######################################### # Author:: Almudena Bocinos Rioboo # This class provided the methods to read the parameter's file and to create the structure where will be storaged the param's name and the param's numeric-value ######################################### require 'scbi_fasta' class Params #Creates the structure and start the reading of parameter's file def initialize(path) @params = {} @comments = {} # @param_order={} @mids = {} @ab_adapters={} @linkers = {} @clusters = {} @plugin_comments = {} read_file(path) end # Reads param's file def read_file(path_file) if path_file && File.exists?(path_file) comments= [] File.open(path_file).each_line do |line| line.chomp! # delete end of line if !line.empty? if !(line =~ /^\s*#/) # if line is not a comment # extract the parameter's name in params[0] and the parameter's value in params[1] params = line.split(/\s*=\s*/) # store in the hash the pair key/value, in our case will be name/numeric-value , # that are save in params[0] and params[1], respectively if (!params[0].nil?) && (!params[1].nil?) set_param(params[0].strip,params[1].strip,comments) comments=[] end #$LOG.debug "read: #{params[1]}" else comments << line.gsub(/^\s*#/,'') end # end if comentario end #end if line end #end each if @params.empty? puts "INVALID PARAMETER FILE: #{path_file}. No parameters defined" exit end end end# end def def load_db_fastas(path_file) res={} if File.exists?(path_file) ff = FastaFile.new(path_file) ff.each {|n,f| # @mid_sizes[n]=f.size res[n]=f } ff.close end return res end # Load mid's file def load_mids(path_file) @mids=load_db_fastas(path_file) # puts @mids end # Load ab_adapters file def load_ab_adapters(path_file) @ab_adapters=load_db_fastas(path_file) # puts @ab_adapters end # Load mid's file def load_linkers(path_file) @linkers=load_db_fastas(path_file) # puts @linkers end def load_repeated_seqs(file_path) @clusters={} if File.exists?(file_path) # File.open(ARGV[0]).each_line do |line| $LOG.debug("Repeated file path:"+file_path) File.open(file_path).each_line do |line| #puts line,line[0] # en ruby19 line[0] da el caracter, no el chr #if (line[0]!=62) && (line[0]!=48) if (line[0]!='>'[0]) && (line[0]!='0'[0]) #puts line # puts line,line[0] if line =~ />([^\.]+)\.\.\.\s/ #puts 'ok' @clusters[$1]=1 end end end $LOG.info("Repeated sequence count: #{@clusters.count}") else $LOG.error("Clustering file's doesn't exists: #{@clusters.count}") end end def repeated_seq?(name) return !@clusters[name].nil? end # Reads param's file def save_file(path_file) f=File.open(path_file,'w') @plugin_comments.keys.sort.reverse.each do |plugin_name| f.puts "#"*50 f.puts "# " + plugin_name f.puts "#"*50 f.puts '' @plugin_comments[plugin_name].keys.each do |param| comment=get_comment(plugin_name,param) if !comment.nil? && !comment.empty? && comment!='' f.puts comment.map{|c| '# '+c if c!=''} end f.puts '' f.puts "#{param} = #{@params[param]}" f.puts '' end end f.close end# end def # Prints the pair name/numeric-value for every parameter def print_parameters() @params.each do |clave, valor| #$LOG.debug "The Parameter #{clave} have the value " +valor.to_s puts "#{clave} = #{valor} " end end # Return the parameter's list in an array def get_param(param) #$LOG.debug "Get Param: #{@params[param]}" return @params[param] end # Return the mid's size of param def get_mid(param) return @mids[param] end # Return the linker of param def get_linker(linker) return @linkers[linker] end # Return the ab of param def get_ab_adapter(adapter) return @ab_adapters[adapter] end def get_plugin plugin='General' # puts caller(2)[1] at = caller(2)[1] if /^(.+?):(\d+)(?::in `(.*)')?