld-r3fr35h-70k3n"}'). to_return do refresh_count += 1 {:body => fixture("oauth2/access_with_refresh.json"), :status=>200} end # Make sure the auth request goes out twice. # Fail the first time, but then return the correct value after reauthentication stub_request(:get, "{FlexmlsApi.version}/listings/1234"). to_return(:body => fixture('errors/expired.json'), :status => 401).times(1).then. to_return(:body => fixture('listings/with_documents.json')) client.get("/listings/1234") count.should eq(1) refresh_count.should eq(1) client.session.expired?.should eq(false) end end context "and an invalid refresh token" do it "should reset the session and reauthenticate" do count = 0 stub_request(:post, provider.access_uri). with(:body => '{"code":"my_code","client_secret":"example-password","client_id":"example-id","redirect_uri":"","grant_type":"authorization_code"}'). to_return do count += 1 {:body => fixture("oauth2/access.json"), :status=>200} end # Make sure the auth request goes out twice. # Fail the first time, but then return the correct value after reauthentication stub_request(:get, "{FlexmlsApi.version}/listings/1234"). to_return(:body => fixture('errors/expired.json'), :status => 401).times(1).then. to_return(:body => fixture('listings/with_documents.json')) client.get("/listings/1234") count.should eq(2) client.session.expired?.should eq(false) end end end end describe FlexmlsApi::Authentication::BaseOAuth2Provider do context "session_timeout" do it "should provide a default" do subject.session_timeout.should eq(86400) end describe TestOAuth2Provider do subject { } it "should be able to override the session timeout" do subject.session_timeout.should eq(7200) end end end end describe "password authentication" do let(:provider) { } let(:client) {{:authentication_mode => FlexmlsApi::Authentication::OAuth2,:oauth2_provider => provider}) } subject {client.authenticator } it "should authenticate the api credentials with username and password" do stub_request(:post, provider.access_uri). with(:body => '{"username":"example-user","client_secret":"example-secret","client_id":"example-id","password":"example-password","grant_type":"password"}' ). to_return(:body => fixture("oauth2/access.json"), :status=>200) subject.authenticate.access_token.should eq("04u7h-4cc355-70k3n") subject.authenticate.expires_in.should eq(60) end end