/ =~ at file = Regexp.last_match[1] line = Regexp.last_match[2].to_i method = Regexp.last_match[3] plugin=File.basename(file,File.extname(file)) # puts "CALLER: #{plugin}" # puts [file, line, method] end end def set_param(param,value,comment=nil) plugin=get_plugin @params[param] = value if get_comment(plugin,param).nil? set_comment(plugin,param,comment) end end # def set_order(plugin,param) # # if @param_order[plugin].nil? # @param_order[plugin]=[] # end # # if !@param_order[plugin].index(param) # @param_order[plugin].push param # end # end def get_comment(plugin,param) res = nil if @plugin_comments[plugin] res =@plugin_comments[plugin][param] end return res end def set_comment(plugin,param,comment) if !comment.is_a?(Array) && !comment.nil? comment=comment.split("\n").compact.map{|l| l.strip} end if @plugin_comments[plugin].nil? @plugin_comments[plugin]={} end old_comment='' # remove from other plugins @plugin_comments.each do |plugin_name,comments| if comments.keys.include?(param) && plugin_name!=plugin old_comment=comments[param] comments.delete(param) end end if comment.nil? comment=old_comment end # @comments[param]=(comment || ['']) @plugin_comments[plugin][param]=(comment || ['']) # puts @plugin_comments.keys.to_json # remove empty comments @plugin_comments.reverse_each do |plugin_name,comments| if comments.empty? @plugin_comments.delete(plugin_name) end end end def set_mid(param,value) @mids[param] = value end #attr_accessor :h # to accede to the atribute 'h' from out of this class # Returns true if exists the parameter and nil if don't def exists?(param_name) return !@params[param_name].nil? end def check_plugin_list_param(errors,param_name) # get plugin list pl_list=get_param(param_name) # puts pl_list,param_name list=pl_list.split(',') list.map!{|e| e.strip} # puts "Lista:",list.join(',') # always the pluginExtractInserts at the end list.delete('PluginExtractInserts') list << 'PluginExtractInserts' set_param(param_name,list.join(',')) # if !list.include?('PluginExtractInserts') # raise "PluginExtractInserts do not exists" # # end end # def split_databases(db_param_name) def check_db_param(errors,db_param_name) # expand database paths dbs= get_param(db_param_name).gsub('"','').split(/\s+/) # puts "ALGO"*20 puts dbs.join(',') # # TODO - chequear aqui que la db no esta vacia y que esta formateada. dbs.reverse_each {|db| if !File.exists?(db) path=File.join($FORMATTED_DB_PATH,db) else path=db end if Dir.glob(path+'*.n*').entries.empty? puts "DB file #{path} not formatted" if File.writable_real?(path) cmd = "makeblastdb -in #{path} -parse_seqids -dbtype nucl" system(cmd) else raise "Can't format database. We don't have write permissions in: #{path}" end end if !File.exists?(path) raise "DB File #{path} does not exists" # exit end } db_paths = '"'+dbs.join(' ')+'"' set_param(db_param_name,db_paths) # puts "DATABASES"+db_paths end def self.generate_sample_params filename = 'sample_params.txt' x=1 while File.exists?(filename) filename = "sample_params#{x}.txt" x+=1 end f=File.open(filename,'w') f.puts "SAMPLE_PARAMS" f.close puts "Sample params file generated: #{filename}" end def check_param(errors,param,param_class,default_value=nil, comment=nil) if !exists?(param) if default_value.nil? #|| (default_value.is_a?(String) && default_value.empty?) errors.push "The param #{param} is required and no default value is available" else set_param(param,default_value,comment) end end s = get_param(param) set_comment(get_plugin,param,comment) # check_class=Object.const_get(param_class) begin case param_class when 'Integer' r = Integer(s) when 'Float' r = Float(s) when 'String' r = String(s) when 'DB' # it is a string r = String(s) # and must be a valid db r = check_db_param(errors,param) when 'PluginList' r=String(s) r= check_plugin_list_param(errors,param) end rescue Exception => e message="Current value is ##{s}#. " if param_class=='DB' message += e.message end errors.push "Param #{param} is not a valid #{param_class}. #{message}" end # end end end